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News: Linux on iPhone


Süssreinette (Aargauer Herrenapfel)
Das Dev-Team Mitglied planetbeing hat es geschafft Linux auf das iPhone zu portieren. Man könnte auch den Post in den Newsberreich schieben.
Bin mal gespannt was Apple dazu sagen wird und ob die es wirklich schaffen einen gleichwertigen Konkurrenten auf die Beine zu stellen
Ich zitiere jetzt mal von seinem Blog:

Linux on the iPhone!

I'm pleased to announce that the Linux 2.6 kernel has been ported to Apple's iPhone platform, with support for the first and second generation iPhones as well as the first generation iPod touch. This is a rough first draft of the port, and many drivers are still missing, but it's enough that a real alternative operating system is running on the iPhone.

What we have:

- Framebuffer driver
- Serial driver
- Serial over USB driver
- Interrupts, MMU, clock, etc.

What we have in openiboot (but hasn't been ported yet):

- Read-only support for the NAND

What we don't have (yet!):

- Write support for the NAND
- Wireless networking
- Touchscreen
- Sound
- Accelerometer
- Baseband support

The current userland we're using, in the interest of expedience, is a Busybox installation created with buildroot, but glibc works fine as well, and we're going to build a more permanent userland solution.

A demonstration video can be seen here: http://www.vimeo.com/2373142

Instructions here: http://www.iphone-dev.org/planetbeing/LINUX-README.txt

Download here: http://localhostr.com/files/b00133/iphonelinux-demo.tar.gz

Project lead: planetbeing

Contributors: CPICH, cmw, poorlad, ius, saurik

If you're experienced with hacking/porting Linux and especially if you're experienced with porting Android, I'd definitely like to hear from you. Come chill in the #iphonelinux channel on irc.osx86.hu. If you're not experienced, and still want to help, you can digg/slashdot this posting to heaven so our little project gets more visibility. Thanks. :)
+ http://blog.iphone-dev.org/post/62041396/linux-here-we-come

Gruß Tobi


Aargauer Weinapfel
Echt immer wieder erstaunlich was die Jungs drauf haben :)
Bin mal gespannt wie weit sie in ein paar Monaten damit sein werden...die größte Hürde ist ja nun überwunden.