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[10.7 Lion] Der Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Bug Thread


Kaiser Wilhelm
SMB-Freigaben Netzwerk: extrem langsame Aktualisierung von Ordnerinhalten im Finder

Die Aktualisierung von im Finder angezeigten SMB-Freigaben eines Windows-Rechners war ja schon bei SL nicht der Hit, was die Schnelligkeit der Aktualisierung anging... Jetzt in Lion ist es aber fast unzumutbar langsam. So hatte ich vorhin einen Ordner auf, in dem 12 grössere Dateien (Videos) liegen sollten, Lion-Finder zeigte mir den Ordner mit 0 Objekten und 0 Byte an und das auch noch nach ein paar Minuten. Auf dem Windows-Rechner selbst nachgeschaut und siehe da: Die erwarteten Dateien sind alle vorhanden, nix mit 0 Objekten und 0 Byte..

So etwas geht ja wohl gar nicht... Ich hatte mir schon Gedanken gemacht, warum meine Batch zu Erstellung der Video's auf dem Win-Rechner nicht funktioniert hätte, dabei waren die Dateien alle ordnungsgemäss vorhanden!

Nach geschlagenen 5 Minuten erklärte sich der Lion-Finder dann auch mal bereit, die Dateien anzuzeigen. Meine Güte, so etwas dauert unter Windows keine 5 Sekunden... Fast ein Grund, Lion wieder einzustampfen, wenn denn SL da deutlich besser wäre, aber auch dort dauert es, bis Netzlaufwerke mit aktualisiertem Inhalt angezeigt werden, wenn auch nicht ganz so lange wie bei Lion.
Wenn dann in einem solchen Ordner mal ordentlich viele Dateien liegen, dann wird es noch schlimmer, der Finder bringt dann erstmal minutenlang den Beach-Ball, bevor er überhaupt wieder bedienbar ist.., das ist wirklich ein Armutszeugnis für die Datei-/Netzwerk-Verwaltung unter Lion...




Es geht weiter.
Leider stürzt Lion bei mir immernoch ab.
habe jetzt die störende software raus geschmissen. was kann es denn jetzt noch sein ?

