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SMS mit Hilfe von iPhone PCSUITE wiederherstellen


Golden Delicious

Habe folgendes Problem:

Ich hab meine sms.db gesichert und mein iPhone wiederhergestellt (jailbreak war komplett vermurkst). Jetzt hab ich Firmware 3.1 aufm iPhone (ohne jb) und wollte mit Hilfe der iPhone PCSuite oder des iPhoneBrowsers meine sms.db wiederherstellen. Laut der Suite funktioniert das auch. Allerdings sind, nachdem ich auf "sync to phone" geklickt habe keine sms aufm apfel.

Hat jemand ne Idee wie ich die SMS wieder herbekomme?

gruß seak


Golden Delicious
Ich habs jetzt mal nach der Anleitung hier versucht:

  1. Navigate to the folder ~/Libary » Applications Support » MobileSync » Backup.
  2. In the folder found above, there will be n subfolders containing your n iPhone backup sets (those iTunes makes when you connect your iPhone to your computer). In my case, I had two subfolders, one for the 3G and the other for the 3GS. The name of each folder will be a string of 40 randomish hex characters.
  3. Sort the view by date--this will let you easily tell which subfolder belongs to which phone; enter the one that belongs to the phone that contains your SMS history (or the source iPhone, if you like). The other will be named destination iPhone.
  4. Option-drag this latter folder to the desktop for safety, in case something goes south along the journey.
  5. Copy these two files...
    ...from the source iPhone backup folder to the destination iPhone backup folder. The Finder will warn you about overwriting the existing files; just do it.
  6. Connect your destination iPhone to the computer and fire up iTunes (since it shouldn't have started by itself if you followed the initial note).
  7. When your iPhone appears under Devices in your iTunes sidebar, Control-click it and select the 'Restore from Backup...' option.
  8. Select the backup related to your device (i.e. the backup of the destination iPhone that you just 'patched' with the two files coming from the source iPhone).
  9. Have a cup of coffee and let the magic happen!
Allerdings sind meine SMS immernoch nicht da =(
Bin für jede Idee offen...