• Apfeltalk ändert einen Teil seiner Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB), das Löschen von Useraccounts betreffend.
    Näheres könnt Ihr hier nachlesen: AGB-Änderung
  • Eine überwältigende Zahl von Einsendungen wartet nun auf Euch, um begutachtet zu werden! Schaut selbst, welche Blüten das Thema hervorgebracht hat und stimmt dann ab, was davon Euch am besten gefällt. Hier geht es lang zur Abstimmung --> Klick



Das hab ich auch gefunden, ich hab ja nicht ProTec6, sondern nur ProTec. Ich werd trotzdem versuchen, das Nalpeiron zu stoppen und schauen was passiert...


Ich kann zwar nicht sagen, ob es wirklich daran gelegen ist, jedoch nach löschen einiger grosser Dateien auf meiner Festplatte (hab jetzt wieder >20GB frei) benimmt sich der kernel_task wieder (1-2% Auslastung). Ist es möglich, dass es daran gelegen ist?

Danke für eure Hilfe!


AT Administration
Wieviel war denn vorher frei auf der Festplatte?

*Warum auch andere mit einem Übermaß an Informationen verwirren?*

Der Dirty

Ingrid Marie
Die Festplatte sollte immer ich glaub so 10% (oder min. 10Gb) freien Speicher haben, damit das System ungestört Wartungsaufgaben erledigen kann. Kann schon sein, dass eine komplett vollgestopfte FP den KT dazu bewegt, aktiver zu werden als nötig, da er ständig überlegt, wo er denn nun noch irgendeine Datei ablegen kann. Ähnlich, wie wenn du mit mit zwei Armen voll Marmeladengläsern vor einem vollen Regal stehst und dir überlegen musst, wo die denn noch untergebracht werden können.;)


Vorher waren 15GB frei (steht auch im Bericht von EtreCheck). Dachte nicht, dass dies relevant ist.


Golden Noble
Außerdem solltest du prüfen, ob Paragon up to Date ist. Das Programm ist häufig für Fehler verantwortlich, besonders wenn es nicht auf dem aktuellen Stand gehalten wird.
Hast du eine idee, wozu du Growl Helper brauchst auf Mountain Lion?
Du beobachtest mit Argusaugen die Aktivitätmeldunen, aber kümmerst dich gar nicht um das Zeug, das du lädst.
Die Reste von CleanMyMac liegen in /Library oder in ~/Library im Ordner Launch Agents. Die Meldungen von EtreCheck sind im Klartext geschrieben, es geht vor allem darum, welche 3rdParty Programme geladen sind (und welche stören).


ich bin der Neue und habe auch eine Frage ...
Mein Kernel_task verbraucht 1GB RAM und das ist mir zu viel.
Ich habe schon 16GB Gekauft ( nur noch nicht eingebaut ) aber das ändert das Problem auch nicht :(
Ich habe hier mal ein Screen und würde gerne das Problem lösen, nur mein Problem ist ...
Ich habe mein MacBook 13 Zoll Sep 2012 erst seit Dez. Davor hatte ich nur Windows und kam prima klar,
ich denke ich mache einfach noch zu viele Fehler bei Mac OS
Ganz viele Ich´s oder ? CPU frisst kernel_task nicht 1,5% bis 3% Aber wenn ich es richtig hier gelesen habe, habe ich Programm nie Richtig gelöscht.
Kann es davon kommen Bessere Frage, was kann ich machen?
Die Konsole ist für mich wie Spanisch und ich mag kein Spanisch :)
Ich glaube ich habe alles niedergeschrieben...
Jetzt erst mal Regeln lesen und schauen was für nette Antworten kommen;)

Die Absätze wollen nicht mhm
Okay jetzt geht es :) mit den Absätzen


  • Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-27 um 22.02.00.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-27 um 22.02.00.png
    211 KB · Aufrufe: 322
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Golden Noble
Mir scheint, deine Festplatte ist zu klein, du hast sie ja bis oben hin voll gepackt. Um irgendwelche Kernel_task musst du dich nicht kümmern, der Mac tut das schon ganz allein.e Aber wenn kein freier Festplattenspeicher mehr vorhanden ist, dann wird alles langsamer.
Du kannst mal mit OmniDiskWeeper oder Disk Inventory prüfen, was soviel Speicherplatz belegt.
Wenn du Probleme hast, beschreibe sie und öffne nach Auftreten des Problems die Konsole. Aus "Alle Meldungen" kannst du die relevanten Zellen (meist kurz vor dem Problemauftritt) hier richtig posten.
RAM-Verbrauch hängt nicht davon ab, was dir gerade recht ist, sondern wie OS X das regelt. Darum musst du dich nicht kümmern.


Das sind die Filme & RAR Dateien :)
Ich habe 70GB nur noch frei.
Aber ich lass mal Disk Inventoy drüber laufen lassen

Ich habe kA was das ist :) aber ich hoffe Ihr könnt was mit anfangen :)


  • Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-27 um 23.02.09.jpg
    Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-27 um 23.02.09.jpg
    156 KB · Aufrufe: 256
  • Like
Reaktionen: salome

Mac 2.2

Schweizer Orangenapfel
Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-27 um 23.05.35.png So viel zum Thema…
Lass ihn machen. Welches Programm hast denn (anscheinend) nicht richtig gelöscht?


