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Upload von ausgewählten Dateien



Ich brauche da mal ein Script. Der soll folgendes machen:
Schauen welche Dateien und Ordner im Finder ausgewählt sind und diese mit Cyberduck auf einen Server hochladen.

Das ist bis jetzt dabei rausgekommen:

set dateien to 0
tell application "Finder"
set dateien to result of (get selection)
end tell
tell application "Cyberduck"
set the_browser to (make new browser)
tell (the_browser)
set encoding to "UTF-8"
connect to "www.server.de" as user "user" with initial folder "upload"
repeat with theFile in dateien
upload item theFile
end repeat
end tell
end tell

Aber da kriege ich immer den falschen Dateien Typ. Wer kann helfen?


Das schattige plaetzchen


Tydemans Early Worcester
Ich habe zwar nicht direkt Dein Script aufgegriffen, dafür aber einen schnellere Lösung gefunden, die ganz ohne Cyberduck auskommt.
  1. Es ist ein AppleScript (Dateien auf das Skript-Programm ziehen), dass Upload Links in einer verschüsselten Datei (inkl. Passwort) abspeichert
  2. Die verschlüsselte Bookmark-Datei beim Start öffnen (kennwort dazu ist im Schlüsselbund hinterlegt)
  3. Dich dann fragt, wohin du es laden möchtest
  4. und dann das ganze via CURL (im Terminal) hochlädt.
Ich denke für größere Uploads nicht ganz so toll (kein Fortschrittsbalken), aber für kleine, häufige Uploads gar nicht mal so eine schlechte Lösung.

Quellen (von denen ich geklaut habe =) ):und hier das Script (als Skript-Programm abspeichern!):
property myKeyName : "FTP-Upload-Script-PW"
property keyDescription : "Administrator-Kennwort"
property theAppName : "FTP-Upload-Script"
property theAppVersion : "Rev. 2"
on open these_items
    set theKey to getKey()
    tell application "Keychain Scripting" to set userpass to password of theKey
    --## bookmarks auslesen
    set pathtome to path to me
    tell application "Finder" to set myfolderx to (POSIX path of (container of (pathtome as alias) as alias))
    set newbookmarkfile to false
        -- eine Liste bauen
        set bookmark_text to do shell script "cd " & quoted form of myfolderx & "; cat bookmarks.txt | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in bookmarks.txt -pass pass:" & userpass
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 13
        set bookmark_list_all to every text item of bookmark_text
        set bookmark_list_at to {}
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "@"
        repeat with b in bookmark_list_all
            set bookmark_list_at to bookmark_list_at & text item 2 of b
        end repeat
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
        set bookmark_list_url to {"••Hinzufügen••", "••Löschen••"}
        repeat with i from 1 to (count of every item of bookmark_list_at)
            set bookmark_list_url to bookmark_list_url & ((characters -2 through -1 of ("0" & i) & " " & item i of bookmark_list_at) as text)
        end repeat
        set thebookmark to choose from list bookmark_list_url with prompt " Bitte URL auswählen... oder neue Hinzufügen... Oder löschen"
        -- /eine Liste bauen
    on error
        set bookmark_text to bookmark_abfragen()
        do shell script ("cd " & quoted form of myfolderx & "; echo " & quoted form of bookmark_text & " | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -out bookmarks.txt -pass pass:" & userpass)
        set thebookmark to bookmark_text
        set newbookmarkfile to true
    end try
    if thebookmark as text = "••Hinzufügen••" then
        set bookmark_text to bookmark_text & (ASCII character 13) & bookmark_abfragen()
        do shell script ("cd " & quoted form of myfolderx & "; echo " & quoted form of bookmark_text & " | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -out bookmarks.txt -pass pass:" & userpass)
    else if thebookmark as text = "••Löschen••" then
        -- eine Liste bauen
        set bookmark_text to do shell script "cd " & quoted form of myfolderx & "; cat bookmarks.txt | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in bookmarks.txt -pass pass:" & userpass
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 13
        set bookmark_list_all to every text item of bookmark_text
        set bookmark_list_at to {}
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "@"
        repeat with b in bookmark_list_all
            set bookmark_list_at to bookmark_list_at & text item 2 of b
        end repeat
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
        set bookmark_list_url to {}
        repeat with i from 1 to (count of every item of bookmark_list_at)
            set bookmark_list_url to bookmark_list_url & ((characters -2 through -1 of ("0" & i) & " " & item i of bookmark_list_at) as text)
        end repeat
        set thebookmark to choose from list bookmark_list_url with prompt " Bitte Bookmark die gelöscht werden soll"
        -- /eine Liste bauen
        -- eine neue liste ohne die gelöschte bauen
        if thebookmark as text ≠ "false" then
            set indexdel to ((characters 1 through 2 of (thebookmark as text) as text) as integer)
            set bookmark_list_new to {}
            repeat with i from 1 to count of every item of bookmark_list_all
                if i ≠ indexdel then
                    set bookmark_list_new to bookmark_list_new & item i of bookmark_list_all
                end if
            end repeat
            -- /eine neue liste ohne die gelöschte bauen
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASCII character 13
            set bookmark_text to bookmark_list_new as text
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
            do shell script ("cd " & quoted form of myfolderx & "; echo " & quoted form of bookmark_text & " | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -out bookmarks.txt -pass pass:" & userpass)
        end if
        --##/ bookmarks auslesen
        if thebookmark as text ≠ "false" then
            if newbookmarkfile = false then
                set thebookmark to item ((characters 1 through 2 of (thebookmark as text) as text) as integer) of bookmark_list_all
            end if
            --##ftp upload
            repeat with this_item in these_items
                upload(this_item, thebookmark)
            end repeat
            display dialog "Upload beendet" giving up after 5 with icon 1
            --##/ftp upload
        end if
    end if
end open

