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MacBook Pro (2011) bootet nicht mehr



seit gestern Abend habe ich ein Problem mit meinem MacBook Pro (gekauft Mai 2011, Lion)... Gestern Abend, während ich ganz normal im Internet gesurft bin, trat plötzlich der bekannte Beachball auf und keine der geöffneten Programme reagierte mehr. Ich startete daraufhin mein MacBook Pro über den Ein-/Aus- Schalter neu, jedoch bleibt mein MacBook seitdem beim Startbildschirm mit Apple Logo und dem sich drehenden Kreis darunter hängen... Ich habe das MacBook gestern Abend noch etwas mehr als eine Stunde laufen lassen und konnte mich dann wieder in Lion einloggen, jedoch reagierte das System auch nur sehr sehr langsam. Heute lies ich über die Lion Rescue Partition die Festplatte überprüfen, woraufhin mir ein Fehler gemeldet wurde, der auch behoben werden konnte... Booten lässt sich das MacBook trotzdem nicht... PRAM- und SMC- Reset habe ich ebenfalls durchgeführt- ohne Erfolg.

Hat von euch noch jemand eine Idee, was ich zur Behebung des Problems versuchen könnte?



Golden Noble
Versuche im Safe Mode zu starten, dabei werden fremde Kext deaktiviert. Safe Mode: Start mit gedrückter Shifttaste. Das dauert lang, also fasse dich in Geduld.
Falls er startet und im normalen Modus (der erste dauert wieder etwas länger) nicht, musst du nachdenken, welche 3rdParty Tools du geladen hast. Möglicherweise verhindert eines den Start.
Eine 2. Möglichkeit ist im Verbose Mode zu starten (cmd + V) und die Meldungen beim Steckenbleiben zu lesen. Abtippen, hier posten.


Habe gerade versucht im Safe Mode zu starten. Nachdem für etwa 10 min das Apple Logo angezeigt wurde, hat sich das MBP neugestartet... Soll das so sein?


Golden Noble
Wenn du im Safe Mode startest sollte ein Querbalken erscheinen, der den Fortschritt des Ausschaltens der fremden kext anzeigt. Dann startet er. Die 10 Minuten können schon hinkommen, wenn du sehr vieles Tools und (meist unnötige) Programme geladen hast.
Kannst du nach einer Weile Beschäftigung mit dem Mac wieder normal starten (auch das dauert länger als normal beim ersten Mal).


Einen Querbalken hab ich leider nicht gesehen... Es war nur für 10 Minuten das Apple Logo zu sehen und dann kam der Neustart... Nun ist wieder das Apple Logo erschienen mit dem sich drehenden "Kreis" darunter. Ich vermute das ist wieder der normale Bootvorgang... Führte bis jetzt aber noch nicht zum Systemstart.


Golden Noble
MHm, dann starte mal im Verbose Mode (cmd. + V), und schau dir die untersten Zeilen vor dem Hänger an.


Im Moment hängt es bei:

com.apple.launchd 1 com.apple.launchd 1 ***verbose boot, will log to /dev/console. ***

Es ging nun noch etwas weiter:

Running fsck on the boot volume...

hfs: Removed 0 orphaned / unlinked filed and 7 directories
BootCacheControl: Unable to open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: 2 No such file or directory


Golden Noble
Das sagt leider gar nichts, launchd startet und die Startmethode wird in die Konsole geschrieben.
Ab da geht es nicht weiter?

Starte noch mal von der Recovery Disc, repariere noch mal das Volumen und setze auch die Rechte zurück (da steht auch "reparieren" obwohl das nicht ganz stimmt). Und stelle dann das richtige Startvolumen ein.
Hast du einen 2. Mac und eine Firewirekabel?


Im Moment hängt es an: nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2


Golden Noble
Da gibt es möglicherweise eine Lösung. Leider auf Englisch.
Aber ob es daran liegt, dass der Mac nicht startet? nstat ist ja nur eine Statistik, die nicht gestartet (nicht eingesehen werden) kann.

Hast du Lion auf 7.2 aktualisiert?


Hab die Neueste Lion Version installiert! Bin nun auch nach einem langen Bootvorgang wieder bis zum Einloggen vorgedrungen... das hat auch funktioniert, aber das System reagiert nur sehr sehr langsam und Dateien (selbst kleine *.doc) lassen sich nur sehr mühsam öffnen.


Golden Noble
Also wenn der Mac jetzt läuft, dann arbeite ein wenig damit, öffne Programme und Dokumente und dann kopiere noch Mal die Log. Einträge und poste sie hier.


Roter Astrachan
Aus der Konsole, die Du unter Programme Dienstprogramme findest, falls Du nicht weißt, wie Du an die Logs kommst.


Golden Noble
Danke Snoopy - da sind nämlich zwei (unterschiedliche) User mit einem Startproblem und der andere kann schon aus der Konsole posten. Die habe ich jetzt verwechselt.


Roter Astrachan
Ich hatte das einfach mal so gepostet, weiß ja nicht jeder, wo er diese Informationen herbekommt :)

snoopy 1

Hi, habe mir hier den Beitrag mal Durchgelesen und vermute ganz stark das die Festplatte
bzw. das S-ATA Kabel ein Defekt aufweist.