Golden Noble
Es gib doch sicher eine Hilfe in Disk Inventory, wenn du nicht von selbser drauf kommst, was dir die Einträge sagen. Jedenfalls sind Videos, Filme und Dokumente (was du in dem Ordner gespeichert hast, ist mir schleierhaft, mein gesamtes "Büro" hat nur 7 GB, Textfiles verbrauchen nicht viel Platz). Du hättest freundlicherweise auch das Fenster des Programms etwas weiter aufziehen können, damit wir die erste Eintragung gut sehen können, da scheinen mir ja mehr als 100 GB belegt. Aber so genau kann man das nicht sehen.
@Mac2.2.: Die konkreten Frage von Yoki beginnt erst bei # 22, heute um 22.22 Uhr (ein Omen?).



Wie geschrieben
Viele Pornos xD ... Filme, Musik,
Aber es sind die Filme, ich hatte noch keine Zeit sie auf eine neue Platte zu verschieben ...


  • Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-27 um 23.24.00.jpg
    Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-27 um 23.24.00.jpg
    164,3 KB · Aufrufe: 230


Golden Noble
Tu das demnächst, der Mac wird sich befreit fühlen.
Deine Downloads könntest du auch ausmisten.
Und die 5 GB an Disc.Image? Wozu brauchst du die? Du musst mal ordentlich aufräumen und alles, was du nicht mehr benötigst in den Mist werfen und diesen dann entleeren.


genutzt werden knapp 70GB aber immer noch ein GB Auslastung.
An was kann es noch liegen?
Mac braucht man glaube ich ja nicht defragmentieren



  • Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-28 um 16.03.36 (2).jpg
    Bildschirmfoto 2013-05-28 um 16.03.36 (2).jpg
    141,5 KB · Aufrufe: 127
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Mac 2.2

Schweizer Orangenapfel
@Salome: Du meinst wohl #29;)
@Yoki: Da der kernel_task für alles mögliche zuständig ist (Hardware + Software) kann man da schlecht den Übeltäter auf die Schnelle ausmachen. Aber so lange dein System läuft, würde ich mir keine Gedanken machen. An meinem Screenshot siehst du ja, dass bei mir der kernel sogar mehr verbraucht:) Die Log-Einträge wären aber evtl doch hilfreich, kannst sie ja auch hier posten.


meinst du kextstat im terminal ? oder Konsole? und Konsole was genau ?

Das ist doch nicht normal das dass System so viel frisst und das im Leerlauf

Mac 2.2

Schweizer Orangenapfel
In der Konsole unter "Alle Meldungen" und dann bitte den "Code-Tag" des Forums benutzen, reicht ja ein Ausschnitt, der einen respektiven Zeitraum abdeckt.


