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Extrem langsames bootes des Macs


Guten Morgen,

ich habe seit längerer Zeit das Problem, das mein Macbook Late 2008 mit Lion sehr lange zum Booten braucht (manchmal "nur" 2, manchmal aber auch 5 Minuten...). Nun hab ich in schon nahezu alle Programm, die direkt mitstarten abgeschaltet, hab das Festplattendienstprogramm drüber laufen lassen und auf meiner Festplatte ein bisschen Ausgemistet, aber mein Macbook will dennoch nicht wirklich schneller...

Da ich bei einigen Seiten nun schon gelesen habe, dass man im Verbose Mode die Aktivitäten beim Start mitverfolgen kann, habe ich diesen einmal durchgeführt und dabei ist mir nun folgendes aufgefallen. Bei diesen logs steht jede Minute dies:

Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-05 um 07.04.01.png

Ist das normal (was ich mir bei den ganzen Fehlern nicht vorstellen könnte..) oder könnte das mit den langen bootzeiten zusammenhängen?

Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar, wenn ihr mir helfen könntet!!

Liebe Grüße,


Golden Noble
Du kannst doch auch dir direkt nach dem Start das Log des Starts anzeigen lassen, da solltest du den Verursacher finden.
deinauszug zeigt einen Fehler von syncmate und ein Fehler des smc, systemmanagement Kontrolleur ohne genauere Kenntnis deiner systemzusammenstellung kann man da nur begrenzt helfen. Syncmate solltest du auf Aktualität überprüfen und beim smc müsstest du schauen, ob du Tools nutzt, die am Management herumbasteln.
hier ansonsten noch eine unvollständige liste was Start, betrieb und ausschalten verlangsamen kann.

--Zeigen denn die LogDateien Auffälliges(Programme/Dienstprogramme/Konsole, dort das Konsolen, bzw. Systemlog oder du startest den Rechner in den verbosemode (cmd+v beim Start gedrückt halten, dann wird dir Bein Start und auch beim herunterfahren bis zu einem bestimmten Punkt die abgearbeiteten Prozesse auf dem Schirm angezeigt).--Hast du noch einen vergessenen Druckjob am Laufen?( im Browser deiner Wahl eingeben, dort kannst du die druckjobs einsehen)
--Hast du NTFS Treiber installiert oder auch Parallels oder andere virtuelle Maschinen?
--Hast du externe Geräte angeschlossen?
--Hast du Änderungen an den Netzwerken vorgenommen?
--Hast du sonstige Plugins installiert, für zum Beispiel für Browser? 
--Nutzt du Timemachine? Gerade bei mobilen Rechner und mobilen/lokalen Backups kann das verzögern.
--Nutzt du Systemverschlimmbesserungstools ala Onyx, CleanMyMac MacKeeper? ( Schaden nur und haben keinen Nutzen)
--Nutzt du zum uninstall von Programmen Tools wie AppCleaner, CleanMyMac, oder 
ähnliches? ( übersehen häufig Reste von Programmen und gerade diese übersehenen Reste stören dann von fall zu fall den betrieb des Rechners, von derartigen Tools sollte man Abstand nehmen)
--Hast du Virenscanner installiert? Avast und kaspersky verursachen unter Lion und Mountain Lion verstärkt Verzögerungen, Sophos führt zu übertriebener CPU aktivität
--mail führt ab und an zu ausschaltproblemen, ebenso wie Timemachine  
--Bluetooth Geräte oder Airport können auch verzögern?
--USB Hub angeschlossen?
--verstelltes Startvolumen, hier könnte es helfen, das Startvolumen in Systemeinstellungen/startvolumen neu einzustellen und/oder ein pram reset( ApfelTaste(cmd)+alt+p+r beim Neustart so lange gedrückt halten, bis der Gong 2x gongte
--Hast du schon die Festplatte überprüft, zugriffsrechte und Dateisystem ( Volumen überprüfen), auch fehlerhafte zugriffsrechte oder dein Defektes Dateisystem könnten den Start und das arbeiten verzögern.
--auch ein hardwaretest könnte Aufschluss geben, ob vielleicht dort ein Fehler zu finden ist.
--fehlerhafter RAM könnte auch zu Problemen führen, hier hilft der hardwaretest oder der MemTest möglichst extern ausgeführt und in Loops ausführen.
--Unter Lion zum Beispiel  können auch, wenn eingestellt ist, das die zustände der einzelnen Programme gesichert werden, um beim nächsten Start mit aufgestartet zu werden, diese speichervorgange etwas dauern.
--Hast du das System neuinstalliert oder hast du den Rechner in den  SafeMode gestartet gehabt, denn nach einem neuinstall oder Start in den Safemode dauern die ersten neuen Starts/Ausschaltvorgänge etwas länger, bis alle Caches wieder aufgebat sind.
--Hast du vielleicht immer ein bestimmtes Programm offen, das den Ruhezustand verhindert, Photoshop zeigt ab und an ein derartiges verhalten und Firefox zum Beispiel auch, auch Mail ist ein Kandidat für Verzögerungen.
--ein Start in den Safemode könnte auch helfen, dabei werden bestimmte Caches gelöscht und bei den folgenden neustarts( die können dann etwas länger dauern siehe oben) neu angelegt.
--auch ein smc reset könnte Besserung bringen, https://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964?viewlocale=de_DE&locale=de_DE
--hast du zusätzliche Schriften installiert?
--welcher hibernatemodus ist eingeschaltet, je nach betriebsystemversion und rechnertypen könnten unterschiedliche hibernatemodi zu Verzögerungen führen, zum Beispiel MacBook Airs haben den hibernatemodus 25, der mit 10.6. x eingeführt wurde voreingestellt und hier wird bereits mit dem in den Ruhezustand versetzen ins sleepimage geschrieben und das kann dauern und verzögern, welche Einstellungen zur zeit aktiv sind, kann man mit der Eingabe  pmset -g herausfinden.
--wenn du einen neuen Benutzer erstellst( Systemeinstellungen/Benutzer) und dich mit diesem anmeldest, treten die Probleme auch auf.


Guten Morgen Macbeatnik und vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort!

Wie kann ich mir denn nur die Logs des Starts anzeigen lassen? Ich habs zwar gerade versucht selbst rauszufinden, aber bin leider nicht fündig geworden!


Golden Noble
Neustart des Rechners, dann Programme/Dienstprogramme/Konsole, dort dann "Alle Meldungen" anschauen und den startbeginn suchen und "abarbeiten" oder Du kannst das Log auch hier posten, hier findet sich immer jemand, der das lesen und interpretieren kann. Aber bitte über den erweiterten Editor ( unten neben dem Antwort Button ) und dort dann über den Button " Code" gekennzeichnet durch das Rauten Zeichen (#).


Ich hoffe, dass ich das jetzt richtig poste!! Wäre echt toll, wenn ihr mir helfen könntet!

