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Mit "Paranoid Android" lässt sich das Virus-Loch stopfen


Tokyo Rose
Hier der Link zu dem Programm: http://www.unsanity.com/haxies/pa

Hier eine Beschreibung: A vulnerability in Apple's Mac OS X results in a potential situation in which a malicious person could execute arbitrary commands on your machine, such as deleting your home directory. This vulnerability involves the use of URL "schemes". These are the part of a web address that specifies what program should be used to handle the address.

Paranoid Android can protect you from this potential vulnerability until Apple makes an official fix available. It does this by watching the URL schemes that are requested and delaying them until you've had a chance to say whether you'd like to proceed or not. If you know that the url that's being loaded is legit, go ahead, but if it looks suspicious, Paranoid Android gives you an opportunity to cancel it.


Und woher der Tipp stammt: http://www.heise.de/security/news/foren/go.shtml?read=1&msg_id=9916240&forum_id=93491