28.05.13 19:00:42,132 Safari[311]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x028.05.13 19:03:55,986 CalendarAgent[211]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.caldav.queue] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=401 "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain-Fehler 401.)" UserInfo=0x7ffc32e20840 {AccountName=yahoo.de, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x7ffc328c47a0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{type = immutable dict, count = 11,
entries =>
	0 : Case Insensitive Key: Connection = <CFString 0x7ffc32e17a90 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "keep-alive"}
	1 : Case Insensitive Key: Content-Type = <CFString 0x7ffc328e7540 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
	2 : Case Insensitive Key: Server = <CFString 0x7ffc32e1ee30 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "YTS/1.19.11"}
	3 : Case Insensitive Key: Via = <CFString 0x7ffc328c31a0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "HTTP/1.1 ymail-cgproxy (YahooTrafficServer/1.19.11 [c s f ])"}
	4 : Case Insensitive Key: Age = <CFString 0x7fff77e28120 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "0"}
	5 : Case Insensitive Key: P3P = <CFString 0x7ffc32e028d0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "policyref="http://info.yahoo.com/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA POL HEA PRE LOC GOV""}
	6 : Case Insensitive Key: Date = <CFString 0x7ffc328df990 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Tue, 28 May 2013 17:03:54 GMT"}
	7 : Case Insensitive Key: Transfer-Encoding = <CFString 0x7fff77f74810 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Identity"}
	9 : Case Insensitive Key: Www-Authenticate = <CFString 0x7ffc32e029c0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Basic realm="Zimbra""}
	11 : Case Insensitive Key: Cache-Control = <CFString 0x7ffc32880af0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "private"}
	12 : Case Insensitive Key: Vary = <CFString 0x7ffc328f2540 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Accept-Encoding"}
28.05.13 19:10:47,078 login[356]: DEAD_PROCESS: 356 ttys000
28.05.13 19:10:47,868 System Preferences[483]: httpdEnabled is deprecated !!
28.05.13 19:10:56,467 WindowServer[90]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: _CGXRemoveWindowFromWindowMovementGroup: Window not in group
28.05.13 19:11:00,077 configd[17]: IPSec connecting to server ch.hide.io
28.05.13 19:11:00,078 configd[17]: SCNC: start, triggered by SystemUIServer, type IPSec, status 0
28.05.13 19:11:00,391 configd[17]: IPSec Phase1 starting.
28.05.13 19:11:01,800 racoon[590]: IPSec connecting to server
28.05.13 19:11:01,801 racoon[590]: Connecting.
28.05.13 19:11:01,801 racoon[590]: IPSec Phase1 started (Initiated by me).
28.05.13 19:11:02,019 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 1).
28.05.13 19:11:02,052 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 2).
28.05.13 19:11:02,225 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 3).
28.05.13 19:11:02,256 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 4).
28.05.13 19:11:02,358 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 5).
28.05.13 19:11:02,387 racoon[590]: IKEv1 Phase1 AUTH: success. (Initiator, Main-Mode Message 6).
28.05.13 19:11:02,388 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 6).
28.05.13 19:11:02,388 racoon[590]: IKEv1 Phase1 Initiator: success. (Initiator, Main-Mode).
28.05.13 19:11:02,388 racoon[590]: IPSec Phase1 established (Initiated by me).
28.05.13 19:11:02,389 racoon[590]: IPSec Extended Authentication requested.
28.05.13 19:11:02,389 configd[17]: IPSec requesting Extended Authentication.
28.05.13 19:11:02,420 configd[17]: IPSec sending Extended Authentication.
28.05.13 19:11:02,420 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Mode-Config message).
28.05.13 19:11:02,420 racoon[590]: IPSec Extended Authentication sent.
28.05.13 19:11:02,584 racoon[590]: IKEv1 XAUTH: success. (XAUTH Status is OK).
28.05.13 19:11:02,584 racoon[590]: IPSec Extended Authentication Passed.
28.05.13 19:11:02,584 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Mode-Config message).
28.05.13 19:11:02,584 racoon[590]: IKEv1 Config: retransmited. (Mode-Config retransmit).
28.05.13 19:11:02,584 racoon[590]: IPSec Network Configuration requested.
28.05.13 19:11:02,629 racoon[590]: IPSec Network Configuration established.
28.05.13 19:11:02,629 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: receive success. (MODE-Config).
28.05.13 19:11:02,630 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration started.
28.05.13 19:11:02,630 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration: INTERNAL-IP4-ADDRESS =
28.05.13 19:11:02,630 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration: INTERNAL-IP4-DNS =
28.05.13 19:11:02,630 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration: INTERNAL-IP4-DNS =
28.05.13 19:11:02,630 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration: DEFAULT-ROUTE = local-address
28.05.13 19:11:02,657 configd[17]: IPSec Phase2 starting.
28.05.13 19:11:02,658 racoon[590]: IPSec Phase2 started (Initiated by me).
28.05.13 19:11:02,659 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration established.
28.05.13 19:11:02,659 configd[17]: IPSec Phase1 established.
28.05.13 19:11:02,659 configd[17]: event_callback: Address added. previous interface setting (name: en0, address:, current interface setting (name: utun0, family: 1001, address:, subnet:, destination:
28.05.13 19:11:02,660 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode message 1).
28.05.13 19:11:02,000 kernel[0]: utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
28.05.13 19:11:02,688 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode message 2).
28.05.13 19:11:02,688 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode message 3).
28.05.13 19:11:02,688 racoon[590]: IKEv1 Phase2 Initiator: success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode).
28.05.13 19:11:02,688 racoon[590]: IPSec Phase2 established (Initiated by me).
28.05.13 19:11:02,689 configd[17]: IPSec Phase2 established.