14.08.11 14:58:06,683 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.14.08.11 14:58:10,413 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 14:58:10,607 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 14:58:12,605 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 14:58:13,539 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 14:58:25,460 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:02:24,935 [0x0-0x8008].com.google.Chrome: [236:1287:1391148741106:ERROR:mac_util.mm(461)] Process launched at Login but can't access Login Item List.
14.08.11 15:02:25,337 Google Chrome Helper: Unsure about the internals of CFAllocator but going to patch them anyway. Watch out for crashes inside of CFAllocatorAllocate.
14.08.11 15:02:25,337 [0x0-0x8008].com.google.Chrome: 2011-08-14 15:02:25.335 Google Chrome Helper[412:107] Unsure about the internals of CFAllocator but going to patch them anyway. Watch out for crashes inside of CFAllocatorAllocate.
14.08.11 15:02:25,927 Google Chrome Helper: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1100)
14.08.11 15:02:33,582 Google Chrome Helper: Unsure about the internals of CFAllocator but going to patch them anyway. Watch out for crashes inside of CFAllocatorAllocate.
14.08.11 15:02:33,582 [0x0-0x8008].com.google.Chrome: 2011-08-14 15:02:33.580 Google Chrome Helper[413:107] Unsure about the internals of CFAllocator but going to patch them anyway. Watch out for crashes inside of CFAllocatorAllocate.
14.08.11 15:03:18,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link DOWN
14.08.11 15:03:18,000 kernel: wl0: Beacon Loss Event
14.08.11 15:03:18,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
14.08.11 15:03:18,000 kernel: enet_event_func     -  vendor 1, class 1, subclass 2, event code 12
14.08.11 15:03:18,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 00:00:00:00:00:00
14.08.11 15:03:18,675 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
14.08.11 15:03:18,678 configd: setting hostname to "MacBook-Pro.local"
14.08.11 15:03:18,686 configd: network configuration changed.
14.08.11 15:03:18,767 applepushserviced: <APSCourier: 0x108b23280>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x7fd7b9d131a0>: The operation couldn’t be completed. Socket is not connected
14.08.11 15:03:18,770 applepushserviced: <APSCourier: 0x108b23280>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x108b4bc00>: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
14.08.11 15:03:20,000 kernel: enet_event_func     -  vendor 1, class 1, subclass 2, event code 15
14.08.11 15:03:20,000 kernel: enet_detached_func entered
14.08.11 15:03:24,498 rpcsvchost: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
14.08.11 15:03:25,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:03:25,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:03:33,679 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
14.08.11 15:03:33,679 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration oldConfig is nil during net changed notification
14.08.11 15:03:33,772 applepushserviced: <APSCourier: 0x108b23280>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x108b4bc00>: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
14.08.11 15:04:03,774 applepushserviced: <APSCourier: 0x108b23280>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x108b358a0>: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
14.08.11 15:04:40,257 configd: RTADV en1: send Router Solicitation: failed, Host is down
14.08.11 15:04:40,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 00:24:fe:49:97:d0  MAC AUTH succeeded
14.08.11 15:04:40,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP
14.08.11 15:04:40,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
14.08.11 15:04:40,000 kernel: enet_event_func     -  vendor 1, class 1, subclass 2, event code 13
14.08.11 15:04:40,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 00:24:fe:49:97:d0
14.08.11 15:04:40,000 kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
14.08.11 15:04:40,263 configd: RTADV en1: send Router Solicitation: failed, Host is down
14.08.11 15:04:40,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 00:24:fe:49:97:d0
14.08.11 15:04:40,848 configd: network configuration changed.
14.08.11 15:04:40,885 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
14.08.11 15:04:40,893 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on Tschakka because it is protected and not on the exception list
14.08.11 15:04:40,894 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
14.08.11 15:04:40,923 configd: network configuration changed.
14.08.11 15:04:40,942 configd: setting hostname to "macbook-pro"
14.08.11 15:04:41,571 configd: RTADV en1: send Router Solicitation: failed, Host is down
14.08.11 15:04:43,636 mDNSResponder: ERROR: mDNSPlatformReadTCP - SSLRead: -9806
14.08.11 15:04:43,636 mDNSResponder: ERROR: tcpCallback - attempt to read message length failed (-1)
14.08.11 15:04:44,000 kernel: utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
14.08.11 15:04:44,000 kernel: utun0: attached with 0 suspended link-layer multicast membership(s)
14.08.11 15:04:44,877 awacsd: RouteDiscovery: sendmsg error: Can't assign requested address
14.08.11 15:04:45,813 configd: RTADV en1: send Router Solicitation: failed, Host is down
14.08.11 15:04:50,273 configd: RTADV en1: send Router Solicitation: failed, Host is down
14.08.11 15:04:55,438 mDNSResponder: ERROR: mDNSPlatformReadTCP - SSLRead: -9806
14.08.11 15:04:55,438 mDNSResponder: ERROR: tcpCallback - attempt to read message length failed (-1)
14.08.11 15:04:55,834 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
14.08.11 15:04:55,834 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration oldConfig is nil during net changed notification
14.08.11 15:05:51,470 App Store: resource failed with error http://metrics.apple.com/b/ss/applesuperglobal/1/H.20.3/s49574653594754?AQB=1&ndh=1&t=14/7/2011%2015%3A5%3A51%200%20-120&ce=ISO-8859-1&pageName=Genre-DE-Desktop%20Applications-39&g=http%3A//itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewGrouping%3Fid%3D29562%26mt%3D12%26s%3D143443&ch=Desktop%20Apps-main&h5=appleitmseuap%2Cappleitmsdeap&c12=MacAppStore/1.1.1%20%28Macintosh%3B%20U%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010.7%3B%20de%29%20AppleWebKit/534.48.3&v12=MacAppStore/1.1.1%20%28Macintosh%3B%20U%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010.7%3B%20de%29%20AppleWebKit/534.48.3&c22=HTML&v22=HTML&j=1.6&k=Y&AQE=1 --- Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (NSURLErrorDomain-Fehler -999.)" UserInfo=0x7f9f52bc6190 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://metrics.apple.com/b/ss/applesuperglobal/1/H.20.3/s49574653594754?AQB=1&ndh=1&t=14/7/2011%2015%3A5%3A51%200%20-120&ce=ISO-8859-1&pageName=Genre-DE-Desktop%20Applications-39&g=http%3A//itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewGrouping%3Fid%3D29562%26mt%3D12%26s%3D143443&ch=Desktop%20Apps-main&h5=appleitmseuap%2Cappleitmsdeap&c12=MacAppStore/1.1.1%20%28Macintosh%3B%20U%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010.7%3B%20de%29%20AppleWebKit/534.48.3&v12=MacAppStore/1.1.1%20%28Macintosh%3B%20U%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010.7%3B%20de%29%20AppleWebKit/534.48.3&c22=HTML&v22=HTML&j=1.6&k=Y&AQE=1, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://metrics.apple.com/b/ss/applesuperglobal/1/H.20.3/s49574653594754?AQB=1&ndh=1&t=14/7/2011%2015%3A5%3A51%200%20-120&ce=ISO-8859-1&pageName=Genre-DE-Desktop%20Applications-39&g=http%3A//itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewGrouping%3Fid%3D29562%26mt%3D12%26s%3D143443&ch=Desktop%20Apps-main&h5=appleitmseuap%2Cappleitmsdeap&c12=MacAppStore/1.1.1%20%28Macintosh%3B%20U%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010.7%3B%20de%29%20AppleWebKit/534.48.3&v12=MacAppStore/1.1.1%20%28Macintosh%3B%20U%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010.7%3B%20de%29%20AppleWebKit/534.48.3&c22=HTML&v22=HTML&j=1.6&k=Y&AQE=1}
14.08.11 15:05:52,180 App Store: resource failed with error https://su.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSoftwareUpdate.woa/wa/viewSoftwareUpdates?l=de --- Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-999 "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (NSURLErrorDomain-Fehler -999.)" UserInfo=0x7f9f52b91380 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://su.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSoftwareUpdate.woa/wa/viewSoftwareUpdates?l=de&guid=0025BCE7E988, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://su.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSoftwareUpdate.woa/wa/viewSoftwareUpdates?l=de&guid=0025BCE7E988}
