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Probleme mit meiner Optibay und SSD...


Ich hab in meinem Mac BookPro seit ca. nem halben Jahr neben meiner 1 TB Platte auch über eine Optibay eine 240 GB SSD eingebaut. Geschwindigkeit ist hervorragend, allerdings hab ich das Problem dass des öfteren beim Booten erst mal dieser "recovery"-Balken kommt bevor OSX startet. 3x kam es jetzt bereits vor, dass das Booten überhaupt nicht mehr möglich war (schaltete sich automatisch nach 10 Sek wieder aus). Ich hab die Platte beim ersten mal neu Formatiert und installiert und bei den anderen beiden Malen per Firewire an meinen MacPro angeschlossen, welcher mir sagte, daten könnten nur noch gelesen werden und es solle schnellstens ein Backup erstellt werden. Per DiskWarrior könnte ich das System allerdings wieder herstellen.

Woran glaubt ihr, dass es liegen könnte? SSD kaputt? Optibay? MacBook selber?

Disk Warrior gab mir folgenden Statusbericht.

DiskWarrior has successfully built a new optimized directory for the disk named "SSDHD." The new directory is
ready to replace the original directory.!
The original directory is damaged and it was necessary to scavenge the directory to find file and folder data.!
Some files that had been lost or thrown away may have been recovered.!
Comparison of the original and replacement directories indicates that there will be changes to the number, the
contents and/or the attributes of the files and folders. It is recommended that you preview the replacement
directory and examine the items listed below. All files and folders were compared and a total of 17.044.729
comparison tests were performed.!
• All errors in the directory structure such as tree depth, header node, map nodes, node size, node counts, node
links, indexes and more have been repaired.!
Disk: "SSDHD"!
Repaired Item Count!
Repaired the Total Folder Count of the Volume Information!
Repaired the Available Disk Space of the Volume Information!
Repaired the Attribute Bits of the critical Volume Information!
Detected More Items!
Location: "Desktop"!
Folder: "387"!
Repaired Item Count!
Location: "SSDHD/Users/admin/Library/Application Support/SyncServices/Local/DataReferences/"!
Folder: "35c"!
Repaired Item Count!
Location: "SSDHD/Users/admin/Library/Application Support/SyncServices/Local/DataReferences/"!
File: "5A6C5583-1476-443D-9C16-4CE5D0B94EE4.data"!
Recovered this file!
Location: "SSDHD/Rescued Items/"!
File: "5A6C5583-1476-443D-9C16-4CE5D0B94EE4.com.apple.PreferenceSync.data"!
Recovered this file!
Location: "SSDHD/Rescued Items/"!
File: "5A6C5583-1476-443D-9C16-4CE5D0B94EE4.truth.data"!
Recovered this file!
Location: "SSDHD/Rescued Items/"!
File: "5A6C5583-1476-443D-9C16-4CE5D0B94EE4.com.apple.DotMacSync.data"!
Recovered this file!
Location: "SSDHD/Rescued Items/"!
File: "973779E6-BC92-4AE9-9435-45AE7A43D344.data"!
Recovered this file!
Location: "SSDHD/Rescued Items/"!
File: "973779E6-BC92-4AE9-9435-45AE7A43D344.com.apple.DotMacSync.data"!
Recovered this file!
Location: "SSDHD/Rescued Items/"!
File: "2011.03.05.asl"!
Repaired Allocated Size!
Repaired Actual Size!
Location: "SSDHD/private/var/log/asl/"!
Actual Size: A file's actual size is the size of its contents. Repairs prevent the contents of these files from being
damaged when the files are used or copied.!
Allocated Size: A file's allocated size is the sum of all portions of the disk it occupies. Repairs prevent the contents
of these files from being damaged when the files are copied or resized.!
tem Count: Every folder keeps a record of the number of items that it contains. Repairs ensure that all items are
present when viewing the contents of these folders.!
More Items: These folders have more items in the replacement directory than they had in the original directory. This
is usually the result of lost files being recovered. !
Recovered Files: These are files that had an entry in an inaccessible portion of the directory. These files may have
been lost or thrown away. You must inspect these files to determine the extent of any damage. You must also
determine whether these files should be discarded.!
Volume Information: Every disk has information that describes its contents. Repairs prevent problems such as wasted
disk space and applications not functioning properly.!
Disk Information:!
Files: 609.044!
Folders: 171.440!
Free Space: 147.69 GB!
Format: Mac OS Extended !
Block Size: 4 K!
Disk Sectors: 468.190.304!
Media: AAPL Target Disk Mode!
Time: 09.03.2011 11:38:20 Uhr!
DiskWarrior Version: 4.1 - RH294197

THX 4 Help


Granny Smith
Hallo Strohy,

ich bin aktuell noch kein MAC User, aber im Verlauf meiner Recherche in verschiedenen Foren bin ich ziemlich sicher gelesen zu haben, daß die Optibay bzw. der Port des ODD sich nicht für's OS Boot Device eignet. Ich gehe davon aus, daß Deine SSD das Boot Device ist und der eigentliche HDD Port mit der 1TB Platte als quasi "Massenspeicher" fungiert. Deshalb mein Tip, SSD an HDD und 1TB an den ODD Port hängen.




Um die Install-Disk in einem externen Laufwerk zu booten, beim Einschalten des Macs die Optionstaste gedrückt halten bis der Bootmanager angezeigt wird.

Trotzdem rate ich auch die SSD anstelle der bisherigen HDD zu verbauen.
Wichtig: Backup natürlich immer zu haben...