28.05.13 19:11:02,702 configd[17]: network changed: v4(utun0+:, en0) v6(en0:fe80::6ab6:fcff:fe2b:de82) DNS! Proxy! SMB
28.05.13 19:11:35,232 CalendarAgent[211]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.caldav.queue] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "Die Netzwerkverbindung wurde unterbrochen." UserInfo=0x7ffc329453d0 {NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc32c4a6a0 "Die Netzwerkverbindung wurde unterbrochen.", NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://lotusxxx20072004%[email protected]/principals/users/lotusxxx20072004/, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://lotusxxx20072004%[email protected]/principals/users/lotusxxx20072004/, AccountName=yahoo.de, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, NSLocalizedDescription=Die Netzwerkverbindung wurde unterbrochen.}]
28.05.13 19:13:10,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(599) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
28.05.13 19:13:11,217 sandboxd[599]: ([598]) WebProcess(598) deny iokit-open AppleGraphicsPolicyClient
28.05.13 19:13:38,882 WebProcess[598]: objc[598]: Object 0x7ff6c241c7e0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:13:38,890 WebProcess[598]: objc[598]: Object 0x7ff6c241c7e0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:13:59,372 WebProcess[598]: objc[598]: Object 0x7ff6c241c7e0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:13:59,372 WebProcess[598]: objc[598]: Object 0x7ff6c241c7e0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:13:59,372 WebProcess[598]: objc[598]: Object 0x7ff6c241c7e0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:15:54,000 kernel[0]: ip4_output (ipsec): error code 22
28.05.13 19:16:57,000 kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::validateChecksum - 206-byte packet checksum is incorrect (expected 0x2188, checksum bytes were 0x1791)
28.05.13 19:17:29,180 Safari[596]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 19:18:26,799 configd[17]: SCNC: stop, triggered by SystemUIServer, type IPSec, reason User Requested
28.05.13 19:18:26,800 configd[17]: IPSec disconnecting from server
28.05.13 19:18:26,800 racoon[590]: IPSec disconnecting from server
28.05.13 19:18:26,801 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Information message).
28.05.13 19:18:26,801 racoon[590]: IKEv1 Information-Notice: transmit success. (Delete IPSEC-SA).
28.05.13 19:18:26,801 racoon[590]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Information message).
28.05.13 19:18:26,802 racoon[590]: IKEv1 Information-Notice: transmit success. (Delete ISAKMP-SA).
28.05.13 19:18:26,000 kernel[0]: SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6: utun0 error=6
28.05.13 19:18:26,808 configd[17]: network changed: v4(utun0:, en0) v6(en0:fe80::6ab6:fcff:fe2b:de82) DNS* Proxy SMB
28.05.13 19:18:26,853 configd[17]: SCNC Controller: service_ending_verify_primaryservice, waiting for PrimaryService. status = 1.
28.05.13 19:18:26,944 racoon[590]: IPSec disconnecting from server
28.05.13 19:18:26,945 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0:, utun0-: v6(en0:fe80::6ab6:fcff:fe2b:de82) DNS! Proxy! SMB
28.05.13 19:18:26,946 configd[17]: SCNC Controller: ipv4_state_changed, done waiting for ServiceID.
28.05.13 19:18:38,377 CalendarAgent[211]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.caldav.queue] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "Die Netzwerkverbindung wurde unterbrochen." UserInfo=0x7ffc329453d0 {NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc3146b9f0 "Die Netzwerkverbindung wurde unterbrochen.", NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://lotusxxx20072004%[email protected]/principals/users/lotusxxx20072004/, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://lotusxxx20072004%[email protected]/principals/users/lotusxxx20072004/, AccountName=yahoo.de, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, NSLocalizedDescription=Die Netzwerkverbindung wurde unterbrochen.}]
28.05.13 19:18:53,815 CalendarAgent[211]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.caldav.queue] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=401 "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain-Fehler 401.)" UserInfo=0x7ffc31413870 {AccountName=yahoo.de, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x7ffc32e16d50 [0x7fff77e54110]>{type = immutable dict, count = 11,
entries =>
	0 : Case Insensitive Key: Connection = <CFString 0x7ffc32e0b3c0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "keep-alive"}
	1 : Case Insensitive Key: Content-Type = <CFString 0x7ffc32e4c690 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
	2 : Case Insensitive Key: Server = <CFString 0x7ffc32e01980 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "YTS/1.19.11"}
	3 : Case Insensitive Key: Via = <CFString 0x7ffc328a7020 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "HTTP/1.1 ymail-cgproxy (YahooTrafficServer/1.19.11 [c s f ])"}
	4 : Case Insensitive Key: Age = <CFString 0x7fff77e28120 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "0"}
	5 : Case Insensitive Key: P3P = <CFString 0x7ffc328c6d40 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "policyref="http://info.yahoo.com/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA POL HEA PRE LOC GOV""}
	6 : Case Insensitive Key: Date = <CFString 0x7ffc32e4cd70 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Tue, 28 May 2013 17:18:51 GMT"}
	7 : Case Insensitive Key: Transfer-Encoding = <CFString 0x7fff77f74810 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Identity"}
	9 : Case Insensitive Key: Www-Authenticate = <CFString 0x7ffc32e16160 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Basic realm="Zimbra""}
	11 : Case Insensitive Key: Cache-Control = <CFString 0x7ffc32889ce0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "private"}
	12 : Case Insensitive Key: Vary = <CFString 0x7ffc328cd1b0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Accept-Encoding"}
28.05.13 19:20:13,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(644) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
