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Macbook Pro 15" 2011 beim vorbereiten der installation ist ein fehler aufgetreten...



ich bekomme immer diesen fehler bei der Internet recovery bei mienen macbook pro 15" 2011.. habe jetzt schon 2 festplatten probiert und bekomme immer noch den fehler...

Bildschirmgröße: 15,4 Zoll (39,1 cm) Marke: Apple
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011 Festplattenkapazität: 500GB
Prozessortyp: Intel Core i7 2. Gen Arbeitsspeicher: 4GB
Herstellernummer: MC721D/A MPN: MC721DA
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 2,00GHz Farbe: silber
UPC: 0885909431502 EAN: 0885909431502

install log (vielleicht weiß jemand was hier los ist? ich versteh nur bahnhof...

Dec 31 16:16:17 localhost Unknown[306]: Launching the Language Chooser for an OS Install
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/CoreServices/Archive Utility.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/CoreServices/Screen Sharing.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/Address Book.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/App Store.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/FaceTime.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/iCal.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/iChat.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/Mail.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/Preview.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/QuickTime Player.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/System Preferences.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/TextEdit.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/iTunes.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/Utilities/Console.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /Applications/Utilities/VoiceOver Utility.app
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/Services/OpenSpell.service
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/Services/SpeechService.service
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/Services/Spotlight.service
Dec 31 16:16:37 localhost LCA[307]: Error -10811 retgisting path /System/Library/Image Capture/Support/Image Capture Extension.app
Dec 31 16:16:38 localhost configd[112]: bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
Dec 31 16:16:38 localhost configd[112]: DHCP en1: INIT transmit failed
Dec 31 16:16:42 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ->T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: inUDS=0x10773bc30=disk1s3=Mac OS X Base System
Dec 31 16:16:42 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMBootable=1            (bootable right now without any further action)
Dec 31 16:16:42 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMBootCapable=0         (bootable if you call MKCFPrepareBootDevice)
Dec 31 16:16:42 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMBootSurgeryRequired=0 (for primitive MBR on BIOS, add boot block and loader)
Dec 31 16:16:42 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMFSSurgeryRequired=0   (for primitive MBR on BIOS, add boot block and loader)
Dec 31 16:16:42 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMNewfsRequired=1       (bootable with MKCFPrep but it will rudely carve)
Dec 31 16:16:42 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM <-T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: MKerr=0 out=12=0xc
Dec 31 16:16:44 localhost configd[112]: subnet_route_if_index: can't get interface name
Dec 31 16:16:47 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ->T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: inUDS=0x10773bc30=disk1s3=Mac OS X Base System
Dec 31 16:16:47 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMBootable=1            (bootable right now without any further action)
Dec 31 16:16:47 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMBootCapable=0         (bootable if you call MKCFPrepareBootDevice)
Dec 31 16:16:47 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMBootSurgeryRequired=0 (for primitive MBR on BIOS, add boot block and loader)
Dec 31 16:16:47 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMFSSurgeryRequired=0   (for primitive MBR on BIOS, add boot block and loader)
Dec 31 16:16:47 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM ..T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: PMNewfsRequired=1       (bootable with MKCFPrep but it will rudely carve)
Dec 31 16:16:47 localhost diskmanagementd[340]: DM <-T+[DMToolBootPreference getPartitionBootability:]: MKerr=0 out=12=0xc
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost LCA[307]: Using keyboard layout 3
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost Unknown[308]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16899.
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost Unknown[308]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16899 has been replaced with -28673.
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost Unknown[308]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16900.
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost Unknown[308]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16900 has been replaced with -28674.
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost LCA[307]: Found primary language hint "de"
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost LCA[307]: Using keyboard layout 3
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost LCA[307]: Found primary language hint "de"
Dec 31 16:16:48 localhost LCA[307]: Launching the Springboard using language code "German"
Dec 31 16:16:53 localhost Unknown[308]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16899.
Dec 31 16:16:53 localhost Unknown[308]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16899 has been replaced with -28673.
Dec 31 16:16:53 localhost Unknown[308]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16900.
Dec 31 16:16:53 localhost Unknown[308]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16900 has been replaced with -28674.
Dec 31 16:35:04 localhost configd[112]: subnet_route_if_index: can't get interface name
Dec 31 16:35:06 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[791]: Class IFJS_Context is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:35:06 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[791]: Class IFJS_Cache is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:35:06 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[791]: Class PKRequiredCLDevice is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:35:06 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[791]: Class PKRequiredGLRenderer is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:35:06 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[791]: Class PKGraphicsHardwareRequirements is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost Unknown[308]: 2000-12-31 16:35 Disk Utility[823] (CarbonCore.framework) FSEventStreamStart: ERROR: FSEvents_connect() => Unknown service name (1102)
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.1 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.1 - ODNodeCreateWithName request, SessionID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, Name: /Local/Default
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.1 - loading configuration for '/Local' from '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Configurations/Local.plist'
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Loaded bundle at path '/System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/PlistFile.bundle'
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.1 - unable to find authentication module 'ConfigurationProfiles'
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.1 - unable to find service discovery callback for module 'PlistFile'
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registered subnode with name '/Local/Default'
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for network changes
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: failed to open local node for internal record copy
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for power changes
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Registering for network power changes
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.1, Node: /Local/Default - node assigned UUID - 8D492354-2EC7-4398-B3F4-45F83FF452D3
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.1, Node: /Local/Default - ODNodeCreateWithName completed
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.2 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.2 - ODQueryCreateWithNode request, NodeID: 8D492354-2EC7-4398-B3F4-45F83FF452D3, RecordType(s): dsRecTypeNative:config, Attribute: dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName, MatchType: EqualTo, Equality: CaseExact, Value(s): SharePoints, Requested Attributes: dsAttributesAll, Max Results: 1
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.2, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.2, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.2, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODQueryCreateWithNode completed
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.3 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.3 - ODNodeCreateRecord request, NodeID: 8D492354-2EC7-4398-B3F4-45F83FF452D3, RecordType: dsRecTypeNative:config, RecordName: SharePoints, Attributes: <none>
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.3, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using a native record type 'config' which is not portable
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.3, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODNodeCreateRecord completed, delivered 1 result
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.4 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.4 - ODQueryCreateWithNode request, NodeID: 8D492354-2EC7-4398-B3F4-45F83FF452D3, RecordType(s): dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints, Attribute: dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName, MatchType: Any, Equality: CaseExact, Value(s): dsRecordsAll, Requested Attributes: dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_name,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_account_uuid,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_createmask,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_version,dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaNodeLocation,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_shared,dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordType,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_shared,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_name,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_oplocks,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_use_parent_owner,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_directorymask,dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_use_parent_privs,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_inherit_permissions,dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaRecordName,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_shared,dsAttrTypeNative:directory_path,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_strictlocking,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_group_id,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_name, Max Results: 2147483647
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using an old record type 'dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints' should be using kODRecordTypeSharePoints
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using an old record type 'dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints' should be using kODRecordTypeSharePoints
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - flushing record '/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/config/SharePoints'
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Module: PlistFile - ___index_record_block_invoke_1: sqlite3_prepare_v2: 21
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: Module: PlistFile - ___index_record_block_invoke_1: sqlite3_prepare_v2: 21
Dec 31 16:35:52 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.4, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODQueryCreateWithNode completed
Dec 31 16:36:32 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[869]: Class IFJS_Context is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:36:32 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[869]: Class IFJS_Cache is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:36:32 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[869]: Class PKRequiredCLDevice is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:36:32 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[869]: Class PKRequiredGLRenderer is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:36:32 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[869]: Class PKGraphicsHardwareRequirements is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:38:26 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[973]: Class IFJS_Context is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:38:26 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[973]: Class IFJS_Cache is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:38:26 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[973]: Class PKRequiredCLDevice is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:38:26 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[973]: Class PKRequiredGLRenderer is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:38:26 localhost Unknown[308]: objc[973]: Class PKGraphicsHardwareRequirements is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/DistributionKit.framework/Versions/A/DistributionKit and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Dec 31 16:39:29 localhost Unknown[308]: 2000-12-31 16:39 Mac OS X Utilities[352] (CarbonCore.framework) FSEventStreamStart: ERROR: FSEvents_connect() => Unknown service name (1102)
Dec 31 16:39:29 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.5 - Client: coreservicesd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Dec 31 16:39:29 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.5 - ODQueryCreateWithNode request, NodeID: 8D492354-2EC7-4398-B3F4-45F83FF452D3, RecordType(s): dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints, Attribute: dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName, MatchType: Any, Equality: CaseExact, Value(s): dsRecordsAll, Requested Attributes: dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_name,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_account_uuid,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_createmask,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_version,dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaNodeLocation,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_shared,dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordType,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_shared,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_name,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_oplocks,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_use_parent_owner,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_directorymask,dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName,dsAttrTypeNative:afp_use_parent_privs,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_guestaccess,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_inherit_permissions,dsAttrTypeStandard:AppleMetaRecordName,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_shared,dsAttrTypeNative:directory_path,dsAttrTypeNative:smb_strictlocking,dsAttrTypeNative:sharepoint_group_id,dsAttrTypeNative:ftp_name, Max Results: 2147483647
Dec 31 16:39:29 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using an old record type 'dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints' should be using kODRecordTypeSharePoints
Dec 31 16:39:29 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - client is using an old record type 'dsRecTypeNative:config/SharePoints' should be using kODRecordTypeSharePoints
Dec 31 16:39:29 localhost opendirectoryd[101]: 309.5, Node: /Local/Default, Module: PlistFile - ODQueryCreateWithNode completed
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Manks Küchenapfel
Bisschen Info wäre gut.