14.08.11 15:06:03,422 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:05,191 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:05,192 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:05,448 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:05,460 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:05,563 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:06,047 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:06,060 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:06,931 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:07,875 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:07,876 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:07,896 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:07,903 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:08,108 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:08,152 com.apple.backupd: Starting standard backup
14.08.11 15:06:08,565 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:08,924 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:09,026 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:09,284 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:09,332 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:09,647 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:09,649 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:09,656 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:10,263 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:10,263 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:10,526 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:10,850 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:10,852 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:10,853 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:11,644 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:11,647 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:11,649 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:11,662 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:11,664 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:18,485 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:20,347 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:20,581 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:20,682 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:20,886 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:21,044 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:21,146 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:21,519 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:21,961 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:22,544 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:22,751 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:22,772 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:22,780 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:23,260 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:23,363 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:23,365 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:23,584 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:23,604 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:23,741 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:23,967 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,031 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,070 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,116 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,258 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,549 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,623 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,673 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,836 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:24,885 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:25,018 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:25,051 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:25,390 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:25,713 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:25,987 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:25,995 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:26,202 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:26,484 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:26,763 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:26,777 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:26,961 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:27,334 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:27,542 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:27,543 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:27,788 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:27,992 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:28,357 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:29,157 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:29,526 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:29,698 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:29,853 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:30,251 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:30,289 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:30,558 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:30,852 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:30,980 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:31,118 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:31,351 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:31,371 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:31,657 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:31,881 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:31,916 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:32,170 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:32,753 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:33,449 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:34,505 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:35,666 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:36,233 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:36,487 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:37,153 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:06:37,370 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/Exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
14.08.11 15:07:08,367 com.apple.backupd: Error -35 while resolving alias to backup target
14.08.11 15:07:18,444 com.apple.backupd: Backup failed with error: 19
14.08.11 15:07:55,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 00:24:fe:49:97:d0  MAC AUTH succeeded
14.08.11 15:07:55,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP
14.08.11 15:07:55,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 00:24:fe:49:97:d0
14.08.11 15:07:56,000 kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
14.08.11 15:08:31,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:08:38,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:08:58,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:09:47,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:09:48,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:09:49,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:09:50,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:09:56,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:10:01,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:10:01,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:10:02,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:10:16,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:10:17,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:10:46,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:10:46,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:10:46,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:10:46,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:10:58,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:11:04,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:11:05,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:11:47,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:11:48,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:11:48,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:11:51,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:11:51,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:12:16,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:12:17,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:12:21,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:12:21,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:12:26,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:12:26,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:12:33,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:14:00,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:14:00,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:14:00,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:15:43,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:15:43,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:15:44,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:15:49,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:15:49,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:15:50,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:17:34,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
14.08.11 15:17:35,000 kernel: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
14.08.11 15:17:35,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero


