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Fehler über Fehler in der Log - Hilfe


Tydemans Early Worcester
Mein System ist zur Zeit dauernd so langsam. Jetzt habe ich mal die Logdatei angesehen und ich glaube, es liegt an diesem Fehler, dass er immer was anderes zu tun hat und nicht zu Potte kommt:

08.09.09 22:44:26 com.apple.launchd[1] *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for dictionary: cccTaskDict
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for dictionary: cccTimingDict
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for integer: cccVersion
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for boolean: cccRunImmediatelyOnLoad
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for string: cccTaskUUID
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key: cccTaskUUID
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for string: cccTaskName
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key: cccTaskName
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.kextd[10] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.notifyd[11] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.diskarbitrationd[12] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.configd[13] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.syslogd[14] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:29 com.apple.DirectoryServices[15] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:34 com.apple.bsd.dirhelper[36] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:44 com.apple.fseventsd[31] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:44 com.apple.loginwindow[27] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:44 com.apple.CoreRAID[35] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:44 com.apple.metadata.mds[25] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:44 com.apple.DumpPanic[34] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:47 org.ntp.ntpd[17] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:47 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:47 com.apple.dynamic_pager[33] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:47 com.apple.systemkeychain[21] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:47 com.apple.warmd[18] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.autofsd[39] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.bootlog[37] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.firmwaresyncd[32] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.IFCStart[29] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.hidd[30] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.scsid[24] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.taskgated[44] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.KernelEventAgent[28] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.aslmanager[40] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.autofsd[39] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.autofsd[39] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.blued[38] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.distnoted[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.statd.notify[22] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:48 com.apple.securityd[23] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:49 org.ntp.ntpd[17] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:49 com.bjango.istatlocaldaemon[43] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:49 com.apple.mDNSResponder[26] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:49 com.apple.usbmuxd[19] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:50 com.apple.mDNSResponderHelper[56] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:50 com.apple.WindowServer[61] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:50 com.apple.backupd-attach[62] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:51 com.apple.ocspd[63] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:51 com.apple.fontd[64] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:52 org.ntp.ntpd[17] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:54 com.apple.FontWorker[67] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:54 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:55 com.apple.airportd[69] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:55 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:44:58 org.ntp.ntpd[17] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:01 org.ntp.ntpd[17] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:04 com.apple.autofsd[39] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:08 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:08 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:08 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:08 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:08 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:08 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:08 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:08 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDD2GC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDD2GC.gc-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDDGC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDDGC.gc-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxHeadless => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxHeadless-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxManage => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxManage-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetAdpCtl => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetAdpCtl-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetDHCP => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetDHCP-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxSVC => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxSVC-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxXPCOMIPCD => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxXPCOMIPCD-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VMMGC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VMMGC.gc-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBoxVM => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBoxVM-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/vboxwebsrv => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/vboxwebsrv-x86
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] Loading VBoxDrv.kext
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] Loading VBoxUSB.kext
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] Loading VBoxNetFlt.kext
08.09.09 22:45:09 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:10 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] Loading VBoxNetAdp.kext
08.09.09 22:45:10 com.apple.SystemStarter[20] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.cvmsServ[165] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.cvmsServ[165] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.launchd.peruser.212[166] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow[171] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.isst[173] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[172] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.AppleGraphicsWarning[174] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.loginwindow[27] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:11 com.apple.audio.coreaudiod[177] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[180] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.launchctl.Background[181] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[182] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[180] (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.Finder[186] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.Dock.agent[184] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.SystemUIServer.agent[185] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.pboard[188] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.pbs[189] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 [0x0-0x8008].activateSettings[190] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.fontd[191] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:12 com.apple.FontWorker[192] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:13 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:13 com.apple.quicklook[195] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:13 SystemUIServer[185] MenuCracker 2.0 (/Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu)
See http://sourceforge.net/projects/menucracker
MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menu extras. Ignore the failure message that follows.
08.09.09 22:45:13 SystemUIServer[185] failed to instantiate and get the principal class of bundle: NSBundle </Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu> (loaded)
08.09.09 22:45:14 SystemUIServer[185] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusCPU".
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.ServerScanner[199] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.PCIESlotCheck[200] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 ws.agile.1PasswordAgent[207] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.UserEventAgent-Aqua[198] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[202] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.parentalcontrols.check[201] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent[204] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.bjango.istatlocal[206] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.isst[203] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 edu.mit.Kerberos.CCacheServer[209] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[180] (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[202]) Exited with exit code: 1
08.09.09 22:45:14 SystemUIServer[185] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusMemory".
08.09.09 22:45:14 [0x0-0xb00b].com.apple.iTunesHelper[210] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 [0x0-0xc00c].com.apple.Stickies[211] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 [0x0-0xd00d].com.apple.mail[213] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 [0x0-0xe00e].com.adiumX.adiumX[214] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 SystemUIServer[185] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusNetwork".
08.09.09 22:45:14 [0x0-0xf00f].com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp[215] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 [0x0-0x10010].com.slappingturtle.iAlertU[216] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:14 SystemUIServer[185] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusTemps".
08.09.09 22:45:14 1PasswordAgent[207] Starting 1PasswordAgent 3.0.0.BETA-34 #30034 built Sep 7 2009 20:42:43
08.09.09 22:45:14 1PasswordAgent[207] reloadAllObjects
08.09.09 22:45:14 1PasswordAgent[207] cacheIsStale (2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200, 2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200): 0
08.09.09 22:45:14 1PasswordAgent[207] Database load time: 0.025 (95 objects)
08.09.09 22:45:14 com.apple.warmd_agent[197] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:15 [0x0-0x13013].com.apple.AppleSpell[218] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:16 com.apple.backupd[219] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:17 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:17 1PasswordAgent[207] watchProfile
08.09.09 22:45:17 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:18 [0x0-0xd00d].com.apple.mail[213] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:19 com.apple.PubSub.Agent[223] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:21 [0x0-0x14014].com.apple.iCal.helper[224] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:22 com.apple.syncservices.SyncServer[225] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:40 [0x0-0x15015].com.apple.Console[227] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:40 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:42 com.apple.cvmsCompAgent_x86_64[229] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:42 com.apple.cvmsCompAgent_x86_64[229] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:42 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:42 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:45:42 com.apple.backupd-attach[232] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:46:14 com.apple.taskgated[236] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:46:14 [0x0-0x19019].com.iSlayer.ISMUpdateChecker[235] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:46:15 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] dyld: shared cached file was buidyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystemld against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 22:46:15 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] .dylib, ignoring cache

