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[iPhone] Alternative Lösung für integrierter Access Point?


I often hangout in places where my iPhone is the Access Point and Router for mulitple devices (Mac, Watch, iPad, DSLM, other familiy member phones etc.).

However, the iOS default access point, as nice as it is, will not allow traffic between the devices connected to it.

Is anybody aware of a tweek to allow this, or, the cleaner way, is somebody aware of a 3rd party app that replaces Apple's Access Point function, such as, for example, an OpenWRT Version running straight on iOS?

A workaround which I am going to deploy will be to have a small router with two wifi ports. One links up to the iPhone, the other one allows connections from devices. But that is clumsy, yet another device to carry around, and nothing better than a workaround.


Golden Noble
i don‘t know any tweak; maybe on jailbroken devices (which worked for 13.5 for this version only).

I recommend a small OpenWRT Wifi router that can run on a powerbank like the GL-AR150.