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WinPwn 1.0 RC1 Released


Ribston Pepping
Everyone's been waiting, but here it is - WinPwn 1.0 RC1. Don't forget, it's RC - so there are still a few kinks that need to be worked out. After a long wait and maybe a vacation, it's finally ready to be put to action. I will update shortly with screen shots and links. You can also check out winpwn.com for the download information.I'm just getting the application booted up now, and I'm checking out the help file. It's very nifty and neat. The first thing on the help file explains the process of Pwning - or, what Pwning is.
What is “Pwning"?
Pwning in relation to this tool is a process that patches the official Apple Bootloader in the iPhone and iPod touch allowing you to circumvent code signing checks so that custom firmware can be run on the iPhone or iPhone touch.
winpwn is an application that automates and simplifies the new method of "Pwning" an iPhone or iPod Touch.
there's more after the break!

Quelle: http://theiphoneproject.org/index.p...-announcements-news/81-winpwn-10-rc1-released