28.05.13 19:20:13,860 sandboxd[644]: ([643]) WebProcess(643) deny iokit-open AppleGraphicsPolicyClient
28.05.13 19:20:22,226 WebProcess[643]: objc[643]: Object 0x7fdae3c1c820 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:20:22,234 WebProcess[643]: objc[643]: Object 0x7fdae3c1c820 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:20:36,876 WebProcess[643]: objc[643]: Object 0x7fdae3c1c820 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:20:36,876 WebProcess[643]: objc[643]: Object 0x7fdae3c1c820 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:20:36,876 WebProcess[643]: objc[643]: Object 0x7fdae3c1c820 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 19:31:58,406 WebProcess[643]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
28.05.13 19:31:58,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(693) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
28.05.13 19:32:01,888 sandboxd[693]: ([643]) WebProcess(643) deny mach-lookup com.apple.ls.boxd
28.05.13 19:32:27,000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=698[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
28.05.13 19:33:53,035 CalendarAgent[211]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.caldav.queue] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=401 "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain-Fehler 401.)" UserInfo=0x7ffc3143fb70 {AccountName=yahoo.de, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x7ffc328b8040 [0x7fff77e54110]>{type = immutable dict, count = 11,
entries =>
	0 : Case Insensitive Key: Connection = <CFString 0x7ffc328b6d60 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "keep-alive"}
	1 : Case Insensitive Key: Content-Type = <CFString 0x7ffc3287fb70 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
	2 : Case Insensitive Key: Server = <CFString 0x7ffc32e09250 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "YTS/1.19.11"}
	3 : Case Insensitive Key: Via = <CFString 0x7ffc3281f5d0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "HTTP/1.1 ymail-cgproxy (YahooTrafficServer/1.19.11 [c s f ])"}
	4 : Case Insensitive Key: Age = <CFString 0x7fff77e28120 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "0"}
	5 : Case Insensitive Key: P3P = <CFString 0x7ffc328a8d30 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "policyref="http://info.yahoo.com/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA POL HEA PRE LOC GOV""}
	6 : Case Insensitive Key: Date = <CFString 0x7ffc32e16ff0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Tue, 28 May 2013 17:33:51 GMT"}
	7 : Case Insensitive Key: Transfer-Encoding = <CFString 0x7fff77f74810 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Identity"}
	9 : Case Insensitive Key: Www-Authenticate = <CFString 0x7ffc328a6cd0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Basic realm="Zimbra""}
	11 : Case Insensitive Key: Cache-Control = <CFString 0x7ffc328f2fc0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "private"}
	12 : Case Insensitive Key: Vary = <CFString 0x7ffc32e4d0d0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Accept-Encoding"}
28.05.13 19:33:56,784 AddressBookSourceSync[701]: [CardDAVPlugin-ERROR] -getPrincipalInfo:[_controller principalPropertiesAtURL:https://lotusxxx20072004%[email protected]/principals/users/lotusxxx20072004%40yahoo.de/] Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=401 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain error 401.)" UserInfo=0x7fdbd9a23350 {CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x7fdbd9a3a620 [0x7fff77e54110]>{type = immutable dict, count = 10,
entries =>
	0 : Case Insensitive Key: Connection = <CFString 0x7fdbd9a0a0a0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "keep-alive"}
	1 : Case Insensitive Key: Content-Type = <CFString 0x7fdbd9a35ba0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "text/html; charset=utf-8"}
	2 : Case Insensitive Key: Server = <CFString 0x7fdbd9a0a0c0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "YTS/1.19.11"}
	3 : Case Insensitive Key: Transfer-Encoding = <CFString 0x7fff77f74810 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Identity"}
	4 : Case Insensitive Key: Age = <CFString 0x7fff77e28120 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "0"}
	5 : Case Insensitive Key: P3P = <CFString 0x7fdbd9a23470 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "policyref="http://info.yahoo.com/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA POL HEA PRE LOC GOV""}
	6 : Case Insensitive Key: Date = <CFString 0x7fdbd9a023d0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Tue, 28 May 2013 17:33:56 GMT"}
	9 : Case Insensitive Key: Www-Authenticate = <CFString 0x7fdbd9a31a50 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Basic realm="Zimbra""}
	11 : Case Insensitive Key: Cache-Control = <CFString 0x7fdbd9a233a0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "private"}
	12 : Case Insensitive Key: Vary = <CFString 0x7fdbd9a528a0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Accept-Encoding"}
28.05.13 19:36:27,460 Safari[641]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 19:40:21,800 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.qtkittrustedmoviesservice[697]) Could not terminate job: 3: No such process
28.05.13 19:40:21,800 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.qtkittrustedmoviesservice[697]) Using fallback option to terminate job...
28.05.13 19:40:47,823 configd[17]: IPSec connecting to server ch.hide.io
28.05.13 19:40:47,823 configd[17]: SCNC: start, triggered by SystemUIServer, type IPSec, status 0
28.05.13 19:40:48,010 configd[17]: IPSec Phase1 starting.
28.05.13 19:40:48,075 racoon[748]: IPSec connecting to server
28.05.13 19:40:48,075 racoon[748]: Connecting.
28.05.13 19:40:48,076 racoon[748]: IPSec Phase1 started (Initiated by me).
28.05.13 19:40:48,076 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 1).
28.05.13 19:40:48,107 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 2).
28.05.13 19:40:48,112 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 3).
28.05.13 19:40:48,146 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 4).
28.05.13 19:40:48,161 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 5).