05.01.13 08:08:00,000 bootlog: BOOT_TIME 1357369680 005.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: vm_page_bootstrap: 1962180 free pages and 53052 wired pages
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: kext submap [0xffffff7f80736000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000736000]
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: zone leak detection enabled
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: mig_table_max_displ = 73
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: MAC Framework successfully initialized
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: IOAPIC: Version 0x11 Vectors 64:87
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5]
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration begin ]
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: console relocated to 0xf10010000
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: PCI configuration changed (bridge=2 device=2 cardbus=0)
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 4 devices 17 ]
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 16:32:09 Aug 23 2012) initialization complete
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: BTCOEXIST off 
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: wl0: Broadcom BCM432b 802.11 Wireless Controller
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel:
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: CD9F4C7C-1B24-3F6E-9C67-414195A8CE24
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@B/AppleMCP79AHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD5000BEVT-22A0RT0 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Untitled@2
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
05.01.13 08:08:32,000 kernel: Kernel is LP64
05.01.13 08:08:02,721 com.apple.launchd: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
05.01.13 08:08:29,172 com.apple.launchd: (com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon) Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
05.01.13 08:08:29,176 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.powerd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
05.01.13 08:08:29,177 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.sandboxd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
05.01.13 08:08:34,222 com.apple.launchd: (com.eltima.async.rapiback[56]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EltimaSyncMate/BackService.app/Contents/MacOS/rapiback", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 08:08:34,223 com.apple.launchd: (com.eltima.async.rapiback[56]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 08:08:34,223 com.apple.launchd: (com.eltima.async.rapiback) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 08:08:36,259 com.apple.ucupdate.plist: ucupdate: Checked 1 update, no match found.
05.01.13 08:08:36,988 com.apple.InternetSharing: port forwarding is allowed
05.01.13 08:08:42,445 com.apple.pfctl: No ALTQ support in kernel
05.01.13 08:08:42,445 com.apple.pfctl: ALTQ related functions disabled
05.01.13 08:08:42,610 UserEventAgent: starting CaptiveNetworkSupport as SystemEventAgent built Jun 13 2011 17:29:21
05.01.13 08:08:42,614 UserEventAgent: WirelessAirPortDeviceNameCopy(): no BSD interface name found for object 12551
05.01.13 08:08:42,614 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCCopyWiFiDevices:388 WiFi Device Name == NULL
05.01.13 08:08:42,633 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: configuring
05.01.13 08:08:42,970 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
05.01.13 08:08:43,000 kernel: Waiting for DSMOS...
05.01.13 08:08:43,195 com.apple.usbmuxd: usbmuxd-296.3 on Jul 25 2012 at 00:28:37, running 64 bit
05.01.13 08:08:43,228 mDNSResponder: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-320.16 (Jul 19 2012 21:07:07) starting OSXVers 11
05.01.13 08:08:44,000 kernel: macx_swapon SUCCESS
05.01.13 08:08:44,000 kernel: NVEthernet: Ethernet address 00:23:df:a5:77:20
05.01.13 08:08:44,000 kernel: AirPort_Brcm4331: Ethernet address 00:23:6c:99:31:cf
05.01.13 08:08:44,000 kernel: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
05.01.13 08:08:45,000 kernel: NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
05.01.13 08:08:45,000 kernel: Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
05.01.13 08:08:45,000 kernel: SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode
05.01.13 08:08:45,293 airportd: _processDLILEvent: en1 attached (down)
05.01.13 08:08:46,000 kernel: in func createVirtualInterface ifRole = 1
05.01.13 08:08:46,000 kernel: Created virtif 0xffffff8012d60a00 p2p0
05.01.13 08:08:49,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key MOTP (kSMCKeyNotFound)
05.01.13 08:08:49,000 kernel: Enter com_eltima_async_Navel::init(this=0xffffff80136beb00,dict=0xffffff8013754880).
05.01.13 08:08:49,000 kernel: Leave com_eltima_async_Navel::init(rs=1).
05.01.13 08:08:49,463 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
05.01.13 08:08:49,951 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100000 created
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: DSMOS has arrived
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: Enter com_eltima_async_Navel::start(this=0xffffff80136beb00,provider=0xffffff8011cfab00).
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: Leave com_eltima_async_Navel::start(rs=1)
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: /prl_hid/ Parallels HID Helper started.
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: /drv/ HypApic.c:230   Host APIC  phy 0xFEE00000  lin 0xffffff80dbe1b000  ver 0x14
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3718   [vtdInit]
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3734   [vtdInit] VTD initialization disabled
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: /drv/ HypLowCache.c:173   Low cache initialized (13696 kB for 16 VMs on 8192 MB)
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: /drv/ HypSMBios.c:54   Failed to find SMBios entry point
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:174   Parallels IPI irq = 0 ipi = 0(0x0)
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:181   Parallels Hypervisor 6.0.12106.694064 loaded.
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: com.parallels.kext.prlnet 6.0.12106.694064 has started.
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: com.parallels.kext.vnic 6.0.12106.694064 has started.
05.01.13 08:08:50,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
05.01.13 08:08:51,799 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
05.01.13 08:08:52,000 kernel: /prl_hid/ Parallels HID Helper stopped.
05.01.13 08:08:53,976 mds: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
05.01.13 08:08:54,030 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CreateInterfaceWatchList:2788 WiFi Devices Found. :)
05.01.13 08:08:54,030 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 08:08:54,063 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 08:08:54,067 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 08:08:54,265 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
05.01.13 08:08:55,029 configd: setting hostname to "michael-langhammers-macbook.local"
05.01.13 08:08:55,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:260   Parallels Hypervisor 6.0.12106.694064 unloaded.
05.01.13 08:08:55,000 kernel: 00000000  00000020  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
05.01.13 08:08:55,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
05.01.13 08:08:55,035 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 08:08:55,304 EyeConnect: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
05.01.13 08:08:55,971 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
05.01.13 08:08:56,109 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/Library/StartupItems/HWNetMgr/HWNetCfg
05.01.13 08:08:56,128 com.apple.SystemStarter: Starting HP Trap Monitor
05.01.13 08:08:56,129 com.apple.SystemStarter: /Library/StartupItems/HP Trap Monitor/HP Trap Monitor: line 15: /Library/Printers/hp/hpio/HPIO Trap Monitor.app/Contents/MacOS/HPIO Trap Monitor: No such file or directory
05.01.13 08:08:57,476 com.apple.SecurityServer: Entering service
05.01.13 08:08:57,598 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
05.01.13 08:08:57,703 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 08:08:57,713 mDNSResponder: D2D_IPC: Loaded
05.01.13 08:08:57,713 mDNSResponder: D2DInitialize succeeded
05.01.13 08:08:57,775 systemkeychain: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
05.01.13 08:08:57,839 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 08:08:57,863 mDNSResponder: Adding registration domain 277860918.members.btmm.icloud.com.
05.01.13 08:08:57,956 UserEventAgent: get_backup_share_points no AFP
05.01.13 08:08:57,968 launchdadd: FAILURE: Could not send MIG reply: 0x10000003
05.01.13 08:08:58,040 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 08:08:58,051 org.apache.httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using ::1 for ServerName
05.01.13 08:08:58,157 loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
05.01.13 08:08:58,223 awacsd: Starting awacsd connectivity-47.2 (Jul 19 2012 21:04:49)
05.01.13 08:08:58,252 awacsd: Connecting AWACS client: 277860918.p02.members.btmm.icloud.com.
05.01.13 08:08:58,572 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
05.01.13 08:08:58,762 Firewall: httpd is listening from ::ffff: proto=6
05.01.13 08:08:58,917 rpcsvchost: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
05.01.13 08:08:59,027 Parallels: Trying to load kernel extensions, exit status: 0
05.01.13 08:08:59,039 Parallels: Starting Parallels networking...
05.01.13 08:08:59,000 kernel: /drv/ HypApic.c:230   Host APIC  phy 0xFEE00000  lin 0xffffff80e768d000  ver 0x14
05.01.13 08:08:59,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3718   [vtdInit]
05.01.13 08:08:59,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3734   [vtdInit] VTD initialization disabled
05.01.13 08:08:59,000 kernel: /drv/ HypLowCache.c:173   Low cache initialized (13696 kB for 16 VMs on 8192 MB)
05.01.13 08:08:59,000 kernel: /drv/ HypSMBios.c:54   Failed to find SMBios entry point
05.01.13 08:08:59,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:174   Parallels IPI irq = 0 ipi = 0(0x0)
05.01.13 08:08:59,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:181   Parallels Hypervisor 6.0.12106.694064 loaded.
05.01.13 08:08:59,000 kernel: /prl_hid/ Parallels HID Helper started.
05.01.13 08:08:59,156 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.netbiosd[141]) Exited abnormally: Hangup: 1
05.01.13 08:08:59,163 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext
05.01.13 08:08:59,350 Firewall: cupsd is listening from :::631 proto=6
05.01.13 08:08:59,351 Firewall: cupsd is listening from proto=6
05.01.13 08:08:59,378 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_vnic.kext
05.01.13 08:09:00,571 loginwindow: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
05.01.13 08:09:00,838 com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
05.01.13 08:09:00,953 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100004 created
05.01.13 08:09:00,956 loginwindow: Login Window Started Security Agent
05.01.13 08:09:01,147 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
05.01.13 08:09:01,147 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
05.01.13 08:09:01,386 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for michaellanghammer
05.01.13 08:09:01,386 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for michaellanghammer
05.01.13 08:09:02,020 WindowServer: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
05.01.13 08:09:02,024 loginwindow: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
05.01.13 08:09:02,058 loginwindow: USER_PROCESS: 39 console
05.01.13 08:09:02,110 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.netbiosd) Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
05.01.13 08:09:02,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 00:1f:3f:1b:2b:43  MAC AUTH succeeded
05.01.13 08:09:02,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
05.01.13 08:09:02,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
05.01.13 08:09:02,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 00:1f:3f:1b:2b:43
05.01.13 08:09:02,000 kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
05.01.13 08:09:02,712 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.iCalPush': unknown error code
05.01.13 08:09:02,713 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push': unknown error code
05.01.13 08:09:02,713 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.AddressBook.PushNotification': unknown error code
05.01.13 08:09:02,713 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.safaridavclient.push': unknown error code
05.01.13 08:09:02,946 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Users/michaellanghammer/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent.plist
05.01.13 08:09:02,976 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.divx.agent.postinstall) Unknown key: LimitToSessionType
05.01.13 08:09:02,987 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
05.01.13 08:09:02,993 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
05.01.13 08:09:02,993 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
05.01.13 08:09:03,147 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[240]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 08:09:03,180 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 08:09:03,313 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
05.01.13 08:09:03,313 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSPreferencesBuildSSIDLookup:278 ssidLookup:
05.01.13 08:09:03,313 UserEventAgent:   <empty>
05.01.13 08:09:03,451 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on Lewis because it is protected and not on the exception list
05.01.13 08:09:03,470 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
05.01.13 08:09:03,480 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 08:09:04,275 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSServerRegisterUserAgent:187 new user agent port: 28439
05.01.13 08:09:08,000 kernel: utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
05.01.13 08:09:09,383 SystemUIServer:     MenuCracker 2.2 (/Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu)
    See http://sourceforge.net/projects/menucracker
    MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menu extras.
05.01.13 08:09:09,384 SystemUIServer: failed to instantiate and get the principal class of bundle: NSBundle </Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu> (loaded)
05.01.13 08:09:09,397 SystemUIServer: MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusNetwork".
05.01.13 08:09:09,400 SystemUIServer: MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusTemps".
05.01.13 08:09:09,403 SystemUIServer: Could not load menu extra NSBundle </Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu> (loaded) for Class (null)
05.01.13 08:09:09,637 SystemUIServer: iStat Menus loading extra - network
05.01.13 08:09:09,745 SystemUIServer: iStat Menus loading extra - sensors
05.01.13 08:09:10,046 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 08:09:10,046 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 08:09:10.044 com.apple.dock.extra[268:1b07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 08:09:10,047 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 08:09:10,047 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 08:09:10.046 com.apple.dock.extra[268:1b07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 08:09:10,047 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 08:09:10,048 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 08:09:10.046 com.apple.dock.extra[268:1b07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 08:09:10,048 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 08:09:10,049 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 08:09:10.047 com.apple.dock.extra[268:1b07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TG1H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TCBH kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TH4P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMB1 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Te2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TN0H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM8P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TG0H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TW0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMB2 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TS0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TH3P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TCAH kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Th0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMA1 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp5P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TG0T kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Th2H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM7P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM9S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TL0p kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Te1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMB3 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMA2 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TH2P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC0H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp4P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMFP kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM6P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMB4 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM8S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM0S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMA3 