Da ja noch Garantie vorhanden ist unbedingt beim ASP Abschecken lassen.


Welche log- Dateien sind denn interessant für euch?

Lasse im Moment die Zugriffsrechte reparieren.... Geschätzte Dauer allerdings 3 Tage... das ging früher eigentlich auch immer schneller.


Golden Noble
Die 3 Tage sollten gleich herunterschnurren - so lang hat das noch nie gedauert.
Interessant sind immer die Zeilen aus "Alle Meldungen" die unmittelbar vor dem Stillstand (oder - hoffentlich nicht gleich wieder – Absturz) stehen.


Habe nun die Zugriffsrechte reparieren lassen... jedoch weiter ohne Erfolg...

Hier ein Auszug aus der Konsole, kurz bevor das MBP zum 1. Mal mit den Problemen begonnen hat:

6A7F7A23-253D-4C73-8E79-60999BCED290/Data/3/1/Messages/13633.emlx: No such file or directory06.01.12 21:33:21,294    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x103b00090-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:34:21,363    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c026b0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:35:21,427    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101803050-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:36:21,475    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c026b0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:37:21,533    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c026b0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:38:21,578    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x100314ed0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:39:21,614    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fe30-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:40:21,703    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fe30-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:41:21,792    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fe30-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:42:21,869    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101803050-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:43:21,930    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fe30-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:44:21,995    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c026b0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:45:17,864    com.apple.backupd    Starting standard backup
06.01.12 21:45:19,085    com.apple.backupd    Error -35 while resolving alias to backup target
06.01.12 21:45:19,000    kernel    nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1325882720
06.01.12 21:45:22,061    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fe30-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:45:29,196    com.apple.backupd    Backup failed with error: 19
06.01.12 21:46:22,116    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fe30-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:47:05,758    com.apple.mtmd    attempting to thin because of low free space on Mac OS (/) by removing 2012-01-06 19:45:20 +0000
06.01.12 21:47:22,174    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x103c00030-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:48:22,246    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101803050-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:49:22,312    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101803050-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:49:38,519    AddressBookSourceSync    ServerNotifications: Setting delegate to APSD
06.01.12 21:49:41,377    AddressBookSourceSync    Subscription request completed
06.01.12 21:50:22,380    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fe30-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:51:22,447    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101e008b0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:52:22,521    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fd70-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:53:22,592    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fd70-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:54:22,656    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c026b0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:55:22,733    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101803050-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:56:17,000    kernel    IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
06.01.12 21:56:22,810    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fd70-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:56:38,601    [0x0-0x102102].org.videolan.vlc    [0x1002e0488] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR  is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1200 ms)
06.01.12 21:56:45,003    [0x0-0x102102].org.videolan.vlc    [0x1002e0488] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR  is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1354 ms)
06.01.12 21:57:22,889    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c026b0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:57:55,000    kernel    IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
06.01.12 21:58:23,244    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101803050-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 21:59:23,332    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c026b0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 22:00:23,397    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fd70-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 22:01:23,479    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101803050-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 22:02:23,565    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c026e0-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 22:02:39,000    kernel    (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
06.01.12 22:02:39,000    kernel    macx_swapon SUCCESS
06.01.12 22:03:23,653    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x10191fd70-iTunes/com.apple.iTunes using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 22:04:19,213    iTunes    _AMDDeviceDetached (thread 0x11c366000): Device 'AMDevice 0x7f910ed4e260 {UDID = 9a02a133fbc04dbb8dce2b6ea26da7569155a5e8, device ID = 2, location ID = 0xfd120000, product ID = 0x1297}' detached.
06.01.12 22:04:19,214    iTunes    _NotificationSocketReadCallbackGCD (thread 0x7fff7336f960): Unexpected connection closure...
06.01.12 22:04:19,429    iTunesHelper    _AMDDeviceDetached (thread 0x7fff7336f960): Device 'AMDevice 0x10040fe00 {UDID = 9a02a133fbc04dbb8dce2b6ea26da7569155a5e8, device ID = 2, location ID = 0xfd120000, product ID = 0x1297}' detached.
06.01.12 22:04:21,371    com.apple.usbmuxd    HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101c01050-ath/com.apple.AirTrafficHost using library usbmuxd-263, running usbmuxd-265.1
06.01.12 22:04:21,964    [0x0-0xb00b].com.apple.iTunes    Parent: Error or timeout on select
06.01.12 22:04:22,004    [0x0-0xb00b].com.apple.iTunes    Child with pid 1259 exited normally
06.01.12 22:04:22,004    [0x0-0xb00b].com.apple.iTunes    ATHostConnectionDestroy 0x7f910f82b720
06.01.12 22:05:59,891    [0x0-0x102102].org.videolan.vlc    [0x1002e0488] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR  is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1884 ms)
06.01.12 22:08:55,652    [0x0-0x102102].org.videolan.vlc    [0x1002e0488] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR  is called too late (pts_delay increased to 3184 ms)
06.01.12 22:15:08,000    kernel    (default pager): [KERNEL]: ps_select_segment - send HI_WAT_ALERT
06.01.12 22:15:08,000    kernel    macx_swapon SUCCESS
06.01.12 22:28:50,000    kernel    0        0 AppleUSBCDC: start - initDevice failed
06.01.12 22:28:50,000    kernel    0        0 AppleUSBCDC: start - initDevice failed
06.01.12 22:29:25,000    kernel    IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
06.01.12 22:34:47,000    bootlog    BOOT_TIME 1325885687 0

und ein Auszug aus der Konsole, der letzten Stunden:

