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SL: CocoaBooklet (Java-Applikation) geht nicht mehr


Fießers Erstling
Hi Leute!

Unter SL geht CocoaBooklet nicht mehr, das brauche ich aber ziemlich oft. Beim Start über das Terminal kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:

MacBook:~ wolfgang$ /Applications/CocoaBooklet.app/Contents/MacOS/CocoaBooklet
JavaVM: requested Java version (1.4*) not available. Using Java at "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home" instead.
[Deprecated] CocoaJava: com.apple.cocoa.foundation.NSRuntime
-[NSJavaVirtualMachine initWithClassPath:] FATAL: cannot initialize ObjCJava. Exit
MacBook:~ wolfgang$
Ist da was zu machen?

LG, Carim


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Zitat des Entwicklers:
Dear users,

Without warning, Apple has completely removed all the Cocoa-Java components in Snow Leopard.

Since all of my applications rely heavily on Cocoa-Java and Java, they will all require a complete rewrite to work with Snow Leopard.

Since developping software applications is a hobby and since I have a full time job to pay the bills, I cannot spend my whole time working on rewriting my applications.

Therefore, I cannot make any promise for a new release date, but I will do my best.

The new version will be posted on MacUpdate, Versiontracker and my website as soon as it is ready.

Thanks you for your support and best regards,

Fabien Conus
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