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ich möchte mich jetzt endlich mal mit Mac OS auseinandersetzen. Bis jetzt habe ich recht fundierte Linux Erfahrungen (Administration, bash/AWK Skripting, etc) Um mich tiefer in Sachen Linux einzuarbetien habe ich seiner Zeit den "Kofler" gelsen, und kam damit sehr gut zurecht.

Könnt Ihr mir gute Mac OS Literatur empfehlen?

Vielen Dank, Jolanda


Du weißt, dass OS X auf Free BSD basiert und auch ein Terminal hat? Somit trifft eigentlich alles von Linux auch auf OS X zu.

Zu Büchern... Die meisten Sachen befassen sich mit der Bedienung von OS X. Falls du etwas zum Systemaufbau von OS X suchst, schau dir die Apple Developer Homepage an.

oder warum nicht einfach zum kostenlosen Apple Seminar gehen? :)

Von: Apple Developer Connection <[email protected]>
Datum: 8. März 2006 18:59:19 MEZ
Betreff: Get your application running on Intel-based Macs.
Antwort an: Apple Developer Connection <[email protected]>

Dear Developer,

You are invited to attend a Universal Application Workshop hosted by
the Apple Developer Connection. This free, three-hour briefing will
go in-depth, covering effective methods for creating Mac OS X
applications that run on both PowerPC and Intel-based Macs, as well
as step-by-step instructions for adopting Xcode, the Apple tool
suite and integrated development environment for building universal

During the briefing, you may also bring your software to a mobile
compatibility lab to test your application on a new Intel-based
Macintosh system and consult with an Apple engineer about specific
issues you encounter. Please note that lab resources are limited and
space will be available on a first-come, first served basis.

Universal Application Workshops are scheduled for the following
dates and locations. For each given date, you may register to attend
either a morning session beginning at 8:30 or an identical afternoon
session beginning at 13:30.

17 March 2006: Paris, FRANCE
20 March 2006: Milan, ITALY
22 March 2006: Zurich, SWITZERLAND
24 March 2006: Munich, GERMANY
27 March 2006: Cologne, GERMANY
29 March 2006: Berlin, GERMANY
03 April 2006: Oslo, NORWAY
05 April 2006: Copenhagen, DENMARK
07 April 2006: Stockholm, SWEDEN
11 April 2006: Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
26 April 2006: London, UNITED KINGDOM

There is no enrollment fee for this workshop. Current ADC members
are invited to register for the event of their choice at:


Upon receipt of your reservation, if space is available you will be
sent a confirmation email with further details. The confirmation
email guarantees your place this workshop.

Best regards,

Apple Developer Connection

Copyright (c) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
1 Infinite Loop, MS 303-3DM, Cupertino, CA 95014.

All Rights Reserved

This event is intended for Apple Developer Connection members only.
Interested developers who are not currently ADC members must first
join ADC by visiting (http://connect.apple.com/) and then proceed to
to register separately for a Universal Application Workshop at

Presentations will be held in English.

You are receiving this email because you have agreed to receive
technical information from the Apple Developer Connection. If you no
longer wish to receive email from ADC, you may unsubscribe online.