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TL0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TH1P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp3P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMEP kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM5P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TH0O kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM7S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TA1P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMA4 kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TV0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TA3S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TO0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TH0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp2P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMDP kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC3D kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMFS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM4P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM6S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TA0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC2C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TN1D kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TA2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TN1P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TG0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TCBD kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC2D kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tm0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM3P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp1P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMCP kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM5S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMES kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Te5S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TA1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp3H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TG0D kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TCDH kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TCAD kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ts1P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMBP kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC1D kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMDS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TG0P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM2P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TC0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Te4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TA0S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Tp2H kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TCCH kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Te3S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM9P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM1P kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMCS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TMAP kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR TM3S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ie1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IB0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IM0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICAC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IC2C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ie3S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IeBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IN1R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IO0Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IG0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IF0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ip1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH2Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IM2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICBB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IMAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH4Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IC1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IBAC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ie2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IeAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IN0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ie4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICBC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IN2R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ip0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IG1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IG0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH1Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IM1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR ICAB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH3Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IH5Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR IMBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VMBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Vp3C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS3C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS8C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VH1Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ve1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VSBC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VO0Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VeES kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Vp1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VV9S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VN1R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS6C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VCAB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VSEC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VH4Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ve4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VG0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VG0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VCAC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VV7S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VV2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS4C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS9C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VSCC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VH2Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ve2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VeAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Vp2C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VMAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VM0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VDPR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS2C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS7C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VCBB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VSAC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VH5Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VSFC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VM0S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Vp0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VCBC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VG1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VV8S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VN0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VS5C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VH3Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ve3S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VSDC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR VeBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PM1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PDSR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH3Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PCAB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PNTR kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH5Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PMBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PB0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PC2C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pe1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PCAC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PO0Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pe3S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PeBS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PN1R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PG0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pp1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ps2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH2Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ps4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PM2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH4Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PCBB kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PMAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PC1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pe2S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PeAS kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PN0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PCBC kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pe4S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PN2R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Pp0C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PG1C kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR Ps1S kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PG0R kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR PH1Z kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:11,492 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with code: 252
05.01.13 08:09:11,823 mds: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
05.01.13 08:09:12,689 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:    SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
05.01.13 08:09:12,709 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
05.01.13 08:09:12,815 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:    SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
05.01.13 08:09:12,816 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
05.01.13 08:09:12,816 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: ready to process keychain & timer events
05.01.13 08:09:15,424 Firewall: EyeConnect is listening from proto=6
05.01.13 08:09:19,885 ntpd: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
05.01.13 08:09:20,675 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[282]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EltimaSyncMate/SyncMateServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SyncMateServer", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 08:09:20,676 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[282]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 08:09:20,682 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 08:09:21,024 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent[285]) posix_spawn("/Applications/Nokia Software Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/nsu3agent.app/Contents/MacOS/nsu3ui_agent", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 08:09:21,029 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent[285]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 08:09:21,000 kernel: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=292[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
05.01.13 08:09:23,497 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication[230]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
05.01.13 08:09:25,126 Glims Agent: Glims Agent INFO: Unloading agent... [not needed on this system]
05.01.13 08:09:26,038 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][294]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 08:09:28,973 prl_naptd: Starting Parallels Network Daemon
05.01.13 08:09:31,354 [0x0-0xd00d].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: EyeTV Helper version 3.5.6 build 307
05.01.13 08:09:32,000 kernel: com_parallels_kext_prl_vnic: created vnic0
05.01.13 08:09:32,000 kernel: com_parallels_kext_prl_vnic: created vnic1
05.01.13 08:09:33,882 ntpd: bind(32) AF_INET6 fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:8%8#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
05.01.13 08:09:33,882 ntpd: unable to create socket on vnic0 (11) for fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:8#123
05.01.13 08:09:33,882 ntpd: bind(32) AF_INET6 fec0:0:0:fea9::1#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
05.01.13 08:09:33,882 ntpd: unable to create socket on vnic0 (12) for fec0:0:0:fea9::1#123
05.01.13 08:09:34,619 Parallels: Parallels networking sucessfully started
05.01.13 08:09:34,796 com.divx.dms.agent: Lauching DivX Media Server: "/Library/Application Support/DivX/DivXMediaServer.app/Contents/MacOS/DivXMediaServer" with arguments: () 
05.01.13 08:09:34,923 Parallels: Restarting CiscoVPN
05.01.13 08:09:35,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:35,342 prl_naptd: Starting Parallels Network Daemon
05.01.13 08:09:35,347 SystemStarter: Unknown service: CiscoVPN
05.01.13 08:09:35,356 Parallels: Starting Parallels Dispatcher Service
05.01.13 08:09:35,861 Parallels: Parallels Dispatcher Server sucessfully started
05.01.13 08:09:36,303 prl_naptd: vnic0: DHCP/NAT for netmask
05.01.13 08:09:36,306 prl_naptd: vnic1: DHCP for netmask
05.01.13 08:09:36,000 kernel: vnic0: promiscuous mode enable failed
05.01.13 08:09:36,000 kernel: vnic1: promiscuous mode enable failed
05.01.13 08:09:37,589 mds: (Error) Server: Disabled store registered for scope "(
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Documents/Steam Content"
05.01.13 08:09:37,589 mds: (Error) Server: Disabled store registered for scope "(
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Library/Mobile Documents",
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Keynote",
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Pages",
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Numbers"
05.01.13 08:09:40,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:44,094 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.facebook.videochat.michaellanghammer.updater[293]) Tried to setup shared memory more than once
05.01.13 08:09:45,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:45,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 08:09:48,000 kernel: /drv/ HypIoctls.c:912   Ioctl VT-d status: 0
05.01.13 08:09:50,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:09:51,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 08:09:52,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 08:09:52,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 08:09:55,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:10:00,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:10:01,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 08:10:05,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:10:06,420 com.divx.update.agent: * About to connect() to dist.divx.com port 80 (#0)
05.01.13 08:10:06,420 com.divx.update.agent: *   Trying 
05.01.13 08:10:06,449 com.divx.update.agent: * connected
05.01.13 08:10:06,449 com.divx.update.agent: * Connected to dist.divx.com ( port 80 (#0)
05.01.13 08:10:06,449 com.divx.update.agent: > GET /divx/setup/manifest.tar.gz HTTP/1.1
05.01.13 08:10:06,449 com.divx.update.agent: Host: dist.divx.com
05.01.13 08:10:06,449 com.divx.update.agent: Accept: */*
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Server: Apache/2.0.55 (Debian) PHP/4.4.0-4
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < ETag: "18b75d-73dc-6396dd80"
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Accept-Ranges: bytes
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Content-Type: application/x-tar
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Content-Encoding: x-gzip
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Age: 191523
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2013 07:10:06 GMT
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Last-Modified: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 16:52:22 GMT
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Content-Length: 29660
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < Connection: keep-alive
05.01.13 08:10:06,481 com.divx.update.agent: < 
05.01.13 08:10:06,880 com.divx.update.agent: * Connection #0 to host dist.divx.com left intact
05.01.13 08:10:09,130 com.divx.update.agent: x manifest/
05.01.13 08:10:09,267 com.divx.update.agent: x manifest/manifest.xml
05.01.13 08:10:09,504 com.divx.update.agent: x manifest/public.pem
05.01.13 08:10:09,613 com.divx.update.agent: x manifest/signature
05.01.13 08:10:10,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:10:15,262 com.apple.launchd: (com.eltima.async.rapiback[357]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EltimaSyncMate/BackService.app/Contents/MacOS/rapiback", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 08:10:15,263 com.apple.launchd: (com.eltima.async.rapiback[357]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 08:10:15,263 com.apple.launchd: (com.eltima.async.rapiback) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 08:10:15,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:10:20,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:10:25,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000
05.01.13 08:10:27,613 Console: Could not find image named 'BackArrow'.
05.01.13 08:10:27,614 Console: Could not find image named 'ForwardArrow'.
05.01.13 08:10:30,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80125e5000


