• Apfeltalk ändert einen Teil seiner Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB), das Löschen von Useraccounts betreffend.
    Näheres könnt Ihr hier nachlesen: AGB-Änderung
  • Was gibt es Schöneres als den Mai draußen in der Natur mit allen Sinnen zu genießen? Lasst uns teilhaben an Euren Erlebnissen und macht mit beim Thema des Monats Da blüht uns was! ---> Klick

Adium Beta 1.3b7


Champagner Reinette
Es gibt ne neue Version. :)

Version 1.3.1 (9/7/2008) SVN Revision: [25132]

Please Note
Existing log files will be automatically updated on first launch (#1834)

Changes Since 1.3
Fixed import wizard failing during import of inline images (#10912)
Fixed a crash when Adium tries to update an account password (#10792)
Fixed show offline contacts not working when groups are disabled (#10420)
Fixed messages for multiple MSN group chats showing up in the same chat (#1583)
Fixed syslogd consuming resources due to invalid requests via Facebook (#10588)
Fixed German Localization of „Eingabetaste“ in General Preferences (#10801)
Fixed display issues Appearance Preferences (#10803)
Fixed a security vulnerability discovered by the Zero Day Initiative
Fixed a crash during DNS resolution when trying to connect to MSN (#10808)
Fixed local user's Avatar not updating in open message windows after change (#10210)
Fixed aliases changing to nicknames following sign-in (#10550)
Fixed Facebook timing out when attempting to connect (#10718)
Fixed spellcheck defaulting to systemwide default (#10752)
Fixed offline bg color being mis-applied to metacontacts with online accounts (#10784)
Fixed invisible dock icon continuously flapping its wings (#10786)
Fixed contact inspector opening on wrong tab (#10825)
Fixed a crash when using Sametime/Meanwhile (#10830)
Fixed a crash when searching logs via the Transcript Viewer (#10866)
Fixed "Connected: Offline" when MSN contact connects with no personal message (#10873)
Fixed checkboxes jumping around in the status window (#10790)
Existing logs are no longer world readable (#1834)
Edges between multiple displays no longer trigger showing hidden contact list (#10204)
Removed $$ emoticon (#10949)
Update Danish, German, and Hungarian localizations