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pda phone (xda, mda) am mac?

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weiß jemand von Euch ob man die berühmten PDA Phones der verschiedenen Netzbetreiber problemlos mit Mac OSX Tiger syncronisieren kann?

Mein SonyEricsson Handy macht mal keine Probleme. Habe aber irgendwann mal einen reinen Windows-PDA angeschlossen (USB) da hat sich nix getan...

Viele Grüße


och nööö, vielleicht sollte ich doch warten bis apple so'n eigenes Gerät auf den Markt wirft... hoffhoff, habe aber nicht ewig zeit ;))


Freiherr von Berlepsch
Nimm "The Missing Sync"! Das Programm ist wirklich super! Nutze es mit meinem MDA compact. Näheres zur Unterstützung von WM 5 findest du hier:

Q: Does The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile support devices running WM5?
A: At this point, The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile can't even connect with devices running WM5, but Mark/Space engineers are working hard to add WM5 support to The Missing Sync.
Q: What makes WM5 different so that support must be added separately?
A: Microsoft made several security-related improvements to WM5, including changes to how devices make a connection with desktop and notebook PCs. Unfortunately, the method by which The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile connects to Windows Mobile 2002 and 2003 devices no longer exists on WM5 devices. Thus, it requires a significant amount of software development before The Missing Sync can establish a connection with devices running WM5.

Q: When will The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile support WM5 devices?
A: Though we don't have a planned release date at this time, we are hopeful that it won't be too much longer. To help customers get going with WM5 devices as soon as possible, Mark/Space will make a public beta version of the Windows Mobile 5 update available once we're getting close. To be notified as soon as WM5 support is available, sign up for the Mark/Space Announce newsletter.

Q: How much will the upgrade cost?
A: WM5 support will be provided as a free update for owners of The Missing Sync for Windows Mobile v2.0. Owners of older/other Missing Sync products may upgrade/crossgrade to the latest version for $19.95.

Q: What WM5 devices will be supported?
A: The following is a preliminary list of devices that Mark/Space plans on supporting as soon as WM5 support has been added to The Missing Sync. We are adding to this list as new devices are released. If a specific device that you want supported is not listed below, please use our Missing Sync for Windows Mobile survey form to tell us about it.


Fießers Erstling
Missing Sync rulez! Habe es in Verbindung mit einem Palm Treo 650, traumhaft. Es lässt keine Wünsche offen.


missing sync scheint ja gut zu sein, aber auch relativ teuer.
hat jemand eine kostenlose variante?