Golden Noble
Syncmate hast du vermutlich gelöscht, aber dabei entweder ein Tool genutzt, das das nicht kann, wie zum Beispiel AppCleaner oder das Programm nur in den Papierkorb geschmissen.
Der smc hat wie gesagt einen Fehler
dein hp Drucker/-Treiber auch, auch hier wird etwas nicht gefunden, vielleicht auch etwas falsch deinstalliert?
Parallels startet ebenfalls recht ungewöhnlich und verursacht auch einen Fehler im netzwerktreiber.
Hervorzuheben ist aber der smc Fehler, hier solltest du zuerst ansetzen.
weiterhin nutzt du zum Beispiel den menucracker, der zum Beispiel für Probleme in der menüleiste sorgen kann und DivX möchte updaten, und das scheint ebenfalls ein Problem zu sein.
ich bin mit dem iPhone unterwegs hab das Log nur überflogen, loglesen ist damit nämlich eine Qual, aber fürs erste sollten die Hinweise reichen.


Schon einmal vielen Dank!

Hättest du einen Tipp, was ich mit dem smc machen könnte? Ich hab den erst vor kurzem zurückgesetzt, hab aber keine Ahnung, was ich da noch machen könnte, um die Fehler zu beheben..


Golden Noble
Smcfancontrol hatte früher einmal diese Fehler verursacht, nutzt du ähnliches? Auch temperaturtools könnten derartiges verursachen
und istat Menü stand auch mal unter Verdacht, hab das aber nicht weiter verfolgt.

noch ein edit, es könnte auch sein, das die smc.kext einen Fehler aufweist, dann könnte es etwas bringen, das passende Combo Update nochmals zu installieren.
  • Like
Reaktionen: schneidi76


Ich hab jetzt mal istat deinstalliert und noch ein paar andere Sachen... jetzt schaut der startlog so aus, dauert aber leider noch immer ewig!