28.05.13 19:40:48,207 racoon[748]: IKEv1 Phase1 AUTH: success. (Initiator, Main-Mode Message 6).
28.05.13 19:40:48,208 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Main-Mode message 6).
28.05.13 19:40:48,208 racoon[748]: IKEv1 Phase1 Initiator: success. (Initiator, Main-Mode).
28.05.13 19:40:48,208 racoon[748]: IPSec Phase1 established (Initiated by me).
28.05.13 19:40:48,209 racoon[748]: IPSec Extended Authentication requested.
28.05.13 19:40:48,209 configd[17]: IPSec requesting Extended Authentication.
28.05.13 19:40:48,219 configd[17]: IPSec sending Extended Authentication.
28.05.13 19:40:48,219 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Mode-Config message).
28.05.13 19:40:48,219 racoon[748]: IPSec Extended Authentication sent.
28.05.13 19:40:48,412 racoon[748]: IKEv1 XAUTH: success. (XAUTH Status is OK).
28.05.13 19:40:48,413 racoon[748]: IPSec Extended Authentication Passed.
28.05.13 19:40:48,413 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Mode-Config message).
28.05.13 19:40:48,413 racoon[748]: IKEv1 Config: retransmited. (Mode-Config retransmit).
28.05.13 19:40:48,413 racoon[748]: IPSec Network Configuration requested.
28.05.13 19:40:48,471 racoon[748]: IPSec Network Configuration established.
28.05.13 19:40:48,471 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: receive success. (MODE-Config).
28.05.13 19:40:48,471 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration started.
28.05.13 19:40:48,471 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration: INTERNAL-IP4-ADDRESS =
28.05.13 19:40:48,471 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration: INTERNAL-IP4-DNS =
28.05.13 19:40:48,471 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration: INTERNAL-IP4-DNS =
28.05.13 19:40:48,472 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration: DEFAULT-ROUTE = local-address
28.05.13 19:40:48,474 configd[17]: IPSec Phase2 starting.
28.05.13 19:40:48,474 racoon[748]: IPSec Phase2 started (Initiated by me).
28.05.13 19:40:48,475 configd[17]: IPSec Network Configuration established.
28.05.13 19:40:48,475 configd[17]: IPSec Phase1 established.
28.05.13 19:40:48,475 configd[17]: event_callback: Address added. previous interface setting (name: en0, address:, current interface setting (name: utun0, family: 1001, address:, subnet:, destination:
28.05.13 19:40:48,476 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode message 1).
28.05.13 19:40:48,000 kernel[0]: utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
28.05.13 19:40:48,505 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: receive success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode message 2).
28.05.13 19:40:48,506 racoon[748]: IKE Packet: transmit success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode message 3).
28.05.13 19:40:48,506 racoon[748]: IKEv1 Phase2 Initiator: success. (Initiator, Quick-Mode).
28.05.13 19:40:48,506 racoon[748]: IPSec Phase2 established (Initiated by me).
28.05.13 19:40:48,507 configd[17]: IPSec Phase2 established.
28.05.13 19:40:48,522 configd[17]: network changed: v4(utun0+:, en0) v6(en0:fe80::6ab6:fcff:fe2b:de82) DNS! Proxy! SMB
28.05.13 19:41:02,282 CalendarAgent[211]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.caldav.queue] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=401 "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain-Fehler 401.)" UserInfo=0x7ffc31407d40 {AccountName=yahoo.de, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x7ffc3293f090 [0x7fff77e54110]>{type = immutable dict, count = 11,
entries =>
	0 : Case Insensitive Key: Connection = <CFString 0x7ffc3293f0e0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "keep-alive"}
	1 : Case Insensitive Key: Content-Type = <CFString 0x7ffc3293d700 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
	2 : Case Insensitive Key: Server = <CFString 0x7ffc3295b940 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "YTS/1.19.11"}
	3 : Case Insensitive Key: Via = <CFString 0x7ffc3295b8f0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "HTTP/1.1 ymail-cgproxy (YahooTrafficServer/1.19.11 [c s f ])"}
	4 : Case Insensitive Key: Age = <CFString 0x7fff77e28120 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "0"}
	5 : Case Insensitive Key: P3P = <CFString 0x7ffc329599a0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "policyref="http://info.yahoo.com/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA POL HEA PRE LOC GOV""}
	6 : Case Insensitive Key: Date = <CFString 0x7ffc32932ce0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Tue, 28 May 2013 17:41:00 GMT"}
	7 : Case Insensitive Key: Transfer-Encoding = <CFString 0x7fff77f74810 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Identity"}
	9 : Case Insensitive Key: Www-Authenticate = <CFString 0x7ffc3293ead0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Basic realm="Zimbra""}
	11 : Case Insensitive Key: Cache-Control = <CFString 0x7ffc3295c5c0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "private"}
	12 : Case Insensitive Key: Vary = <CFString 0x7ffc3295c5e0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Accept-Encoding"}
28.05.13 19:41:40,833 Safari[641]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 19:41:42,196 Safari[641]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 19:41:45,672 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.qtkittrustedmoviesservice[738]) Could not terminate job: 3: No such process
28.05.13 19:41:45,672 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.qtkittrustedmoviesservice[738]) Using fallback option to terminate job...
28.05.13 19:41:53,789 LittleSnapper[754]: Moving myself to the Applications folder
28.05.13 19:43:05,993 WindowServer[90]: Display 0x42730c0 captured by conn 0xa8b3
28.05.13 19:43:06,284 WindowServer[90]: Display 0x42730c0 released by conn 0xa8b3
28.05.13 19:44:08,042 Safari[641]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 19:44:09,267 Safari[641]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 19:44:10,971 Safari[641]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 19:47:24,162 Dock[185]: find_shared_window: WID 327