08.01.12 01:13:47,000    kernel    nfs server localhost:/c0d0PzrPLOsbcHt5Yl8EhT: dead
08.01.12 01:14:14,036    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:15:06,583    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 797)
08.01.12 01:16:42,555    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:17:09,803    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 809)
08.01.12 01:19:25,731    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 821)
08.01.12 01:21:38,401    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 833)
08.01.12 01:23:41,624    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 845)
08.01.12 01:26:01,141    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 857)
08.01.12 01:28:58,389    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:29:05,391    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 869)
08.01.12 01:31:12,017    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 881)
08.01.12 01:31:25,891    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:33:16,500    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 893)
08.01.12 01:33:20,121    Adobe Reader Updater Helper    Adobe Reader Updater encountered errorCode 256
08.01.12 01:33:27,342    Adobe Reader Updater Helper    Adobe Reader Updater encountered errorCode 1001
08.01.12 01:33:53,061    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:35:24,252    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 905)
08.01.12 01:37:37,999    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 917)
08.01.12 01:39:41,221    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 929)
08.01.12 01:41:50,309    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 941)
08.01.12 01:42:18,754    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:43:53,531    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 953)
08.01.12 01:44:49,388    QuickLookUIHelper    [QL] QuickLookUIHelper is stuck - force quit now
08.01.12 01:45:28,279    QuickLookUIHelper    [QL] QuickLookUIHelper is stuck - force quit now
08.01.12 01:45:56,751    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 965)
08.01.12 01:46:11,223    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:48:13,562    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 977)
08.01.12 01:48:15,893    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:50:16,783    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 989)
08.01.12 01:52:20,006    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 1001)
08.01.12 01:53:31,297    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:54:23,227    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 1013)
08.01.12 01:55:29,497    com.apple.backupd    Starting standard backup
08.01.12 01:55:30,000    kernel    nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1325984131
08.01.12 01:55:34,886    com.apple.backupd    Error -35 while resolving alias to backup target
08.01.12 01:55:34,886    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:55:34,887    com.apple.mtmd    attempting to thin because of low free space on Mac OS (/) by removing 2012-01-07 23:54:50 +0000
08.01.12 01:56:26,451    fseventsd    SLOWDOWN: client 0x7fd173801000 (pid 89) sleeping due to too many errors (num usleeps 1025)
08.01.12 01:57:45,790    com.apple.backupd    Backup failed with error: 19
08.01.12 01:57:46,910    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 01:57:47,955    warmd    [_bootcachectl_create_merged_playlist:1812] User 501 has no login playlist
08.01.12 01:57:47,959    warmd    [_bootcachectl_create_merged_playlist:1812] User 501 has no login playlist
08.01.12 01:57:50,602    [0x0-0x2b02b].com.apple.iTunes    Version from driver for Certificates 1
08.01.12 01:57:50,682    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    ([0x0-0x32032].com.apple.Terminal[433]) Exited: Killed: 9
08.01.12 01:57:50,739    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    ([0x0-0x2f02f].com.apple.iTunesHelper[410]) Exited: Killed: 9
08.01.12 01:57:50,739    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    ([0x0-0x24024].com.apple.AppleSpell[343]) Exited: Killed: 9
08.01.12 01:57:50,740    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    (com.apple.quicklook[532]) Exited: Killed: 9
08.01.12 01:57:50,832    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    (com.apple.mdworker.pool.0[539]) Exited: Terminated: 15
08.01.12 01:57:50,866    loginwindow    DEAD_PROCESS: 199 console
08.01.12 01:57:51,266    warmd    [_bootcachectl_create_merged_playlist:1812] User 501 has no login playlist
08.01.12 01:57:52,285    shutdown    halt by combich: 
08.01.12 01:57:52,286    shutdown    SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1325984272 285427
08.01.12 01:57:52,291    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:UserAgentDied:139 User Agent @port=22635 Died
08.01.12 01:57:52,292    com.apple.SecurityServer    Killing auth hosts
08.01.12 01:57:52,292    com.apple.SecurityServer    Killing auth hosts
08.01.12 01:57:52,292    com.apple.SecurityServer    Killing auth hosts
08.01.12 01:58:24,000    bootlog    BOOT_TIME 1325984304 0
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    PMAP: PCID enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Darwin Kernel Version 11.2.0: Tue Aug  9 20:54:00 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1699.24.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    vm_page_bootstrap: 985952 free pages and 54432 wired pages
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    kext submap [0xffffff7f8072e000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff800072e000]
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    zone leak detection enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    mig_table_max_displ = 73
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=4 Enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=6 Enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=3 Enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=5 Enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=7 Enabled
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    MAC Framework successfully initialized
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    [ PCI configuration begin ]
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 88AB
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 19:48:18 Oct 12 2011) initialization complete
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    console relocated to 0xf10010000