Da hast Du wahrscheinlich Recht: Tut mir Leid, aber ich bin was Foren angeht eigentlich neu. Ich werde mich in Zukunft bessern :)

Also darf ich kopieren und einsetzen oder nicht?


deaktivierter Benutzer
Ich habe einen Fehler, wenn ich eine App im App-Store downloaden möchte. Dort erscheint nach eingeben der Daten eine Fehlermeldung mit dem Text: "Ihre Anfrage konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden.
Im App Store ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut. (13)"

Also Fehlercode 13. Kennt jemand einen Trick, der dagegen hilft?
Habe den Fehler seit dem Update auf Lion. Also schon ein bisschen her.


Hallo, bei mir kommt seit 10.7 während dem starten von dem AppStore für einige Sekunden (ca. 4-6 Sekunden) der Beachball. Problem auch mit 10.7.1 (iMac 2011, i5 2,5Ghz)


Golden Noble
Hast den sicheren virtuellen Soeicher deaktiviert? Hat bei mir auf dem i5 auch des Öfteren den Beachball ausgelöst...


Mehrere Probleme unter Lion

Hallo liebe Apfeltalk-Gemeinde,

eigentlich bin ich ja soweit zufrieden mit Lion, allerdings stören mich so einige Sachen, bei denen ich nicht weiß, ob das allgemeine Bugs sind. Bei manchen Punkten glaube ich auch, dass diese nicht sofort da waren.

1. Oft bleibt bei mir im Drag&Drag die Datei an der Maus kleben und geht nicht mehr weg. Ich muss den Mac per Hand neu starten.
2. Im App Store sehe ich manche Schaltflächen nicht. u.a. keine Bilder (habe das auch bei Reeder und ich vermute, dass das ganze irgendwie zusammenhängt)
3. Wenn ich eine DMG-Datei öffne, öffnet sich wie immer ein neues Fenster, dieses ist aber leer
4. Manchmal lässt sich einfach nichts mehr schreiben

Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir bei dem einen oder anderem Problem helfen.


Hast den sicheren virtuellen Soeicher deaktiviert? Hat bei mir auf dem i5 auch des Öfteren den Beachball ausgelöst...

Ich wollte eben nachsehen ob die Checkbox angeklickt ist, aber das Feld habe ich nicht mehr (Systemeinstellungen -> Sicherheit -> Allgemein)?


Außerdem funktioniert meine Vorschau nicht und mein QuickTime Player öffnet nur schwarze Fenster. In iTunes werden von den Videos nur der Ton wiedergegeben...


Bin mir nicht sicher, ob das schon dran war … aber seit dem Lion-Upgrad kann ich im QuickTime-Player keine Filmfenster mehr schließen … das Filmfenster wird nicht als Ebene erkannt. Klicke ich auf den roten Schließen-Button denkt Lion, ich möchte das darunterlegende Fenster anklicken. Wenn nichts drunter liegt, reagiert er einfach nicht. Schließen über CMD+W funktioniert allerdings. Auch die Abspiel-Steuerung kann bedient werden … Komische Sache. :eek:


iChat Abbrüche

Seit ich Lion installiert habe bricht meine iChat Verbindung öfters ab. Mein Status springt dann auf "getrennt" und wenn ich im Chat bin kommt "Sie haben den Chat verlassen oder wurden getrennt"
Ich dachte erst das liegt an dem WiFi Bug aber das Lion Update habe ich durchgeführt und ein Dateidownload aus dem Internet läuft auch ungestört weiter. Das ist echt nervig und macht keinen Spaß. Kann ich irgendwo nachschauen um mehr Informationen zur Fehlersuche zu sammeln?