05.01.13 09:13:23,000 bootlog: BOOT_TIME 1357373603 005.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: vm_page_bootstrap: 1962196 free pages and 53036 wired pages
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: kext submap [0xffffff7f80736000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000736000]
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: zone leak detection enabled
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: mig_table_max_displ = 73
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: MAC Framework successfully initialized
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: IOAPIC: Version 0x11 Vectors 64:87
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5]
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration begin ]
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: console relocated to 0xf10010000
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: PCI configuration changed (bridge=2 device=2 cardbus=0)
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 4 devices 17 ]
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 16:32:09 Aug 23 2012) initialization complete
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: BTCOEXIST off 
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: wl0: Broadcom BCM432b 802.11 Wireless Controller
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel:
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: CD9F4C7C-1B24-3F6E-9C67-414195A8CE24
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@B/AppleMCP79AHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD5000BEVT-22A0RT0 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Untitled@2
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
05.01.13 09:13:53,000 kernel: Kernel is LP64
05.01.13 09:13:25,768 com.apple.launchd: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
05.01.13 09:13:52,453 com.apple.launchd: (com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon) Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
05.01.13 09:13:52,457 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.powerd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
05.01.13 09:13:52,458 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.sandboxd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
05.01.13 09:13:57,539 com.apple.ucupdate.plist: ucupdate: Checked 1 update, no match found.
05.01.13 09:13:57,558 com.apple.InternetSharing: port forwarding is allowed
05.01.13 09:13:58,721 com.apple.pfctl: No ALTQ support in kernel
05.01.13 09:13:58,721 com.apple.pfctl: ALTQ related functions disabled
05.01.13 09:14:03,000 kernel: macx_swapon SUCCESS
05.01.13 09:14:03,000 kernel: NVEthernet: Ethernet address 00:23:df:a5:77:20
05.01.13 09:14:03,000 kernel: AirPort_Brcm4331: Ethernet address 00:23:6c:99:31:cf
05.01.13 09:14:03,000 kernel: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
05.01.13 09:14:03,123 UserEventAgent: starting CaptiveNetworkSupport as SystemEventAgent built Jun 13 2011 17:29:21
05.01.13 09:14:03,138 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CreateInterfaceWatchList:2788 WiFi Devices Found. :)
05.01.13 09:14:03,138 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 09:14:03,139 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.01.13 09:14:03,139 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.01.13 09:14:03,139 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 09:14:03,139 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.01.13 09:14:03,139 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.01.13 09:14:03,166 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: configuring
05.01.13 09:14:04,000 kernel: Waiting for DSMOS...
05.01.13 09:14:04,570 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
05.01.13 09:14:04,761 com.apple.usbmuxd: usbmuxd-296.3 on Jul 25 2012 at 00:28:37, running 64 bit
05.01.13 09:14:05,001 mDNSResponder: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-320.16 (Jul 19 2012 21:07:07) starting OSXVers 11
05.01.13 09:14:05,119 airportd: _processDLILEvent: en1 attached (down)
05.01.13 09:14:06,000 kernel: in func createVirtualInterface ifRole = 1
05.01.13 09:14:06,000 kernel: Created virtif 0xffffff8013b17800 p2p0
05.01.13 09:14:06,178 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
05.01.13 09:14:06,870 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.01.13 09:14:06,871 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.01.13 09:14:06,906 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 09:14:07,114 EyeConnect: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
05.01.13 09:14:08,000 kernel: 00000000  00000020  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
05.01.13 09:14:08,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
05.01.13 09:14:08,118 configd: setting hostname to "michael-langhammers-macbook.local"
05.01.13 09:14:08,129 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 09:14:08,489 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
05.01.13 09:14:08,859 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100000 created
05.01.13 09:14:09,000 kernel: NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
05.01.13 09:14:09,000 kernel: Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
05.01.13 09:14:09,000 kernel: SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode
05.01.13 09:14:09,810 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key MOTP (kSMCKeyNotFound)
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: DSMOS has arrived
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: /prl_hid/ Parallels HID Helper started.
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: /drv/ HypApic.c:230   Host APIC  phy 0xFEE00000  lin 0xffffff80dbe0b000  ver 0x14
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3718   [vtdInit]
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3734   [vtdInit] VTD initialization disabled
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: /drv/ HypLowCache.c:173   Low cache initialized (13696 kB for 16 VMs on 8192 MB)
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: /drv/ HypSMBios.c:54   Failed to find SMBios entry point
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:174   Parallels IPI irq = 0 ipi = 0(0x0)
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:181   Parallels Hypervisor 6.0.12106.694064 loaded.
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: com.parallels.kext.prlnet 6.0.12106.694064 has started.
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: com.parallels.kext.vnic 6.0.12106.694064 has started.
05.01.13 09:14:11,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
05.01.13 09:14:12,527 mds: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
05.01.13 09:14:13,078 com.apple.SystemStarter: Starting HP Trap Monitor
05.01.13 09:14:13,079 com.apple.SystemStarter: /Library/StartupItems/HP Trap Monitor/HP Trap Monitor: line 15: /Library/Printers/hp/hpio/HPIO Trap Monitor.app/Contents/MacOS/HPIO Trap Monitor: No such file or directory
05.01.13 09:14:13,112 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/Library/StartupItems/HWNetMgr/HWNetCfg
05.01.13 09:14:13,296 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
05.01.13 09:14:14,937 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
05.01.13 09:14:14,972 Parallels: Trying to load kernel extensions, exit status: 0
05.01.13 09:14:14,977 Parallels: Starting Parallels networking...
05.01.13 09:14:14,984 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext
05.01.13 09:14:15,017 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_vnic.kext
05.01.13 09:14:15,646 com.apple.SecurityServer: Entering service
05.01.13 09:14:15,695 systemkeychain: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
05.01.13 09:14:15,729 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 09:14:15,748 mDNSResponder: D2D_IPC: Loaded
05.01.13 09:14:15,748 mDNSResponder: D2DInitialize succeeded
05.01.13 09:14:15,757 mDNSResponder: Adding registration domain 277860918.members.btmm.icloud.com.
05.01.13 09:14:15,848 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 09:14:15,850 awacsd: Starting awacsd connectivity-47.2 (Jul 19 2012 21:04:49)
05.01.13 09:14:15,863 loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
05.01.13 09:14:15,902 awacsd: Connecting AWACS client: 277860918.p02.members.btmm.icloud.com.
05.01.13 09:14:15,920 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 09:14:15,931 org.apache.httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using ::1 for ServerName
05.01.13 09:14:15,988 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
05.01.13 09:14:16,004 UserEventAgent: get_backup_share_points no AFP
05.01.13 09:14:16,171 launchdadd: FAILURE: Could not send MIG reply: 0x10000003
05.01.13 09:14:16,859 rpcsvchost: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
05.01.13 09:14:17,029 netbiosd: Unable to start NetBIOS name service: 
05.01.13 09:14:17,430 loginwindow: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
05.01.13 09:14:17,667 com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
05.01.13 09:14:18,043 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100004 created
05.01.13 09:14:18,045 loginwindow: Login Window Started Security Agent
05.01.13 09:14:18,243 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
05.01.13 09:14:18,243 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
05.01.13 09:14:18,390 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for michaellanghammer
05.01.13 09:14:18,390 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for michaellanghammer
05.01.13 09:14:18,780 WindowServer: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
05.01.13 09:14:18,782 loginwindow: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
05.01.13 09:14:18,808 loginwindow: USER_PROCESS: 39 console
05.01.13 09:14:18,969 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.iCalPush': unknown error code
05.01.13 09:14:18,970 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.AddressBook.PushNotification': unknown error code
05.01.13 09:14:18,970 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push': unknown error code
05.01.13 09:14:18,970 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.safaridavclient.push': unknown error code
05.01.13 09:14:19,245 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Users/michaellanghammer/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent.plist
05.01.13 09:14:19,276 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.divx.agent.postinstall) Unknown key: LimitToSessionType
05.01.13 09:14:19,288 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
05.01.13 09:14:19,294 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
05.01.13 09:14:19,294 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
05.01.13 09:14:20,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 00:1f:3f:1b:2b:43  MAC AUTH succeeded
05.01.13 09:14:20,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
05.01.13 09:14:20,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
05.01.13 09:14:20,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 00:1f:3f:1b:2b:43
05.01.13 09:14:20,000 kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
05.01.13 09:14:20,221 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSServerRegisterUserAgent:187 new user agent port: 25359
05.01.13 09:14:21,710 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 09:14:21,738 mds: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputerIndexed"
05.01.13 09:14:21,746 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[218]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 09:14:21,982 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
05.01.13 09:14:21,993 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSPreferencesBuildSSIDLookup:278 ssidLookup:
05.01.13 09:14:21,993 UserEventAgent:   <empty>
05.01.13 09:14:21,993 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on Lewis because it is protected and not on the exception list
05.01.13 09:14:21,996 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
05.01.13 09:14:22,015 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 09:14:25,143 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with code: 252
05.01.13 09:14:28,000 kernel: utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
05.01.13 09:14:39,843 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent[258]) posix_spawn("/Applications/Nokia Software Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/nsu3agent.app/Contents/MacOS/nsu3ui_agent", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 09:14:39,857 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[255]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EltimaSyncMate/SyncMateServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SyncMateServer", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 09:14:39,874 ntpd: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
05.01.13 09:14:39,887 mds: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
05.01.13 09:14:39,864 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication[209]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
05.01.13 09:14:39,868 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent[258]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 09:14:40,073 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[255]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 09:14:40,073 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
05.01.13 09:14:40,269 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:	SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
05.01.13 09:14:40,000 kernel: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=261[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
05.01.13 09:14:40,637 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
05.01.13 09:14:40,637 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
05.01.13 09:14:40,631 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:	SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
05.01.13 09:14:40,643 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: ready to process keychain & timer events
05.01.13 09:14:40,992 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 09:14:40,992 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 09:14:40.986 com.apple.dock.extra[265:1b07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 09:14:40,992 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 09:14:40,993 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 09:14:40.991 com.apple.dock.extra[265:1b07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 09:14:40,995 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 09:14:40,996 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 09:14:41,000 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 09:14:40.992 com.apple.dock.extra[265:1b07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 09:14:41,000 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 09:14:40.995 com.apple.dock.extra[265:1b07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 09:14:44,737 prl_naptd: Starting Parallels Network Daemon
05.01.13 09:14:46,488 Glims Agent: Glims Agent INFO: Unloading agent... [not needed on this system]
05.01.13 09:14:49,000 kernel: com_parallels_kext_prl_vnic: created vnic0
05.01.13 09:14:49,000 kernel: com_parallels_kext_prl_vnic: created vnic1
05.01.13 09:14:51,119 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][263]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 09:14:51,652 Parallels: Parallels networking sucessfully started
05.01.13 09:14:51,871 ntpd: bind(32) AF_INET6 fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:8%8#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
05.01.13 09:14:51,871 ntpd: unable to create socket on vnic0 (11) for fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:8#123
05.01.13 09:14:51,871 ntpd: bind(34) AF_INET6 fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:9%9#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
05.01.13 09:14:51,871 ntpd: unable to create socket on vnic1 (14) for fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:9#123
05.01.13 09:14:51,871 ntpd: bind(34) AF_INET6 fec0:0:0:feaa::2#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
05.01.13 09:14:51,871 ntpd: unable to create socket on vnic1 (15) for fec0:0:0:feaa::2#123
05.01.13 09:14:52,033 Parallels: Restarting CiscoVPN
05.01.13 09:14:52,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:14:55,193 SystemStarter: Unknown service: CiscoVPN
05.01.13 09:14:56,660 prl_naptd: Starting Parallels Network Daemon
05.01.13 09:14:56,826 Parallels: Starting Parallels Dispatcher Service
05.01.13 09:14:57,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:14:57,861 Parallels: Parallels Dispatcher Server sucessfully started
05.01.13 09:14:58,218 prl_naptd: vnic0: DHCP/NAT for netmask
05.01.13 09:14:58,220 prl_naptd: vnic1: DHCP for netmask
05.01.13 09:14:58,000 kernel: vnic0: promiscuous mode enable failed
05.01.13 09:14:58,000 kernel: vnic1: promiscuous mode enable failed
05.01.13 09:15:02,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:02,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 09:15:02,000 kernel: /drv/ HypIoctls.c:912   Ioctl VT-d status: 0
05.01.13 09:15:06,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 09:15:06,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 09:15:06,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 09:15:07,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:12,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:13,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 09:15:15,850 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.facebook.videochat.michaellanghammer.updater[262]) Tried to setup shared memory more than once
05.01.13 09:15:17,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:22,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:22,638 mds: (Error) Server: Disabled store registered for scope "(
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Documents/Steam Content"
05.01.13 09:15:22,638 mds: (Error) Server: Disabled store registered for scope "(
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Library/Mobile Documents",
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Keynote",
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Pages",
    "/Users/michaellanghammer/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Numbers"
05.01.13 09:15:27,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:32,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:34,056 Firewall: Allow EyeConnect connecting from to port 2170 proto=6
05.01.13 09:15:34,145 Firewall: Allow EyeConnect connecting from to port 2170 proto=6
05.01.13 09:15:34,145 Firewall: Allow EyeConnect connecting from to port 2170 proto=6
05.01.13 09:15:34,299 Firewall: Allow EyeConnect connecting from to port 2170 proto=6
05.01.13 09:15:34,299 Firewall: awacsd is listening from ::ffff: proto=6
05.01.13 09:15:34,374 Firewall: Allow EyeConnect connecting from to port 2170 proto=6
05.01.13 09:15:37,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:42,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:47,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:48,000 kernel: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
05.01.13 09:15:48,000 kernel: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
05.01.13 09:15:52,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:15:57,194 Firewall: java is listening from ::ffff: proto=6
05.01.13 09:15:57,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:02,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:07,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:12,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:12,950 Console: Could not find image named 'BackArrow'.
05.01.13 09:16:12,951 Console: Could not find image named 'ForwardArrow'.
05.01.13 09:16:17,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:19,094 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[319]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EltimaSyncMate/SyncMateServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SyncMateServer", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 09:16:19,094 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[319]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 09:16:19,094 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 09:16:22,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:27,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:32,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:37,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:42,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:47,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:52,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:16:57,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:02,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:07,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:12,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:17,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:22,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:27,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:32,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:37,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000
05.01.13 09:17:41,524 helpd: Could not find access page in directory /Library/Documentation/Help/Hewlett-Packard
05.01.13 09:17:42,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR F1Mn kSMCBadArgumentError(0x89) fKeyHashTable=0x0xffffff80143bf000