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    PCI configuration changed (bridge=16 device=5 cardbus=0)
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    [ PCI configuration end, bridges 12 devices 18 ]
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID 70cd60fffed25994; max speed s800.
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    2.4.1 Little Snitch: starting
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    BTCOEXIST off 
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    wl0: Broadcom BCM4331 802.11 Wireless Controller
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 9B0AE865-B71D-3369-9545-CE373D5A4794
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchSeriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD7500BPVT-00HXZT1 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Mac OS@2
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
08.01.12 02:16:13,000    kernel    Kernel is LP64
08.01.12 01:58:27,925    com.apple.launchd    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
08.01.12 02:12:09,062    com.apple.launchd    (com.apple.instruments.server.mig) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
08.01.12 02:16:51,266    fseventsd    event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (2 1106 1138)
08.01.12 02:16:56,680    fseventsd    log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: B7B891E0-00C5-4E6B-B08E-40B7651623AF
08.01.12 02:17:01,306    fseventsd    implementation_register_rpc: implementation_added_client() => 22
08.01.12 02:17:01,307    com.apple.UserEventAgent-System    2012-01-08 02:17 UserEventAgent[11] (CarbonCore.framework) FSEventStreamStart: register_with_server: ERROR: f2d_register_rpc() => (null) (-21)
08.01.12 02:18:09,505    UserEventAgent    starting CaptiveNetworkSupport as SystemEventAgent built Jun 13 2011 17:29:21
08.01.12 02:18:09,507    UserEventAgent    WirelessAirPortDeviceNameCopy(): no BSD interface name found for object 11783
08.01.12 02:18:09,507    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCCopyWiFiDevices:388 WiFi Device Name == NULL
08.01.12 02:18:14,000    kernel    BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address c8:2a:14:03:80:b7
08.01.12 02:18:17,000    kernel    AirPort_Brcm4331: Ethernet address e0:f8:47:38:95:f8
08.01.12 02:18:17,000    kernel    IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
08.01.12 02:18:17,000    kernel    IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished():  
08.01.12 02:18:58,348    configd    InterfaceNamer: timed out waiting for IOKit to quiesce
08.01.12 02:18:58,348    configd    Busy services :
08.01.12 02:18:58,348    configd      MacBookPro8,2 [1234777, 4380664052 ms]
08.01.12 02:19:31,453    UserEventAgent    CertsKeychainMonitor: configuring
08.01.12 02:20:28,000    kernel    AGC: 3.0.16, HW version=1.9.23, flags:0, features:20600
08.01.12 02:20:28,000    kernel    Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
08.01.12 02:20:42,252    airportd    _processDLILEvent: en1 attached (down)
08.01.12 02:20:43,000    kernel    Created virtif 0xffffff800cc94000 p2p0
08.01.12 02:21:12,000    kernel    AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
08.01.12 02:21:37,067    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CreateInterfaceWatchList:2788 WiFi Devices Found. :)
08.01.12 02:21:37,067    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
08.01.12 02:21:37,068    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
08.01.12 02:21:37,068    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
08.01.12 02:21:37,068    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
08.01.12 02:21:37,068    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
08.01.12 02:21:37,068    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
08.01.12 02:21:37,081    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
08.01.12 02:21:38,852    configd    bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
08.01.12 02:21:38,852    configd    DHCP en1: INIT transmit failed
08.01.12 02:21:40,648    com.apple.SecurityServer    Session 100000 created
08.01.12 02:21:43,000    kernel    AppleBCM5701Ethernet:        0        0 setFixedSpeed - logic error, speed any?
08.01.12 02:21:46,083    configd    network configuration changed.
08.01.12 02:21:46,083    configd    setting hostname to "BigMac.local"
08.01.12 02:22:03,000    kernel    DSMOS has arrived
08.01.12 02:22:03,000    kernel    ** Device in slot: SLOT--1 **
08.01.12 02:22:42,290    mDNSResponder    mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-320.10 (Aug  2 2011 19:56:51) starting OSXVers 11
08.01.12 02:24:47,459    com.apple.SecurityServer    Entering service
08.01.12 02:25:16,397    systemkeychain    done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
08.01.12 02:25:16,400    com.apple.launchd    (com.apple.mDNSResponderHelper) Throttling respawn: Will start in 7 seconds
08.01.12 02:25:23,408    com.apple.launchd    (com.apple.mDNSResponderHelper) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
08.01.12 02:25:33,417    com.apple.launchd    (com.apple.mDNSResponderHelper) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
08.01.12 02:25:48,893    configd    network configuration changed.
08.01.12 02:25:48,895    configd    network configuration changed.
08.01.12 02:26:01,545    mDNSResponder    D2D_IPC: Loaded
08.01.12 02:26:01,545    mDNSResponder    D2DInitialize succeeded
08.01.12 02:26:06,942    mDNSResponder    Adding registration domain 273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com.
08.01.12 02:26:11,000    kernel    nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
08.01.12 02:26:11,000    kernel    nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
08.01.12 02:26:19,531    awacsd    Starting awacsd connectivity-47 (Jul  7 2011 20:52:38)
08.01.12 02:27:04,674    com.apple.pfctl    No ALTQ support in kernel
08.01.12 02:27:04,674    com.apple.pfctl    ALTQ related functions disabled
08.01.12 02:27:22,808    com.apple.ucupdate.plist    ucupdate: Checked 1 update, no match found.
08.01.12 02:28:20,843    awacsd    Connecting AWACS client: 273405861.p02.members.btmm.icloud.com.
08.01.12 02:28:47,377    warmd    [warmctl_evt_timer_bc_activation_timeout:260] BC activation bcstop timer fired!
08.01.12 02:29:56,000    kernel    macx_swapon SUCCESS
08.01.12 02:30:44,542    stackshot    Timed out waiting for IOKit to finish matching.