28.05.13 19:47:24,162 WindowServer[90]: CGXGetWindowProperty: Invalid window 0x147
28.05.13 19:47:24,162 Dock[185]: CGSCopyWindowProperty
28.05.13 19:47:24,202 Dock[185]: CGSReleaseWindow: Invalid window 327
28.05.13 19:48:51,706 librariand[807]: MMe quota status changed: under quota
28.05.13 19:49:01,893 CalendarAgent[211]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.caldav.queue] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=401 "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain-Fehler 401.)" UserInfo=0x7ffc3144c470 {AccountName=yahoo.de, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x7ffc328f0040 [0x7fff77e54110]>{type = immutable dict, count = 11,
entries =>
	0 : Case Insensitive Key: Server = <CFString 0x7ffc32e0aed0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "YTS/1.19.11"}
	1 : Case Insensitive Key: Content-Type = <CFString 0x7ffc328966d0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
	2 : Case Insensitive Key: Connection = <CFString 0x7ffc328b5a40 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "keep-alive"}
	3 : Case Insensitive Key: Via = <CFString 0x7ffc328c36c0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "HTTP/1.1 ymail-cgproxy (YahooTrafficServer/1.19.11 [c s f ]), HTTP/1.1 ymail-cgproxy (YahooTrafficServer/1.19.11 [c s f ])"}
	4 : Case Insensitive Key: Age = <CFString 0x7fff77e28120 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "0"}
	5 : Case Insensitive Key: P3P = <CFString 0x7ffc328ac2e0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "policyref="http://info.yahoo.com/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA POL HEA PRE LOC GOV""}
	6 : Case Insensitive Key: Date = <CFString 0x7ffc328d7970 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Tue, 28 May 2013 17:48:54 GMT"}
	7 : Case Insensitive Key: Transfer-Encoding = <CFString 0x7fff77f74810 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Identity"}
	9 : Case Insensitive Key: Www-Authenticate = <CFString 0x7ffc32e159a0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Basic realm="Zimbra""}
	11 : Case Insensitive Key: Cache-Control = <CFString 0x7ffc3289aa70 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "private"}
	12 : Case Insensitive Key: Vary = <CFString 0x7ffc328c03a0 [0x7fff77e54110]>{contents = "Accept-Encoding"}
28.05.13 19:49:15,126 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: Bug: 12D78: liblaunch.dylib + 23849 [2F71CAF8-6524-329E-AC56-C506658B4C0C]: 0x25
28.05.13 19:49:15,265 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0x17c
28.05.13 19:49:15,265 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: kCGErrorFailure: CGSSetHideOnDeact: error getting window tags
28.05.13 19:49:15,622 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x17d requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:49:15,769 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSCopyWindowColorSpace: Invalid window 0x17c
28.05.13 19:49:18,012 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x17d requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:49:18,039 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSReleaseWindow: Invalid window 380
28.05.13 19:49:18,039 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: _NXTermWindow: error releasing window (1000)
28.05.13 19:49:21,115 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0x183
28.05.13 19:49:21,115 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: kCGErrorFailure: CGSSetHideOnDeact: error getting window tags
28.05.13 19:49:21,200 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x184 requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:49:21,283 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSCopyWindowColorSpace: Invalid window 0x183
28.05.13 19:49:26,392 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x184 requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:49:26,420 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSReleaseWindow: Invalid window 387
28.05.13 19:49:26,420 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: _NXTermWindow: error releasing window (1000)
28.05.13 19:49:38,843 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0x18c
28.05.13 19:49:38,843 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: kCGErrorFailure: CGSSetHideOnDeact: error getting window tags
28.05.13 19:49:39,006 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSCopyWindowColorSpace: Invalid window 0x18c
28.05.13 19:50:06,683 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSReleaseWindow: Invalid window 396
28.05.13 19:50:06,683 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: _NXTermWindow: error releasing window (1000)
28.05.13 19:50:06,727 librariand[807]: item update observer error: Connection invalid
28.05.13 19:50:58,010 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0x1a0
28.05.13 19:50:58,010 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: kCGErrorFailure: CGSSetHideOnDeact: error getting window tags
28.05.13 19:50:58,089 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x1a1 requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:50:58,119 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSCopyWindowColorSpace: Invalid window 0x1a0
28.05.13 19:50:59,965 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x1a1 requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:51:00,008 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSReleaseWindow: Invalid window 416
28.05.13 19:51:00,009 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: _NXTermWindow: error releasing window (1000)
28.05.13 19:53:22,467 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0x1ae
28.05.13 19:53:22,467 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: kCGErrorFailure: CGSSetHideOnDeact: error getting window tags
28.05.13 19:53:22,484 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: RVS:-[NSRemoteWindowController setFrame:]:connection not initialized.
28.05.13 19:53:22,536 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: RVS:-[NSRemoteWindowController setFrame:]:connection not initialized.