Hätte eventuell noch jemand eine Idee, was ich machen könnte, damit mein macbook wieder schneller startet? (gerade bin ich so bei 1:45 min)


Golden Noble
Die Fehler sind nach wie vor die gleichen, also syncmate, parallels, der smc Fehler, der hp Drucker Treiber, die Nokia Software etc.
Hast du denn hier geguckt, ob es richtig deinstalliert ist, denn dort scheinen nach wie vor Prozesse zu laufen, die ihre mutterprozesse suchen und nicht finden. Du schreibst, das du istat deinstalliert hast und noch einige andere Sachen, wie und was hast du deinstalliert und nochmal der Rat hoffentlich nicht mit Tools wie AppCleaner CleanMyMac oder ähnlichen, denn die sind dazu, entgegen ihren Namen und Anspruch, bei Weitem nicht in der Lage.


Nun habe ich das Problem mit dem smc gelöst. Es war tatsächlich der smsfancontrol (ziemlich versteckt..).. Dafür schon einmal tausend dank!! nun schauts mit der bootzeit dennoch nicht recht viel besser aus.

Der Log schaut wie folgt aus:
05.01.13 12:29:06,000 bootlog: BOOT_TIME 1357385346 005.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: vm_page_bootstrap: 1962196 free pages and 53036 wired pages
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: kext submap [0xffffff7f80736000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000736000]
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: zone leak detection enabled
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: mig_table_max_displ = 73
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: MAC Framework successfully initialized
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: IOAPIC: Version 0x11 Vectors 64:87
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5]
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration begin ]
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: console relocated to 0xf10010000
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: PCI configuration changed (bridge=2 device=2 cardbus=0)
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 4 devices 17 ]
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 16:32:09 Aug 23 2012) initialization complete
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: BTCOEXIST off 
05.01.13 12:29:40,144 com.apple.InternetSharing: port forwarding is allowed
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: wl0: Broadcom BCM432b 802.11 Wireless Controller
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel:
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: CD9F4C7C-1B24-3F6E-9C67-414195A8CE24
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@B/AppleMCP79AHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD5000BEVT-22A0RT0 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Untitled@2
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
05.01.13 12:29:43,000 kernel: Kernel is LP64
05.01.13 12:29:08,754 com.apple.launchd: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
05.01.13 12:29:33,293 com.apple.launchd: (com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon) Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
05.01.13 12:29:33,298 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.powerd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
05.01.13 12:29:33,298 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.sandboxd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
05.01.13 12:29:38,349 com.apple.launchd: (com.machangout.glims.loader[57]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/Glims/Agent/Glims Agent.app/Contents/MacOS/Glims Agent", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 12:29:38,349 com.apple.launchd: (com.elgato.eyeconnectd[58]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EyeConnect/EyeConnect.app/Contents/MacOS/EyeConnect", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 12:29:38,349 com.apple.launchd: (com.machangout.glims.loader[57]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:29:38,350 com.apple.launchd: (com.elgato.eyeconnectd[58]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:29:38,350 com.apple.launchd: (com.elgato.eyeconnectd) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 12:29:43,949 com.apple.ucupdate.plist: ucupdate: Checked 1 update, no match found.
05.01.13 12:29:44,021 com.apple.pfctl: No ALTQ support in kernel
05.01.13 12:29:44,021 com.apple.pfctl: ALTQ related functions disabled
05.01.13 12:29:45,000 kernel: Waiting for DSMOS...
05.01.13 12:29:45,933 UserEventAgent: starting CaptiveNetworkSupport as SystemEventAgent built Jun 13 2011 17:29:21
05.01.13 12:29:45,947 UserEventAgent: WirelessAirPortDeviceNameCopy(): no BSD interface name found for object 12295
05.01.13 12:29:45,947 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCCopyWiFiDevices:388 WiFi Device Name == NULL
05.01.13 12:29:45,998 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: configuring
05.01.13 12:29:46,000 kernel: macx_swapon SUCCESS
05.01.13 12:29:46,228 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
05.01.13 12:29:46,357 mDNSResponder: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-320.16 (Jul 19 2012 21:07:07) starting OSXVers 11
05.01.13 12:29:46,433 com.apple.usbmuxd: usbmuxd-296.3 on Jul 25 2012 at 00:28:37, running 64 bit
05.01.13 12:29:47,000 kernel: NVEthernet: Ethernet address 00:23:df:a5:77:20
05.01.13 12:29:47,000 kernel: AirPort_Brcm4331: Ethernet address 00:23:6c:99:31:cf
05.01.13 12:29:47,000 kernel: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
05.01.13 12:29:47,962 airportd: _processDLILEvent: en1 attached (down)
05.01.13 12:29:48,000 kernel: in func createVirtualInterface ifRole = 1
05.01.13 12:29:48,000 kernel: Created virtif 0xffffff8013ad7200 p2p0
05.01.13 12:29:48,481 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
05.01.13 12:29:49,000 kernel: Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
05.01.13 12:29:49,000 kernel: SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode
05.01.13 12:29:50,470 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
05.01.13 12:29:52,093 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CreateInterfaceWatchList:2788 WiFi Devices Found. :)
05.01.13 12:29:52,093 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 12:29:52,128 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 12:29:52,132 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.01.13 12:29:52,000 kernel: NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
05.01.13 12:29:52,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key MOTP (kSMCKeyNotFound)
05.01.13 12:29:52,477 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100000 created
05.01.13 12:29:53,000 kernel: 00000000  00000020  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
05.01.13 12:29:53,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
05.01.13 12:29:53,103 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 12:29:53,105 configd: setting hostname to "michael-langhammers-macbook.local"
05.01.13 12:29:53,467 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
05.01.13 12:29:55,000 kernel: DSMOS has arrived
05.01.13 12:29:55,000 kernel: /prl_hid/ Parallels HID Helper started.
05.01.13 12:29:55,000 kernel: com.parallels.kext.prlnet 6.0.12106.694064 has started.
05.01.13 12:29:55,000 kernel: com.parallels.kext.vnic 6.0.12106.694064 has started.
05.01.13 12:29:55,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
05.01.13 12:29:55,736 mds: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
05.01.13 12:29:56,004 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/Library/StartupItems/HWNetMgr/HWNetCfg
05.01.13 12:29:56,346 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
05.01.13 12:29:57,756 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
05.01.13 12:29:57,793 Parallels: Trying to load kernel extensions, exit status: 0
05.01.13 12:29:57,815 Parallels: Starting Parallels networking...
05.01.13 12:29:57,822 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext
05.01.13 12:29:57,854 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_vnic.kext
05.01.13 12:29:58,000 kernel: /drv/ HypApic.c:230   Host APIC  phy 0xFEE00000  lin 0xffffff80e7645000  ver 0x14
05.01.13 12:29:58,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3718   [vtdInit]
05.01.13 12:29:58,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3734   [vtdInit] VTD initialization disabled
05.01.13 12:29:58,000 kernel: /drv/ HypLowCache.c:173   Low cache initialized (13696 kB for 16 VMs on 8192 MB)
05.01.13 12:29:58,000 kernel: /drv/ HypSMBios.c:54   Failed to find SMBios entry point
05.01.13 12:29:58,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:174   Parallels IPI irq = 0 ipi = 0(0x0)
05.01.13 12:29:58,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:181   Parallels Hypervisor 6.0.12106.694064 loaded.
05.01.13 12:29:59,136 com.apple.SecurityServer: Entering service
05.01.13 12:29:59,204 systemkeychain: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
05.01.13 12:29:59,252 mDNSResponder: D2D_IPC: Loaded
05.01.13 12:29:59,252 mDNSResponder: D2DInitialize succeeded
05.01.13 12:29:59,304 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 12:29:59,306 mDNSResponder: Adding registration domain 277860918.members.btmm.icloud.com.
05.01.13 12:29:59,309 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 12:29:59,358 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 12:29:59,360 org.apache.httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using ::1 for ServerName
05.01.13 12:29:59,391 awacsd: Starting awacsd connectivity-47.2 (Jul 19 2012 21:04:49)
05.01.13 12:29:59,410 loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
05.01.13 12:29:59,416 awacsd: Connecting AWACS client: 277860918.p02.members.btmm.icloud.com.
05.01.13 12:29:59,589 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
05.01.13 12:29:59,622 UserEventAgent: get_backup_share_points no AFP
05.01.13 12:29:59,784 Firewall: cupsd is listening from :::631 proto=6
05.01.13 12:29:59,790 netbiosd: Unable to start NetBIOS name service: 
05.01.13 12:29:59,884 rpcsvchost: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
05.01.13 12:30:00,184 Firewall: cupsd is listening from proto=6
05.01.13 12:30:01,546 loginwindow: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
05.01.13 12:30:02,000 kernel: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
05.01.13 12:30:02,000 kernel: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
05.01.13 12:30:02,247 com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
05.01.13 12:30:02,380 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100004 created
05.01.13 12:30:02,383 loginwindow: Login Window Started Security Agent
05.01.13 12:30:02,539 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
05.01.13 12:30:02,539 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
05.01.13 12:30:02,692 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for michaellanghammer
05.01.13 12:30:02,693 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for michaellanghammer
05.01.13 12:30:03,143 WindowServer: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
05.01.13 12:30:03,149 loginwindow: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
05.01.13 12:30:03,174 loginwindow: USER_PROCESS: 39 console
05.01.13 12:30:03,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 00:1f:3f:1b:2b:43  MAC AUTH succeeded
05.01.13 12:30:03,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
05.01.13 12:30:03,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
05.01.13 12:30:03,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 00:1f:3f:1b:2b:43
05.01.13 12:30:03,357 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.iCalPush': unknown error code
05.01.13 12:30:03,358 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push': unknown error code
05.01.13 12:30:03,358 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.AddressBook.PushNotification': unknown error code
05.01.13 12:30:03,358 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.safaridavclient.push': unknown error code
05.01.13 12:30:03,553 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Users/michaellanghammer/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent.plist
05.01.13 12:30:03,584 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.divx.agent.postinstall) Unknown key: LimitToSessionType
05.01.13 12:30:03,598 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
05.01.13 12:30:03,602 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
05.01.13 12:30:03,602 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
05.01.13 12:30:04,000 kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
05.01.13 12:30:04,238 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[213]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:30:04,275 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSServerRegisterUserAgent:187 new user agent port: 25603
05.01.13 12:30:05,666 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 12:30:05,829 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
05.01.13 12:30:05,855 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSPreferencesBuildSSIDLookup:278 ssidLookup:
05.01.13 12:30:05,855 UserEventAgent:   <empty>
05.01.13 12:30:05,856 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on Lewis because it is protected and not on the exception list
05.01.13 12:30:05,862 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
05.01.13 12:30:05,866 configd: network configuration changed.
05.01.13 12:30:06,032 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Lewis”. Bailing on auto-join.
05.01.13 12:30:09,638 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with code: 252
05.01.13 12:30:10,318 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 12:30:10,319 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 12:30:10,319 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 12:30:10,323 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 12:30:10.314 com.apple.dock.extra[236:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 12:30:10,323 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 12:30:10.318 com.apple.dock.extra[236:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 12:30:10,324 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 12:30:10.318 com.apple.dock.extra[236:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 12:30:10,324 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-05 12:30:10.323 com.apple.dock.extra[236:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 12:30:10,324 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.01.13 12:30:11,594 Firewall: awacsd is listening from ::ffff: proto=6
05.01.13 12:30:11,000 kernel: utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
05.01.13 12:30:15,380 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.machangout.glims.agent[266]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/Glims/Agent/Glims Agent.app/Contents/MacOS/Glims Agent", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 12:30:15,394 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent[264]) posix_spawn("/Applications/Nokia Software Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/nsu3agent.app/Contents/MacOS/nsu3ui_agent", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 12:30:15,407 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[261]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EltimaSyncMate/SyncMateServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SyncMateServer", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 12:30:15,426 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.machangout.glims.agent[266]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:30:15,432 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.machangout.glims.agent) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 12:30:15,432 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.nokia.NokiaSoftwareUpdaterAgent[264]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:30:15,445 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[261]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:30:15,445 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 12:30:15,000 kernel: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=267[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
05.01.13 12:30:16,762 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:	SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
05.01.13 12:30:16,805 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
05.01.13 12:30:16,958 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:	SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
05.01.13 12:30:16,963 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: ready to process keychain & timer events
05.01.13 12:30:16,963 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
05.01.13 12:30:18,635 mDNSResponder: ERROR: mDNSPlatformReadTCP - SSLRead: -9806
05.01.13 12:30:18,635 mDNSResponder: ERROR: tcpCallback - attempt to read message length failed (-1)
05.01.13 12:30:19,740 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][269]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:30:20,552 prl_naptd: Starting Parallels Network Daemon
05.01.13 12:30:23,217 ntpd: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
05.01.13 12:30:23,871 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication[202]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
05.01.13 12:30:25,043 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.facebook.videochat.michaellanghammer.updater[268]) Tried to setup shared memory more than once
05.01.13 12:30:26,000 kernel: com_parallels_kext_prl_vnic: created vnic0
05.01.13 12:30:26,000 kernel: com_parallels_kext_prl_vnic: created vnic1
05.01.13 12:30:27,211 Parallels: Parallels networking sucessfully started
05.01.13 12:30:27,217 Parallels: Restarting CiscoVPN
05.01.13 12:30:27,240 prl_naptd: Starting Parallels Network Daemon
05.01.13 12:30:27,436 SystemStarter: Unknown service: CiscoVPN
05.01.13 12:30:27,442 Parallels: Starting Parallels Dispatcher Service
05.01.13 12:30:27,567 Parallels: Parallels Dispatcher Server sucessfully started
05.01.13 12:30:27,000 kernel: vnic0: promiscuous mode enable failed
05.01.13 12:30:28,037 prl_naptd: vnic0: DHCP/NAT for netmask
05.01.13 12:30:28,039 prl_naptd: vnic1: DHCP for netmask
05.01.13 12:30:28,000 kernel: vnic1: promiscuous mode enable failed
05.01.13 12:30:46,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 12:30:48,000 kernel: /drv/ HypIoctls.c:912   Ioctl VT-d status: 0
05.01.13 12:30:51,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 12:30:51,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 12:30:51,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 12:31:00,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
05.01.13 12:31:06,110 Firewall: java is listening from ::ffff: proto=6
05.01.13 12:31:17,178 Console: Could not find image named 'BackArrow'.
05.01.13 12:31:17,178 Console: Could not find image named 'ForwardArrow'.
05.01.13 12:31:19,563 com.apple.launchd: (com.elgato.eyeconnectd[327]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EyeConnect/EyeConnect.app/Contents/MacOS/EyeConnect", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 12:31:19,564 com.apple.launchd: (com.elgato.eyeconnectd[327]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:31:19,564 com.apple.launchd: (com.elgato.eyeconnectd) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 12:31:55,784 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.machangout.glims.agent[343]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/Glims/Agent/Glims Agent.app/Contents/MacOS/Glims Agent", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 12:31:55,784 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.machangout.glims.agent[343]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:31:55,784 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.machangout.glims.agent) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
05.01.13 12:31:55,796 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[344]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/EltimaSyncMate/SyncMateServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SyncMateServer", ...): No such file or directory
05.01.13 12:31:55,796 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer[344]) Exited with code: 1
05.01.13 12:31:55,796 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.Eltima.SyncMateServer) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds

Könnte mir eventuell jemand weiterhelfen, was ich hier am besten verändern könnte?