08.01.12 02:31:02,020    hdapm    disk0: WDC WD7500BPVT-00HXZT1                  
08.01.12 02:31:02,020    hdapm    Setting APM level to 0xfe: 
08.01.12 02:31:09,160    hdapm    Success
08.01.12 02:31:16,424    _mdnsresponder    /usr/libexec/ntpd-wrapper: scutil key State:/Network/Global/DNS not present after 30 seconds
08.01.12 02:31:40,000    kernel    nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
08.01.12 02:31:40,000    kernel    nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
08.01.12 02:31:50,749    com.apple.usbmuxd    usbmuxd-265.1 on Sep 15 2011 at 23:22:10, running 64 bit
08.01.12 02:32:45,014    _mdnsresponder    Unable to resolve hostname(s)
08.01.12 02:33:19,934    ntpd    proto: precision = 1.000 usec
08.01.12 02:33:21,519    UserEventAgent    ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
08.01.12 02:33:22,000    kernel    NTFS driver 3.8 [Flags: R/W].
08.01.12 02:33:23,310    UserEventAgent    servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:    SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
08.01.12 02:33:23,000    kernel    NTFS volume name BOOTCAMP, version 3.1.
08.01.12 02:33:25,353    rpcsvchost    sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
08.01.12 02:33:25,892    mds    (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
08.01.12 02:33:25,929    com.apple.UserEventAgent-System    SecItemCopyMatching: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
08.01.12 02:33:25,933    UserEventAgent    servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:    SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
08.01.12 02:33:25,933    com.apple.UserEventAgent-System    SecItemCopyMatching: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
08.01.12 02:33:25,934    UserEventAgent    CertsKeychainMonitor: ready to process keychain & timer events
08.01.12 02:33:26,307    com.apple.launchd    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[63]) Exited with code: 255
08.01.12 02:33:26,753    mds    (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
08.01.12 02:33:26,753    mds    (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
08.01.12 02:33:27,429    mds    (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
08.01.12 02:33:28,000    kernel    nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1325986410
08.01.12 02:33:42,819    com.apple.mtmfs    /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T//mtmfsMap75
08.01.12 02:33:42,000    kernel    nstat_lookup_entry failed: 2
08.01.12 02:34:36,880    com.apple.backupd    Starting standard backup
08.01.12 02:34:36,910    com.apple.backupd    Error -35 while resolving alias to backup target
08.01.12 02:34:36,000    kernel    nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1325986478
08.01.12 02:34:39,175    loginwindow    Login Window Application Started
08.01.12 02:34:58,994    com.apple.backupd    Backup failed with error: 19
08.01.12 02:35:11,624    com.apple.backupd    Starting standard backup
08.01.12 02:35:11,692    com.apple.backupd    Error -35 while resolving alias to backup target
08.01.12 02:35:11,000    kernel    nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1325986513
08.01.12 02:35:15,897    loginwindow    **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
08.01.12 02:35:16,443    com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow    com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
08.01.12 02:35:17,746    com.apple.SecurityServer    Session 100005 created
08.01.12 02:35:17,747    loginwindow    Login Window Started Security Agent
08.01.12 02:35:18,143    SecurityAgent    Echo enabled
08.01.12 02:35:18,143    SecurityAgent    Echo enabled
08.01.12 02:35:25,808    com.apple.backupd    Backup failed with error: 19
08.01.12 02:35:42,148    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:35:42,149    com.apple.mtmd    attempting to thin because of low free space on Mac OS (/) by removing 2012-01-08 00:55:31 +0000
08.01.12 02:36:02,208    com.apple.mtmd    attempting to thin because of low free space on Mac OS (/) by removing 2012-01-08 01:33:28 +0000
08.01.12 02:36:02,210    com.apple.mtmd    attempting to thin because of low free space on Mac OS (/) by removing 2012-01-08 01:34:38 +0000
08.01.12 02:36:12,886    SecurityAgent    User info context values set for combich
08.01.12 02:36:12,886    SecurityAgent    User info context values set for combich
08.01.12 02:36:33,654    authorizationhost    Failed to authenticate user <combich> (error: 9).
08.01.12 02:38:32,668    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:38:55,000    kernel    Ethernet [AppleBCM5701Ethernet]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,2300,0de1,0300,45e1,0000]
08.01.12 02:38:56,580    configd    network configuration changed.
08.01.12 02:38:56,965    configd    setting hostname to "bigmac.fritz.box"
08.01.12 02:39:00,338    SecurityAgent    User info context values set for combich
08.01.12 02:39:00,338    SecurityAgent    User info context values set for combich
08.01.12 02:39:00,471    mDNSResponder    BigMac._device-info._tcp.273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com.: bad signature
08.01.12 02:39:00,472    mDNSResponder    hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record BigMac._device-info._tcp.273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com. type 16 failed with error -65560
08.01.12 02:39:00,472    mDNSResponder    _services._dns-sd._udp.273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com.: bad signature
08.01.12 02:39:00,472    mDNSResponder    hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record _services._dns-sd._udp.273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com. type 12 failed with error -65560
08.01.12 02:39:00,472    mDNSResponder    _kerberos.BigMac.273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com.: bad signature
08.01.12 02:39:00,472    mDNSResponder    hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record _kerberos.BigMac.273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com. type 16 failed with error -65560
08.01.12 02:39:00,472    mDNSResponder    _services._dns-sd._udp.273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com.: bad signature
08.01.12 02:39:00,472    mDNSResponder    hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record _services._dns-sd._udp.273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com. type 12 failed with error -65560
08.01.12 02:39:02,994    SecurityAgent    Login Window login proceeding