--## bookmarks auslesen
on bookmark_abfragen()
    set ftpurl to ""
    set benutzername to ""
    set kennwort to ""
    set passtso to false
    repeat until passtso = true
        set displaystring to ftpurl
        set ftpurl to ""
        repeat until ftpurl ≠ "" and ftpurl contains "." and ((count of every character of ftpurl) > 3)
            display dialog "FTP URL, so etwas wie" & return & "meinedomain.de (ohne ftp://)" default answer displaystring
            set ftpurl to text returned of the result
        end repeat
        set displaystring to benutzername
        set benutzername to ""
        repeat until benutzername ≠ "" and benutzername does not contain " "
            display dialog "FTP Benutzername für :" & return & "ftp://" & ftpurl default answer displaystring
            set benutzername to text returned of the result
        end repeat
        set displaystring to kennwort
        set kennwort to ""
        repeat until kennwort ≠ "" and kennwort does not contain " "
            display dialog "FTP Kennwort für  :" & return & "ftp://" & benutzername & "@" & ftpurl default answer displaystring
            set kennwort to text returned of the result
        end repeat
        display dialog "Stimmt das so?:" & return & "ftp://" & benutzername & ":" & kennwort & "@" & ftpurl buttons {"Ja", "Nein", "cancel"}
        if (button returned of the result) as text = "Ja" then
            set passtso to true
        else if (button returned of the result) as text = "false" then
            tell me to quit
        end if
    end repeat
    return "ftp://" & benutzername & ":" & kennwort & "@" & ftpurl as text
end bookmark_abfragen
--##/ bookmarks auslesen

--##ftp upload

Uploads the given file or folder to the given remote ftp folder using "curl".
If you need user/password to login to such server, append it to the URL. Eg:
[URL]ftp://user:[email protected]/dir/[/URL]

filePath: file path, alias, posix path (a file or folder)
remoteDir: ftp directory (eg: "ftp://ftp.server.com/foo/" or "ftp://user:[email protected]/dir/")

upload(alias "path:to:dir:", "ftp://usernameHERE:[email protected]/html/docs/")
to upload(filePath, remoteDir)
    global baseLocalFolder, baseRemoteFolder, ftpHome, ftpDir
    script nesteed
        to guessNewDir(f) -- "/path/to/footest" --> /footest
            set prevTids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to POSIX path of parent's baseLocalFolder
            set f to item -1 of f's text items
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevTids
            return f
        end guessNewDir
        to breakURL(d) --> "ftp://user:[email protected]/html/docs/" --> {"ftp://user:[email protected]", "/html/docs"}
            set prevTids to AppleScript's text item delimiters
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
            set ftpHome to "" & items 1 thru 3 of d's text items
                set ftpDir to "/" & items 4 thru -1 of d's text items
            on error
                set ftpDir to "/"
            end try
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevTids
            return {ftpHome, ftpDir}
        end breakURL
        to processUnknownItem(f, remoteDir)
            set f to f as text
            if f ends with ":" then
                processFolder(f, remoteDir)
                do shell script "curl -T " & quoted form of POSIX path of f & space & quoted form of remoteDir
            end if
        end processUnknownItem
        to processFolder(f, remoteDir)
            set newDir to guessNewDir(POSIX path of f) --> "/footest"
            try --> avoid existing dirs
                if newDir is not "" then do shell script "curl -Q " & quoted form of ("MKD " & parent's ftpDir & newDir) & space & parent's ftpHome
            end try
            set itemList to list folder alias f without invisibles
            repeat with i in itemList
                processUnknownItem(alias (f & i), parent's ftpHome & parent's ftpDir & newDir)
            end repeat
        end processFolder
    end script
    set wasError to false
        set filePath to filePath as Unicode text
        if filePath does not contain ":" then set filePath to POSIX file filePath as Unicode text
        if remoteDir does not end with "/" then set remoteDir to remoteDir & "/"
        if filePath ends with ":" then --> mirror dir
            -- curl -Q "MKD /html/docs/test" [URL]ftp://user:[email protected][/URL]
            set baseLocalFolder to filePath
            set baseRemoteFolder to remoteDir
            set {ftpHome, ftpDir} to breakURL(remoteDir) of nesteed --> {"ftp://user:[email protected]", "/html/docs"}
            processFolder(filePath, remoteDir) of nesteed
            do shell script "curl -T " & quoted form of POSIX path of filePath & space & quoted form of remoteDir
        end if
    on error msg number n
        set wasError to true
    end try
    set baseLocalFolder to missing value
    set baseRemoteFolder to missing value
    set ftpHome to missing value
    set ftpDir to missing value
    if wasError then error msg number n
end upload
--##/ftp upload