(ich bin zwar jetzt bis morgen abend unterwegs, würde mich aber dennoch sehr über antworten freuen!)


Golden Noble
Noch einmal der Hinweis, es Geistern Reste von Programmen herum, die etwas stören, hier solltest du alle fehlerhaft deinstallieren Programme nochmals nach Umleitung des Herstellers löschen oder die Reste suchen, mit einer auf Systemdateien erweiterten findersuche( Spotlight findet die Reste nicht) oder Tools wie FindAnyFile oder EasyFind.( aufgefallen ist mir, syncmate, nokiasoftware, der hp Treiber, glims und die elgatosoftware etc..)
parallels hat etwas Schwierigkeiten mit einigen Erweiterungen die es lädt, auch mit dem Netzwerk, das Netzwerk an sich startet auch mit einigen Verzögerungen.

starte doch mal in den Safemode, Start dauert sehr lange, Geduld istangesagt, anschließend startest du normal, dabei werden Caches gelöscht, nur falls da etwas schwefliger. Die ersten Starts nach dem Neustart dauern etwas länger .
hast du meine lange liste unten angesehen, ob du davon etwas nutzt oder benutzt hast?


Fairs Vortrefflicher
Auch Path Finder hat eine sehr gute Suchfunktion...


Schon einmal vielen Dank für die Antworten!

Ich hab jetzt mal mit Findanyfile alle Dateien von Nokia, Eyeconnect, Glims und syncmate gelöscht, einmal im sicheren Modus gestartet und im Anschluss den Laptop ein paar mal ein- und ausgeschaltet..

Nun startet mein Laptop zwar wieder in "normaler" Zeit, aber irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass da noch immer was nicht ganz richtig ist.. Hier also nochmal der Log:

07.01.13 22:26:45,000 bootlog: BOOT_TIME 1357594005 007.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: vm_page_bootstrap: 1962635 free pages and 52597 wired pages
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: kext submap [0xffffff7f80736000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000736000]
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: zone leak detection enabled
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: mig_table_max_displ = 73
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: MAC Framework successfully initialized
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: IOAPIC: Version 0x11 Vectors 64:87
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5]
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration begin ]
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: console relocated to 0xf10010000
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: PCI configuration changed (bridge=2 device=2 cardbus=0)
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 4 devices 17 ]
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 16:32:09 Aug 23 2012) initialization complete
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: BTCOEXIST off 
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: wl0: Broadcom BCM432b 802.11 Wireless Controller
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel:
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: CD9F4C7C-1B24-3F6E-9C67-414195A8CE24
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@B/AppleMCP79AHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD5000BEVT-22A0RT0 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Untitled@2
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
07.01.13 22:27:10,000 kernel: Kernel is LP64
07.01.13 22:26:47,690 com.apple.launchd: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
07.01.13 22:27:03,245 com.apple.launchd: (com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon) Unknown key for boolean: HopefullyExitsFirst
07.01.13 22:27:03,249 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.powerd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
07.01.13 22:27:03,250 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.sandboxd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
07.01.13 22:27:10,144 com.apple.ucupdate.plist: ucupdate: Checked 1 update, no match found.
07.01.13 22:27:14,237 com.apple.pfctl: No ALTQ support in kernel
07.01.13 22:27:14,237 com.apple.pfctl: ALTQ related functions disabled
07.01.13 22:27:15,000 kernel: macx_swapon SUCCESS
07.01.13 22:27:21,669 com.apple.InternetSharing: port forwarding is allowed
07.01.13 22:27:22,000 kernel: NVEthernet: Ethernet address 00:23:df:a5:77:20
07.01.13 22:27:22,000 kernel: AirPort_Brcm4331: Ethernet address 00:23:6c:99:31:cf
07.01.13 22:27:22,000 kernel: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
07.01.13 22:27:22,000 kernel: Waiting for DSMOS...
07.01.13 22:27:23,292 UserEventAgent: starting CaptiveNetworkSupport as SystemEventAgent built Jun 13 2011 17:29:21
07.01.13 22:27:23,296 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CreateInterfaceWatchList:2788 WiFi Devices Found. :)
07.01.13 22:27:23,297 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
07.01.13 22:27:23,297 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
07.01.13 22:27:23,298 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
07.01.13 22:27:23,298 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
07.01.13 22:27:23,299 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
07.01.13 22:27:23,299 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
07.01.13 22:27:23,329 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: configuring
07.01.13 22:27:23,708 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
07.01.13 22:27:24,932 airportd: _processDLILEvent: en1 attached (down)
07.01.13 22:27:24,978 mDNSResponder: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-320.16 (Jul 19 2012 21:07:07) starting OSXVers 11
07.01.13 22:27:25,000 kernel: in func createVirtualInterface ifRole = 1
07.01.13 22:27:25,000 kernel: Created virtif 0xffffff801282b600 p2p0
07.01.13 22:27:25,104 com.apple.usbmuxd: usbmuxd-296.3 on Jul 25 2012 at 00:28:37, running 64 bit
07.01.13 22:27:27,000 kernel: Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
07.01.13 22:27:27,000 kernel: SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode
07.01.13 22:27:27,844 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100000 created
07.01.13 22:27:28,000 kernel: NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
07.01.13 22:27:28,655 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
07.01.13 22:27:28,678 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
07.01.13 22:27:29,172 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
07.01.13 22:27:29,000 kernel: 00000000  00000020  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
07.01.13 22:27:29,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key MOTP (kSMCKeyNotFound)
07.01.13 22:27:29,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
07.01.13 22:27:29,818 configd: network configuration changed.
07.01.13 22:27:29,819 configd: setting hostname to "michael-langhammers-macbook.local"
07.01.13 22:27:31,071 com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon: (kernel) Can't unload kext com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook; classes have instances:
07.01.13 22:27:31,071 com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon: (kernel)     Kext com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook class com_parallels_hid_hook has 1 instance.
07.01.13 22:27:31,072 com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon: Failed to unload com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook - (libkern/kext) kext is in use or retained (cannot unload).
07.01.13 22:27:31,231 com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon: (kernel) Can't unload kext com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook; classes have instances:
07.01.13 22:27:31,231 com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon: (kernel)     Kext com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook class com_parallels_hid_hook has 1 instance.
07.01.13 22:27:31,231 com.parallels.desktop.launchdaemon: Failed to unload com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook - (libkern/kext) kext is in use or retained (cannot unload).
07.01.13 22:27:31,237 Parallels: Failed to unload kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
07.01.13 22:27:32,000 kernel: Can't unload kext com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook; classes have instances:
07.01.13 22:27:32,000 kernel: Kext com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook class com_parallels_hid_hook has 1 instance.
07.01.13 22:27:32,000 kernel: Can't unload kext com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook; classes have instances:
07.01.13 22:27:32,000 kernel: Kext com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook class com_parallels_hid_hook has 1 instance.
07.01.13 22:27:32,000 kernel: DSMOS has arrived
07.01.13 22:27:32,000 kernel: /prl_hid/ Parallels HID Helper started.
07.01.13 22:27:32,482 Parallels: Unloading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: /drv/ HypApic.c:230   Host APIC  phy 0xFEE00000  lin 0xffffff80e7496000  ver 0x14
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3718   [vtdInit]
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3734   [vtdInit] VTD initialization disabled
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: /drv/ HypLowCache.c:173   Low cache initialized (13696 kB for 16 VMs on 8192 MB)
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: /drv/ HypSMBios.c:54   Failed to find SMBios entry point
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:174   Parallels IPI irq = 0 ipi = 0(0x0)
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:181   Parallels Hypervisor 6.0.12106.694064 loaded.
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: com.parallels.kext.prlnet 6.0.12106.694064 has started.
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: com.parallels.kext.vnic 6.0.12106.694064 has started.
07.01.13 22:27:33,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
07.01.13 22:27:33,093 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/Library/StartupItems/HWNetMgr/HWNetCfg
07.01.13 22:27:33,383 mds: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
07.01.13 22:27:34,034 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_usb_connect.kext
07.01.13 22:27:34,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:260   Parallels Hypervisor 6.0.12106.694064 unloaded.
07.01.13 22:27:34,951 com.apple.SecurityServer: Entering service
07.01.13 22:27:35,069 mDNSResponder: D2D_IPC: Loaded
07.01.13 22:27:35,069 mDNSResponder: D2DInitialize succeeded
07.01.13 22:27:35,070 configd: network configuration changed.
07.01.13 22:27:35,085 configd: network configuration changed.
07.01.13 22:27:35,095 mDNSResponder: Adding registration domain 277860918.members.btmm.icloud.com.
07.01.13 22:27:35,172 org.apache.httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using ::1 for ServerName
07.01.13 22:27:35,195 configd: network configuration changed.
07.01.13 22:27:35,305 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
07.01.13 22:27:35,338 UserEventAgent: get_backup_share_points no AFP
07.01.13 22:27:35,349 launchdadd: FAILURE: Could not send MIG reply: 0x10000003
07.01.13 22:27:35,519 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_hypervisor.kext
07.01.13 22:27:35,558 loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
07.01.13 22:27:35,561 systemkeychain: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
07.01.13 22:27:35,617 awacsd: Starting awacsd connectivity-47.2 (Jul 19 2012 21:04:49)
07.01.13 22:27:35,640 awacsd: Connecting AWACS client: 277860918.p02.members.btmm.icloud.com.
07.01.13 22:27:37,000 kernel: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
07.01.13 22:27:37,000 kernel: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
07.01.13 22:27:37,719 rpcsvchost: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
07.01.13 22:27:37,846 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.netbiosd[96]) Exited abnormally: Hangup: 1
07.01.13 22:27:38,148 Firewall: cupsd is listening from :::631 proto=6
07.01.13 22:27:38,150 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_hid_hook.kext
07.01.13 22:27:38,232 Parallels: Trying to load kernel extensions, exit status: 0
07.01.13 22:27:38,246 Parallels: Starting Parallels networking...
07.01.13 22:27:38,254 Firewall: cupsd is listening from proto=6
07.01.13 22:27:38,266 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_netbridge.kext
07.01.13 22:27:38,347 Parallels: Loading kernel extension prl_vnic.kext
07.01.13 22:27:38,719 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.netbiosd) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: /drv/ HypApic.c:230   Host APIC  phy 0xFEE00000  lin 0xffffff80e74b6000  ver 0x14
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3718   [vtdInit]
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: /drv/ HypVtd.c:3734   [vtdInit] VTD initialization disabled
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: /drv/ HypLowCache.c:173   Low cache initialized (13696 kB for 16 VMs on 8192 MB)
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: /drv/ HypSMBios.c:54   Failed to find SMBios entry point
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:174   Parallels IPI irq = 0 ipi = 0(0x0)
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: /drv/ HypModule.c:181   Parallels Hypervisor 6.0.12106.694064 loaded.
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 00:19:cb:59:bd:66  MAC AUTH succeeded
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
07.01.13 22:27:38,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 00:19:cb:59:bd:66
07.01.13 22:27:39,000 kernel: com_parallels_kext_prl_vnic: created vnic0
07.01.13 22:27:39,000 kernel: com_parallels_kext_prl_vnic: created vnic1
07.01.13 22:27:39,722 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “o2DSL”. Bailing on auto-join.
07.01.13 22:27:39,781 configd: network configuration changed.
07.01.13 22:27:39,868 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
07.01.13 22:27:39,875 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSPreferencesBuildSSIDLookup:278 ssidLookup:
07.01.13 22:27:39,877 UserEventAgent:   <empty>
07.01.13 22:27:39,877 Parallels: Parallels networking sucessfully started
07.01.13 22:27:39,879 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on o2DSL because it is protected and not on the exception list
07.01.13 22:27:39,884 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
07.01.13 22:27:39,886 configd: network configuration changed.
07.01.13 22:27:39,894 Parallels: Restarting CiscoVPN
07.01.13 22:27:39,919 SystemStarter: Unknown service: CiscoVPN
07.01.13 22:27:39,930 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “o2DSL”. Bailing on auto-join.
07.01.13 22:27:39,938 Parallels: Starting Parallels Dispatcher Service
07.01.13 22:27:39,981 Parallels: Parallels Dispatcher Server sucessfully started
07.01.13 22:27:40,042 loginwindow: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
07.01.13 22:27:40,091 prl_naptd: Starting Parallels Network Daemon
07.01.13 22:27:40,187 prl_naptd: vnic0: DHCP/NAT for netmask
07.01.13 22:27:40,190 prl_naptd: vnic1: DHCP for netmask
07.01.13 22:27:40,523 com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
07.01.13 22:27:40,000 kernel: vnic0: promiscuous mode enable failed
07.01.13 22:27:40,000 kernel: vnic1: promiscuous mode enable failed
07.01.13 22:27:40,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
07.01.13 22:27:40,000 kernel: /drv/ HypIoctls.c:912   Ioctl VT-d status: 0
07.01.13 22:27:40,772 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100003 created
07.01.13 22:27:40,780 loginwindow: Login Window Started Security Agent
07.01.13 22:27:40,954 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “o2DSL”. Bailing on auto-join.
07.01.13 22:27:41,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
07.01.13 22:27:41,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
07.01.13 22:27:41,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
07.01.13 22:27:41,982 ntpd: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
07.01.13 22:27:42,010 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
07.01.13 22:27:42,010 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
07.01.13 22:27:42,022 ntpd: bind(32) AF_INET6 fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:9%8#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
07.01.13 22:27:42,022 ntpd: unable to create socket on vnic1 (12) for fe80::21c:42ff:fe00:9#123
07.01.13 22:27:42,023 ntpd: bind(32) AF_INET6 fec0:0:0:feaa::2#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
07.01.13 22:27:42,023 ntpd: unable to create socket on vnic1 (13) for fec0:0:0:feaa::2#123
07.01.13 22:27:42,160 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for michaellanghammer
07.01.13 22:27:42,160 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for michaellanghammer
07.01.13 22:27:43,135 WindowServer: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
07.01.13 22:27:43,140 loginwindow: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
07.01.13 22:27:43,183 loginwindow: USER_PROCESS: 37 console
07.01.13 22:27:43,325 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “o2DSL”. Bailing on auto-join.
07.01.13 22:27:43,440 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.xprotectupdater[17]) Exited with code: 252
07.01.13 22:27:43,490 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.iCalPush': unknown error code
07.01.13 22:27:43,491 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push': unknown error code
07.01.13 22:27:43,491 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.AddressBook.PushNotification': unknown error code
07.01.13 22:27:43,491 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.safaridavclient.push': unknown error code
07.01.13 22:27:43,599 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.divx.agent.postinstall) Unknown key: LimitToSessionType
07.01.13 22:27:43,601 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
07.01.13 22:27:43,608 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
07.01.13 22:27:43,614 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
07.01.13 22:27:43,000 kernel: /drv/ MacDevice.cpp:608   com_parallels_hypervisor_client::powerDownHandler: message e0000340
07.01.13 22:27:44,095 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[243]) Exited with code: 1
07.01.13 22:27:45,549 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSServerRegisterUserAgent:187 new user agent port: 45335
07.01.13 22:27:45,000 kernel: utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
07.01.13 22:27:48,114 com.apple.fontd: FODBError: FODBReconcileWithAuxFile called: kAuxFileHeadersDontMatchErr
07.01.13 22:27:48,979 ntpd: bind(36) AF_INET6 fd00:6587:52d7:845:223:dfff:fea5:7720#123 flags 0x13 failed: Can't assign requested address
07.01.13 22:27:48,979 ntpd: unable to create socket on utun0 (17) for fd00:6587:52d7:845:223:dfff:fea5:7720#123
07.01.13 22:27:50,695 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
07.01.13 22:27:50,696 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-07 22:27:50.693 com.apple.dock.extra[268:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
07.01.13 22:27:50,697 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
07.01.13 22:27:50,698 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-07 22:27:50.696 com.apple.dock.extra[268:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
07.01.13 22:27:50,699 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
07.01.13 22:27:50,707 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-07 22:27:50.698 com.apple.dock.extra[268:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
07.01.13 22:27:50,715 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
07.01.13 22:27:50,715 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-01-07 22:27:50.706 com.apple.dock.extra[268:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
07.01.13 22:27:50,828 prl_naptd: Starting Parallels Network Daemon
07.01.13 22:27:50,000 kernel: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=282[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
07.01.13 22:27:54,924 warmd: [___bootcachectl_filter_out_sharedio_from_history_block_invoke_0:1683] Unable to open i386 shared cache: 2 No such file or directory
07.01.13 22:27:55,706 [0x0-0xc00c].com.elgato.eyetvhelper: EyeTV Helper version 3.5.6 build 307
07.01.13 22:28:00,003 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][284]) Exited with code: 1
07.01.13 22:28:00,838 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=michaellanghammer ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.parallels.vm.prl_pcproxy.plist
07.01.13 22:28:01,037 sudo:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=michaellanghammer ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl start com.parallels.vm.prl_pcproxy
07.01.13 22:28:02,069 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:	SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
07.01.13 22:28:02,380 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
07.01.13 22:28:02,438 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:	SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
07.01.13 22:28:02,440 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: ready to process keychain & timer events
07.01.13 22:28:02,451 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: The specified item could not be found in the keychain.
07.01.13 22:28:02,526 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.facebook.videochat.michaellanghammer.updater[283]) Tried to setup shared memory more than once
07.01.13 22:28:03,482 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication[227]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
07.01.13 22:28:08,024 Firewall: awacsd is listening from ::ffff: proto=6
07.01.13 22:28:51,797 com.apple.fontd: FODBCheck: FODBReconcileWithAuxFile - counts for entries and sizes do not match
07.01.13 22:29:01,011 com.apple.fontd: FODBError: FODBReviveFileTokens returned Zero.
07.01.13 22:29:21,060 Console: Could not find image named 'BackArrow'.
07.01.13 22:29:21,061 Console: Could not find image named 'ForwardArrow'.