08.01.12 02:39:02,994    SecurityAgent    Login Window login proceeding
08.01.12 02:39:04,708    loginwindow    Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
08.01.12 02:39:04,789    loginwindow    USER_PROCESS: 80 console
08.01.12 02:39:05,019    awacsd    BtmmAuthFixer::Check: 273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com. is bad, fixing
08.01.12 02:39:06,043    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
08.01.12 02:39:06,119    com.apple.launchctl.Aqua    load: option requires an argument -- D
08.01.12 02:39:06,119    com.apple.launchctl.Aqua    usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
08.01.12 02:39:06,766    com.apple.loginwindow    2012-01-08 02:39:06.765 mdmclient[195:903] Pre-login MDM check is disabled
08.01.12 02:39:07,048    UserEventAgent    CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSServerRegisterUserAgent:187 new user agent port: 14119
08.01.12 02:39:20,782    configd    network configuration changed.
08.01.12 02:40:58,386    awacsd    MachServer: received new account information -- restarting.
08.01.12 02:40:58,388    awacsd    Connecting AWACS client: 273405861.p02.members.btmm.icloud.com.
08.01.12 02:40:58,388    awacsd    BtmmAuthFixer: 273405861.members.btmm.icloud.com. fixed
08.01.12 02:41:00,197    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:41:29,043    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[186]) Exited with code: 1
08.01.12 02:42:03,197    awacsd    SSL Handshake error: -9806
08.01.12 02:42:03,197    awacsd    Connection failed. Retrying in 0 seconds.
08.01.12 02:42:39,950    awacsd    SSL Handshake error: -9806
08.01.12 02:42:39,950    awacsd    Connection failed. Retrying in 0 seconds.
08.01.12 02:43:10,708    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:44:36,979    com.apple.locationd    ERROR,Time,347679876.979,Function,"void _handleSignal(int)",received watchdog signal again, really force exiting...
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,1   locationd                           0x0000000101b30c98 locationd + 380056
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,2   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8b16ecfa _sigtramp + 26
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,3   ???                                 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,4   locationd                           0x0000000101b3078e locationd + 378766
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,5   locationd                           0x0000000101b57342 locationd + 537410
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,6   locationd                           0x0000000101b57391 locationd + 537489
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,7   locationd                           0x0000000101b30aab locationd + 379563
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,8   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8b11a8bf _pthread_start + 335
08.01.12 02:44:36,980    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679876.979,9   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8b11db75 thread_start + 13
08.01.12 02:44:43,279    com.apple.launchd    (com.apple.locationd[172]) Exited with code: 1
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    ERROR,Time,347679885.275,Function,"virtual bool CLNameValuePair::deserialize(const __CFData*)",could not create intermediate property list - Cannot parse a NULL or zero-length data
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,1   locationd                           0x0000000104097dc1 locationd + 421313
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,2   locationd                           0x00000001040980c7 locationd + 422087
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,3   locationd                           0x00000001040a7011 locationd + 483345
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,4   locationd                           0x0000000104045d1f locationd + 85279
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,5   locationd                           0x000000010404618a locationd + 86410
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,6   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8b119e06 pthread_once + 86
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,7   locationd                           0x00000001040461d5 locationd + 86485
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,8   locationd                           0x000000010405d47a locationd + 181370
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,9   locationd                           0x000000010408e31d locationd + 381725
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,10  locationd                           0x0000000104032fd8 locationd + 8152
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,11  ???                                 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    ERROR,Time,347679885.275,Function,"virtual bool CLNameValuePair::loadFromFile(const char*)",could not deserialize property list from /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000sm00006d/C/clients.plist
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,1   locationd                           0x0000000104098118 locationd + 422168
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,2   locationd                           0x00000001040a7011 locationd + 483345
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,3   locationd                           0x0000000104045d1f locationd + 85279
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,4   locationd                           0x000000010404618a locationd + 86410
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,5   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8b119e06 pthread_once + 86
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,6   locationd                           0x00000001040461d5 locationd + 86485
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,7   locationd                           0x000000010405d47a locationd + 181370
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,8   locationd                           0x000000010408e31d locationd + 381725
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,9   locationd                           0x0000000104032fd8 locationd + 8152
08.01.12 02:44:45,275    com.apple.locationd    STACK,Time,347679885.275,10  ???                                 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1

