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Unsanity Mighty Mouse für Leopard


Granny Smith
Endlich gibt es das Tool Mighty Mouse von Unsanity (Version 2.0b1) auch für den Leopard!

Bei ZDNet gefunden:

Mighty Mouse allows you to customize your cursors with style - and it does so on the fly, without modifying any system files! Moreover, it allows you to customize all kinds of cursors available in the system - Arrow, I-Beam, Alias, Copy, Move and the Wait cursor. You can animate any cursor and import pre-made ones available at our website. Edit the cursors with the simplicity of copy-paste and drag-and-drop, then hit Apply, and you got it!

With Mighty Mouse, you can:

  • Animate any of the system cursors (including the Arrow cursor);
  • Use cursors of any size - smaller or larger than the default ones;
  • Magnify your existing cursors for easier accessibility;
  • Download and import cursors made by other users;
  • Create your own cursors and share them with others;
  • Instantly import cursors created for Windows XP.
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