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Filemaker event zu ical

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Liebe Forumsgemeinde,

ich benutze dieses Skript von Jonathan Stark

-- grab the data from Filemaker
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell current record
set theCalendarTitle to cellValue of cell "Person"
set theSummary to cellValue of cell "Summary"
set theDescription to cellValue of cell "Description"
set theStartDate to cellValue of cell "Start Date"
set theStartTime to cellValue of cell "Start Time"
set theEndDate to cellValue of cell "End Date"
set theEndTime to cellValue of cell "End Time"
set theAllDay to cellValue of cell "All Day"
end tell
end tell

set theStartDateAsText to theStartDate & " " & theStartTime as text
set theEndDateAsText to theEndDate & " " & theEndTime as text

-- convert text to dates
set theStartDate to date theStartDateAsText
set theEndDate to date theEndDateAsText

-- create the event in iCal
tell application "iCal"

-- make new calendar if need be
set allCalendarTitles to the title of every calendar
if allCalendarTitles contains theCalendarTitle then
set theCalendarNumber to (first calendar whose title is theCalendarTitle)
set theCalendarNumber to (make calendar at end of calendars with properties {title:theCalendarTitle})
end if

-- make event
set theEvent to make event at end of events of theCalendarNumber

-- set the event properties
tell theEvent
set start date to theStartDate
set end date to theEndDate
set summary to theSummary
set description to theDescription
if theAllDay = "1" then
set allday event to true
end if
end tell
show theEvent
end tell
um events "Termine" von Filemaker nach iCal zu exportieren.
Das funktioniert auch wunderbar nur hätte ich gern dass man einen Termin auch updaten kann.
Ist das mit Applescript möglich?
So wie das Skript jetzt aufgebaut ist legt es jedesmal einen neuen Event an auch wenn es der gleiche Datensatz aus Filemaker ist.

Vielen dank, Michael aus San Miguel de Tucuam, Argentinien