Komisch. Als ich eben den iChat wieder verbunden habe ist mir der Dateidownload abgebrochen. Also irgendwie beeinflusst sich das gegenseitig !? o_O
Es bricht nicht sofort ab sondern ca. 1 Min nachdem ich verbunden habe. Für eine weitere Minute schien dann wieder alles gut bis dann iChat erneut abgebrochen hat. Das geht also immer so im Wechsel. entweder chatten oder Downloaden. molto strano
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Hildesheimer Goldrenette
Ja, das habe ich auch beobachtet, den Fehler kann ich bestätigen. Leider ohne Lösung. Die 10.7.5 wirds wohl irgendwann richten :/


Ich glaube mittlerweile das da auch die Fritzbox 3370 eine Rolle mitspielt. Habe dort jetzt mal die Konfiguration über uPNP zugelassen. So wie ich verstehe, sollte jsetzt iChat in der Lage sein die die Firewall der Fritzbox anzupassen also die benötigten Ports zu öffnen.
Mal sehen ob das was bringt. Mir ist nämlich noch aufgefallen, das bei einer IChat Text Konferenz die anderen Teilnehmer nur mich sehen können. Sie sehen zwar auch die Textnachrichten der anderen aber mit meiner Identität vorangestellt.
Alles sehr merkwürdig.
Ach so, iChat Verbindungstest sagt auch "Port Restricted" und nicht "Full Cone"

Kann jemand bestätigen, daß eine 3er Chat Konferenz mit Lion nicht sauber funktioniert?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Salvatico di Campascio
Ich habe seit gestern nen neuen MacMini mit Lion und mir ist bis jetzt nur ein Bug aufgefallen, der aber schon recht nervig ist und zu dem ich noch nix gefunden habe:
Wenn ich mit der MagicMouse scrolle, dann setzt das Scrollen teilweise verzögert ein. Ist das noch jemandem aufgefallen? Und weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte? Mir fällt das vor allem beim Surfen auf.


Ich hab auch einen Bug , mein WLAN zeigt immer alles komplett voll an, sprich 4 Striche, auch wenns nie stimmt.
Nur die WLANs meines Nachbars ham 3 Striche oder so !


Golden Noble
Also hier läuft Lion auch alles andere als rund. Neuerdings verschwindet mir ständig das Auswurfsymbol für die Images im Finder. Und Xcode 4.1 stürzt dauernd ab, wobei ich da nicht sicher bin, ob es an Lion, an Xcode oder an beidem liegt...

Wenn das nicht bald behoben wird, werd ich wohl wieder zum Snow Leopard zurückwechseln...


Golden Delicious
Hey. ich hab ein ganz gravierendes Problem, dass seit dem Update bei mir vorliegt. Ich kann keine Files abspeichern, auch manche Programme nicht Öffnen, weil ich "dazu nicht berechtigt" bin. Es kommt immer eine Fehlermeldung, bei manchen Programmen steht noch, ich soll in den Dateieinstellungen das zugriffsrecht ändern, was ich aber ja gar nicht kann, wenn ich die Datei noch nicht gespeichert habe, und das kann ja auch keine Lösung sein. weis jmd rat, oder hat das selbe problem ? :/


Hast du mehrere Benutzer auf dem System? Das mit den Rechten meint, dass du den Ort beschreiben können musst. Dessen Rechte musst du anpassen, nicht der ungeschriebenen Datei...


Golden Delicious
Nein, nur ein Benutzer und ich bin als Admin verzeichnet. ich zitiere mal wortwörtlich das Programm Bildschirmfoto:

"Das Dokument "Ohne Titel" konnte nicht unter "1" gespeichert werden. Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Zugriffsrechte.
Um die Zugriffsrechte anzuzeigen oder zu ändern wählen sie das Objekt im Finder aus und wählen sie "Ablage" > "Informationen"
Und wenn ich dann mit OK bestätige schließt das Fenster, ohne dass die Datei irgendwo da ist..

aber ich weis nicht genau wie ich die zugriffsrechte von allen Ordnern oder so auf einmal ändern soll, vor allem wenn ich mir die einzelnen Ordner anschaue habe ich ja überall alle rechte :(