Hallo zusammen,

ich hab mich jetzt dafür entschieden, das Betriebssystem (Lion) neu zu installieren.. Habt ihr einen Vorschlag, wie ich meine Daten anschließend wieder auf den Mac bekomme ohne die ganzen Fehler gleich wieder drauf zu haben...

Ich wäre über eine Antwort sehr dankbar! ;)


Fairs Vortrefflicher
Mit Boardmitteln: TimeMachine

Sichere Dein System. Installiere es neu und migriere dann die Daten aus dem Backup.

Wichtig: bei der Neuinstallation nicht den User mit dem alten Usernamen anlegen, dass macht die Migration. Wenn Du das tust, werden die User nicht zusammengeführt, sondern die Migration erzeugt einen neuen User. Den User, den Du bei der Installation erstellt hast, kannst Du später wieder löschen.


Und dabei werden dann die Fehler bzw. Probleme nicht mit portiert?


Fairs Vortrefflicher
Userdaten uns System sind sauber getrennt... daher sollte das Dein Problem beheben. Du kannst aber auch nach der Installation manuell die Daten und Programme wieder rüberziehen und alle Einstellungen machen. Das erfordert deutlich mehr Arbeit. Ich würde Dir die Migration empfehlen und sollte das nicht helfen, kannst Du die umständliche Variante trotzdem noch machen. Das Backup hast Du ja!


Schon einmal vielen Dank für die Antwort!

Nur noch einmal resümierend: Um mein Macbook mit Lion nun neu aufzusetzen, starte ich mit gedrückter Alt-Taste den Bootmanager, starte die Recorvery HD, formatiere meine Festplatte mit dem Festplatten-Dienstprogramm und installiere anschließend Lion neu.

Habe ich das so richtig verstanden, dass dann meine Probleme der Vergangenheit angehören dürften und ich mit TimeMachine meine Daten anschließend wieder herstellen kann?