Warum willst Du in die recovery?

Welches OS hattest Du genau vorher?

War das EFI Update für die recovery mal aufgespielt?

Denn von Haus aus kann das Mitte 2011 keine Internet recovery. Dafür gab es ein EFI Update.

Sollte das nicht geschehen sein, müsstest Du sowieso von der zugehörigen originalen DVD booten. Das wäre eine graue mit Snow Leopard.

Bisschen Info also
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: dg2rbf

Marcel Bresink

Das ist eher nebensächlich. Viel wichtiger wäre zu wissen, was mit

ich bekomme immer diesen fehler

gemeint ist. Versuchst Du, OS X zu installieren und das bricht ab? Mit welchem Fehler?

Beim Installationsprotokoll ist nur ein unwichtiger Ausschnitt zu sehen. Wenn tatsächlich eine Installation abgebrochen wird, wäre es natürlich interessant, das Ende des Protokolls zu sehen, also den Zeitpunkt zu dem dieser Abbruch stattfindet.
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Reaktionen: Balkenende


Manks Küchenapfel
Marcel, hat der 31. Dezember eine Bewandtnis?


Das ist gut möglich, weil der Installer bei einem falsch eingestelltem (zu frühem) Datum u. U. die Installation abbricht. Ob das allerdings hier auch zutrifft ist reine Spekulation, da man mit den wenigen Angaben und den angezeigten Zeilen des Logs nichts anfangen kann.
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Reaktionen: Balkenende