--##Schlüsselbund Abfrage
on getKey()
    set validKey to false
    set changedPassword to false
    tell application "Keychain Scripting"
        set theKeychain to current keychain
        tell theKeychain
            if locked then
                tell me to display dialog "'Keychain Scripting' bittet gleich um das Passwort für den Schlüsselbund  '" & name of theKeychain & ¬
                    "' einzugeben. Das ist in Ordnung." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
                unlock --provoziert Passworteingabeaufforderung vom Schlüsselbund
            end if
            set theKey to every Internet key of theKeychain whose name is myKeyName
            if theKey = {} then
                set theKey to my makeKey()
                set firstTime to true
                set validKey to true
                set theKey to item 1 of theKey
                set firstTime to false
            end if
        end tell --end tell theKeychain    
    end tell --end tell application "Keychain Scripting"
    repeat while not validKey
        tell application "Keychain Scripting" to set thePassword to the password of theKey
            do shell script "sudo -k" --timeout our sudo ability so the following test is valid            
            do shell script "ls /private/var/root/" password thePassword with administrator privileges
            do shell script "sudo -k" --Zeitfenster von sudo schließen
            set validKey to true
        on error
            set thePassword to text returned of ¬
                (display dialog "Das Administrator-Passwort für " & theAppName & " ist ungültig. Bitte korrigieren. Das Passwort wird bei der Eingabe zwar im Klartext angezeigt, gespeichert wird es im Schlüsselbund jedoch verschlüsselt." default answer "" with icon caution)
            set changedPassword to true
            set validKey to false
        end try
    end repeat
    if changedPassword then tell application "Keychain Scripting" to set the password of theKey to thePassword
    if firstTime then
        display dialog "Damit '" & theAppName & "' zukünftig ohne Ihr Zutun laufen kann, müssen Sie ihm Zugriffe auf den Schlüsselbund erlauben. Klicken Sie im ersten Dialog 'Immer erlauben' an, im zweiten 'Einmal erlauben'." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    end if
    return theKey
end getKey

on makeKey()
    set validKey to false
    display dialog "'" & theAppName & "' fragt Sie jetzt nach Ihrem Administrator-Passwort, um es für zukünftige Nutzung sicher im Schlüsselbund abzulegen. Diese Abfrage erscheint dann nicht mehr."
    repeat while not validKey
        set thePassword to text returned of (display dialog "Das Passwort wird bei der Eingabe zwar im Klartext angezeigt, gespeichert wird es im Schlüsselbund jedoch verschlüsselt. Geben Sie Ihr Administrator-Passwort ein:" default answer "" with icon caution)
            do shell script "sudo -k" --Zeitfenster von sudo schließen
            do shell script "ipfw list" password thePassword with administrator privileges
            do shell script "sudo -k" --Zeitfenster von sudo schließen            
            set validKey to true
        on error
            display dialog "Das Passwort ist ungültig. Bitte geben Sie ein anderes ein." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon caution
            set validKey to false
        end try
    end repeat
    tell application "Keychain Scripting"
        set theKeychain to current keychain
        set username to system attribute "USER"
        set theComment to "angelegt von '" & theAppName & " " & (theAppVersion as text) & "'"
            set myKey to first Internet key whose name is myKeyName
            delete myKey -- To impove by setting directly with new password when i'll find the problem
        end try
        set myKey to (make new Internet key at theKeychain with properties ¬
            {name:myKeyName, description:keyDescription, account:username, comment:theComment, password:thePassword})
    end tell --end tell application Keychain Scripting
    return myKey
end makeKey

--##/Schlüsselbund Abfrage
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Reaktionen: plaetzchen


Cool das brauchte ich. Werde es ein wenig anpassen und dann kann ich das gut gebrauchen! Danke!