Kann jemand helfen?


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Welches System benutzt du denn? Mein erster Gedanke wäre, den Cache zu löschen.
Und bei Carbon Copy Cloner mal die geplanten Sicherungen überprüfen!


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Also, für Snow Leopard gibt es eine neue Version von CCC, greif sie dir hier und aktualisiere erstmal deine Abläufe.


Tydemans Early Worcester
Was soll ich damit denn für Abläufe aktualisieren? Ein Backup machen und dann?


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Achso, nein… du hast doch zeitgesteuerte Backuppläne mit CCC erstellt. Wenn du die neue Version von CCC startest, musst du diese geplanten Tasks neu speichern. Zu finden unter Command + S. Und wo wir dabei sind, eine neue Version von VirtualBox gibt es hier.

Wenn du beides aktualisiert hast, starte mal neu.


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Ich sehe gerade.. Ein Thread war nicht genug, oder wie?


Tydemans Early Worcester
bei CCC habe ich keine zeitgesteuerten Pläne. Habe es aber trotzdem mal aktualisiert. Ein Plan ist nur, wenn die HDD drangesteckt wird, dass dann ein Backup gezogen wird.

Virtual Box habe ich auch geladen. Aber es wird doch gar nicht geladen beim Start? Hat es trotzdem damit zu tun?
Bis gleich nach dem Reboot ...


