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Mac OS Song


mac os mac os mac os is the best, everybody puts the hand up :D hahahahaha :D


Dülmener Rosenapfel
Sodele, hier nun der Text, weil man ja echt die Hälfte net versteht... ;)

i guess now its time for me to give up
i fell its time

threw the driver cd away
got my joystick here but it aint gonna work

not a decent web address where im able to download
mentioned driver- the one i need to play my game

whatever i do, wherever i look, i cant find it
windows sucks, mac os dont (müsste doenst heissen, ich weiss. :) )
want my mac - want my mac - want my mac os

whatever i do
windows doesnt work now why is that
it just sucks, i want my mac

want my mac want my mac want my mac os

unaware of viruses
i figured out downloading - wasnt bad
but in the ugly right side bar
windows just had to tell me
"no dont do that its bad"

i was so full of emotion that i kicked my damn pc
now its gone and i finally feel free

whatever i did, whatever i said, it didnt work right
windows sucked, so i bought my

mac os mac os bought my mac os

windows just felt wrong, os x is strong, i just love it
yes, i love my mac os

love my mac, love my mac usw....



Dülmener Rosenapfel
Ich schmeiss hier einfach mal ein ganz unpersönliches "Danke für das Karma" in die Runde. :)
Mich bei allen zu bedanken, würde jetzt sonst Tage dauern, glaube ich. :D
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Reaktionen: _lio_