08.01.12 02:44:54,813    WindowServer    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.08.01.12 02:44:56,965    Adobe Reader Updater Helper    Adobe Reader Updater encountered errorCode 260
08.01.12 02:44:57,148    Adobe Reader Updater Helper    Adobe Reader Updater encountered errorCode 1001
08.01.12 02:45:13,952    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:45:22,733    SystemUIServer        MenuCracker 2.2 (/Library/PreferencePanes/MenuMeters.prefPane/Contents/Resources/MenuCracker.menu)
    See [URL]http://sourceforge.net/projects/menucracker[/URL]
    MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menu extras.
08.01.12 02:45:22,734    SystemUIServer    failed to instantiate and get the principal class of bundle: NSBundle </Library/PreferencePanes/MenuMeters.prefPane/Contents/Resources/MenuCracker.menu> (loaded)
08.01.12 02:45:35,000    kernel    nfs server localhost:/XkDHgD0e2wQiLTImE4YFdi: not responding
08.01.12 02:45:35,552    KernelEventAgent    tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
08.01.12 02:46:06,000    kernel    nfs server localhost:/XkDHgD0e2wQiLTImE4YFdi: not responding
08.01.12 02:46:24,178    SystemUIServer    MenuCracker: Allowing "MenuMeterCPUExtra".
08.01.12 02:46:35,608    KernelEventAgent    tid 00000000 received event(s) VQ_DEAD (32)
08.01.12 02:46:35,608    KernelEventAgent    tid 00000000 type 'mtmfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MobileBackups', from 'localhost:/XkDHgD0e2wQiLTImE4YFdi', dead
08.01.12 02:46:35,608    KernelEventAgent    tid 00000000 force unmount localhost:/XkDHgD0e2wQiLTImE4YFdi from /Volumes/MobileBackups
08.01.12 02:46:35,609    KernelEventAgent    tid 00000000 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
08.01.12 02:46:35,000    kernel    nfs server localhost:/XkDHgD0e2wQiLTImE4YFdi: dead
08.01.12 02:46:56,653    SystemUIServer    MenuCracker: Allowing "MenuMeterMemExtra".
08.01.12 02:47:32,834    SystemUIServer    MenuCracker: Allowing "MenuMeterNetExtra".
08.01.12 02:48:19,916    awacsd    SSL Handshake error: -9806
08.01.12 02:48:19,916    awacsd    Connection failed. Retrying in 0 seconds.
08.01.12 02:48:37,711    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:48:51,171    SystemUIServer    Could not load menu extra NSBundle </Library/PreferencePanes/MenuMeters.prefPane/Contents/Resources/MenuCracker.menu> (loaded) for Class (null)
08.01.12 02:50:26,916    awacsd    SSL Handshake error: -9806
08.01.12 02:50:26,916    awacsd    Connection failed. Retrying in 0 seconds.
08.01.12 02:50:28,749    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:50:28,749    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 02:50:28.747 com.apple.dock.extra[271:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:50:28,749    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:50:28,749    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 02:50:28.748 com.apple.dock.extra[271:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:50:28,749    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:50:28,749    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 02:50:28.748 com.apple.dock.extra[271:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:50:28,750    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:50:28,750    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 02:50:28.749 com.apple.dock.extra[271:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:52:17,137    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:52:45,959    awacsd    SSL Handshake error: -9806
08.01.12 02:52:45,959    awacsd    Connection failed. Retrying in 0 seconds.
08.01.12 02:53:39,000    kernel    utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
08.01.12 02:53:41,000    ntpd    bind(29) AF_INET6 fe80::ca2a:14ff:fe03:80b7%8#123 flags 0x13 failed: Can't assign requested address
08.01.12 02:53:41,000    ntpd    unable to create socket on utun0 (8) for fe80::ca2a:14ff:fe03:80b7#123
08.01.12 02:53:43,000    ntpd    bind(30) AF_INET6 fd00:6587:52d7:865:ca2a:14ff:fe03:80b7#123 flags 0x13 failed: Can't assign requested address
08.01.12 02:53:43,000    ntpd    unable to create socket on utun0 (10) for fd00:6587:52d7:865:ca2a:14ff:fe03:80b7#123
08.01.12 02:54:09,432    SystemUIServer    MenuMeterCPU loaded.
08.01.12 02:54:41,812    SystemUIServer    MenuMeterMem loaded.
08.01.12 02:54:42,913    com.apple.launchd    (com.apple.mDNSResponderHelper) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
08.01.12 02:54:48,399    warmd    [__warmctl_evt_desktop_up_block_invoke_0:478] Desktop up bcstop timer fired!
08.01.12 02:55:34,757    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:56:10,693    SystemUIServer    MenuMeterNet loaded.
08.01.12 02:56:42,100    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:56:42,100    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 02:56:42.099 com.apple.dock.extra[298:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:56:42,100    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:56:42,100    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 02:56:42.099 com.apple.dock.extra[298:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:56:42,100    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:56:42,101    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 02:56:42.100 com.apple.dock.extra[298:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:56:42,101    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:56:42,101    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 02:56:42.100 com.apple.dock.extra[298:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 02:57:53,277    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 02:58:20,355    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException connection timeout: did not receive reply