28.05.13 19:53:22,541 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x1af requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:53:22,577 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSCopyWindowColorSpace: Invalid window 0x1ae
28.05.13 19:53:24,983 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x1af requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:53:25,011 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSReleaseWindow: Invalid window 430
28.05.13 19:53:25,011 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: _NXTermWindow: error releasing window (1000)
28.05.13 19:53:37,924 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0x1bc
28.05.13 19:53:37,924 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: kCGErrorFailure: CGSSetHideOnDeact: error getting window tags
28.05.13 19:53:38,003 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x1bd requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:53:38,043 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSCopyWindowColorSpace: Invalid window 0x1bc
28.05.13 19:53:43,230 WindowServer[90]: _CGXSetWindowHasMainAppearance: Operation on a window 0x1bd requiring rights kCGSWindowRightOwner by caller TextEdit
28.05.13 19:53:43,253 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSReleaseWindow: Invalid window 444
28.05.13 19:53:43,253 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: _NXTermWindow: error releasing window (1000)
28.05.13 19:53:46,849 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0x1c6
28.05.13 19:53:46,849 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: kCGErrorFailure: CGSSetHideOnDeact: error getting window tags
28.05.13 19:53:46,949 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSCopyWindowColorSpace: Invalid window 0x1c6
28.05.13 19:53:59,623 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: CGSReleaseWindow: Invalid window 454
28.05.13 19:53:59,624 com.apple.security.pboxd[817]: _NXTermWindow: error releasing window (1000)
28.05.13 19:53:59,649 librariand[807]: item update observer error: Connection invalid
28.05.13 19:54:48,056 NetworkBrowserAgent[198]: SharePointBrowser::handleOpenCallBack returned 80
28.05.13 19:55:10,025 Locum[888]: Connection with distnoted server was invalidated
28.05.13 20:00:05,083 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.qtkittrustedmoviesservice[886]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:05,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 886 [qtkittrustedmovi]
28.05.13 20:00:06,305 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.hiservices-xpcservice[823]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:06,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 823 [com.apple.hiserv]
28.05.13 20:00:06,511 java[901]: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.
28.05.13 20:00:06,558 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[156]: (com.apple.printtool.agent[818]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:06,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 818 [printtool]
28.05.13 20:00:08,000 kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
28.05.13 20:00:08,000 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
28.05.13 20:00:08,393 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.quicklook.satellite.0AC32CDC-236B-4115-88C0-94B5DBE2A848[816]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:08,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 816 [QuickLookSatelli]
28.05.13 20:00:08,958 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.audio.ComponentHelper[647]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:09,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 647 [com.apple.audio.]
28.05.13 20:00:10,041 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[646]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:10,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 646 [com.apple.audio.]
28.05.13 20:00:11,235 Safari[641]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 20:00:12,539 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.qtkitserver[645]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:12,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 645 [com.apple.qtkits]
28.05.13 20:00:12,755 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[156]: (com.apple.rcd[545]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:13,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 545 [rcd]
28.05.13 20:00:13,384 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[361]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:13,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 361 [com.apple.audio.]
28.05.13 20:00:15,053 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpcd.CA000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000[357]) Exited: Killed: 9
28.05.13 20:00:15,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 357 [xpcd]
28.05.13 20:00:15,000 kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
28.05.13 20:00:16,000 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
28.05.13 20:03:04,191 login[920]: USER_PROCESS: 920 ttys000
28.05.13 20:03:10,461 Safari[641]: CGContextClipToRect: invalid context 0x0
28.05.13 20:04:02,002 sandboxd[934]: ([930]) WebProcess(930) deny iokit-open AppleGraphicsPolicyClient
28.05.13 20:04:02,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(934) deny mach-lookup com.apple.coresymbolicationd
28.05.13 20:04:03,322 WebProcess[930]: objc[930]: Object 0x7fcb28c1c800 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 20:04:03,330 WebProcess[930]: objc[930]: Object 0x7fcb28c1c800 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 20:04:04,413 WebProcess[930]: objc[930]: Object 0x7fcb28c1c800 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 20:04:04,413 WebProcess[930]: objc[930]: Object 0x7fcb28c1c800 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
28.05.13 20:04:04,413 WebProcess[930]: objc[930]: Object 0x7fcb28c1c800 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug

kann es sein das es hier ein Limit gibt?
ich kann es nicht Posten, die seite wird immer wider weiß
ist nur vom 27 & 28.5

5250 Zeilen für die letzen 2 Tage registriert

Etwas viel oder ?
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