08.01.12 02:58:50,506    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException connection timeout: did not receive reply
08.01.12 02:59:20,659    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException connection timeout: did not receive reply
08.01.12 02:59:50,812    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException connection timeout: did not receive reply
08.01.12 03:00:23,380    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException connection timeout: did not receive reply
08.01.12 03:00:53,534    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException Distributed objects message send timed out (timeout: 347680853.531242 at time: 347680853.533424) 1
08.01.12 03:00:58,419    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 03:01:32,775    com.apple.launchd    (com.apple.opendirectoryd[13]) Exited with code: 70
08.01.12 03:02:23,688    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException Distributed objects message send timed out (timeout: 347680883.685397 at time: 347680883.687590) 1
08.01.12 03:03:00,302    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException Distributed objects message send timed out (timeout: 347680973.839274 at time: 347680973.841474) 1
08.01.12 03:03:02,111    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 03:03:30,457    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException Distributed objects message send timed out (timeout: 347681010.453923 at time: 347681010.456123) 1
08.01.12 03:04:00,611    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException Distributed objects message send timed out (timeout: 347681040.608342 at time: 347681040.610552) 1
08.01.12 03:04:38,349    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException Distributed objects message send timed out (timeout: 347681070.762699 at time: 347681070.764903) 1
08.01.12 03:04:38,350    helpd    Failed getting directory contents at path <file://localhost/Applications/TeX/BibDesk.app/Contents/Resources/German.lproj/BibDeskHelp/>: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "Die Datei „BibDeskHelp“ konnte nicht geöffnet werden." UserInfo=0x101f45bf0 {NSURL=file://localhost/Applications/TeX/BibDesk.app/Contents/Resources/German.lproj/BibDeskHelp/, NSFilePath=/Applications/TeX/BibDesk.app/Contents/Resources/German.lproj/BibDeskHelp, NSUnderlyingError=0x101f45710 "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden. Not a directory"}
08.01.12 03:04:38,634    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 03:04:38,634    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 03:04:38.632 com.apple.dock.extra[313:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 03:04:38,634    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 03:04:38,634    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 03:04:38.633 com.apple.dock.extra[313:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 03:04:38,634    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 03:04:38,634    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 03:04:38.634 com.apple.dock.extra[313:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 03:04:38,635    com.apple.dock.extra    Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 03:04:38,635    com.apple.dock.extra    2012-01-08 03:04:38.634 com.apple.dock.extra[313:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
08.01.12 03:04:40,111    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    ([0x0-0x8008].com.apple.DiskUtility[202]) Exited: Terminated: 15
08.01.12 03:05:08,503    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException Distributed objects message send timed out (timeout: 347681108.499909 at time: 347681108.502105) 1
08.01.12 03:05:16,718    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 03:05:38,657    SystemUIServer    [0x7faa05216520] |Server|Warning| failed to connect to the server: NSPortTimeoutException Distributed objects message send timed out (timeout: 347681138.654160 at time: 347681138.656364) 1
08.01.12 03:05:59,741    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501    ([0x0-0xa00a].com.apple.iTunes[211]) Exited: Terminated: 15
08.01.12 03:06:00,703    com.apple.spindump    iTunes [211] didn't gather any samples
08.01.12 03:06:16,000    kernel    AppleBCM5701Ethernet:        0        1 BCM5701Enet::replaceOrCopyPacket worked after N tries
08.01.12 03:09:16,709    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 03:10:44,017    helpd    CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
08.01.12 03:10:44,017    helpd    CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
08.01.12 03:12:41,814    com.apple.backupd    Starting standard backup
08.01.12 03:13:41,816    com.apple.backupd    Error -35 while resolving alias to backup target
08.01.12 03:14:10,806    com.apple.backupd    Backup failed with error: 19
08.01.12 03:14:27,002    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 03:14:27,000    kernel    nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1325988869
08.01.12 03:15:50,469    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 03:15:50,470    com.apple.mtmd    attempting to thin because of low free space on Mac OS (/) by removing 2012-01-08 01:35:13 +0000
08.01.12 03:17:34,796    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space 
08.01.12 03:20:13,000    kernel    AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::validateChecksum - 512-byte packet checksum is incorrect (expected 0xd065, checksum bytes were 0xffff)
08.01.12 03:20:13,440    com.apple.mtmd    low priority thinning needed for volume Mac OS (/) with 15.3 <= 20.0 pct free space

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