Tydemans Early Worcester
Das Thema hat sich doch geändert, daher dieser Fred. Sorry.


Tydemans Early Worcester
So, hat sich nichts geändert. Das System ist hochgefahren, Safari und Mail waren eben aus und trotzdem purzelt dieser Fehler immer wieder in das Log.

08.09.09 23:19:02 [0x0-0x14014].com.apple.iCal.helper[228] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:19:03 com.apple.syncservices.SyncServer[229] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:19:29 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:19:32 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:19:56 com.apple.taskgated[236] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:19:56 [0x0-0x18018].com.iSlayer.ISMUpdateChecker[235] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:19:58 [0x0-0x19019].com.apple.Console[237] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:19:58 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:20:01 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:20:01 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:20:27 GrowlHelperApp[220] *** attempt to pop an unknown autorelease pool (0x8004c00)
08.09.09 23:20:34 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:20:34 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:20:50 [0x0-0x1a01a].com.apple.Safari[243] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:20:50 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:20:51 1PasswordAgent[212] (Information) Activating Safari extension
08.09.09 23:20:52 Safari[243] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
08.09.09 23:20:52 [0x0-0x1a01a].com.apple.Safari[243] Safari: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
08.09.09 23:20:54 Safari[243] reloadAllObjects
08.09.09 23:20:54 Safari[243] cacheIsStale (2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200, 2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200): 0
08.09.09 23:20:54 Safari[243] Database load time: 0.017 (95 objects)
08.09.09 23:20:55 [0x0-0x1a01a].com.apple.Safari[243] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache
08.09.09 23:20:56 Safari[243] watchProfile
08.09.09 23:20:57 GrowlHelperApp[220] *** attempt to pop an unknown autorelease pool (0x8004c00)
08.09.09 23:20:58 com.apple.WindowServer[55] Tue Sep 8 23:20:58 MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[55] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
08.09.09 23:21:00 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[182] ([0x0-0xd00d].com.apple.mail[218]) Exited: Killed
08.09.09 23:21:23 com.apple.coreservicesd[46] dyld: shared cached file was build against a different libSystem.dylib, ignoring cache


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Die Kernel-Erweiterungen werden wohl geladen. So, wenn du alles installiert hast, mach mal einen Reboot, allerdings hälst du, bevor der Drehkreisel kommt, die Shift-Taste solange gedrückt, bis dieser sich zeigt. Der Bootvorgang wird etwas länger dauern. Wenn das Anmeldefenster kommt, nicht einloggen, sondern einen normalen Reboot machen, also ohne irgendwelche Tasten zu drücken. Das sollte es gewesen sein.


Tydemans Early Worcester

Nach der Prozedur ist nun der Fehler weg. Jetzt sieht es etwas anders aus.

08.09.09 23:30:33 1PasswordAgent[209] reloadAllObjects
08.09.09 23:30:33 1PasswordAgent[209] cacheIsStale (2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200, 2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200): 0
08.09.09 23:30:33 1PasswordAgent[209] Database load time: 0.076 (95 objects)
08.09.09 23:30:33 SystemUIServer[188] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusCPU".
08.09.09 23:30:33 SystemUIServer[188] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusMemory".
08.09.09 23:30:33 SystemUIServer[188] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusNetwork".
08.09.09 23:30:33 SystemUIServer[188] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusTemps".
08.09.09 23:30:34 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:34 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:34 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:34 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:34 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:34 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:36 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:36 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:36 1PasswordAgent[209] watchProfile
08.09.09 23:30:36 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:36 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:54 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:30:54 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:31:21 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:31:21 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.
08.09.09 23:31:21 1PasswordAgent[209] (Information) Activating Safari extension
08.09.09 23:31:22 Safari[235] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
08.09.09 23:31:22 [0x0-0x17017].com.apple.Safari[235] Safari: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
08.09.09 23:31:24 Safari[235] reloadAllObjects
08.09.09 23:31:24 Safari[235] cacheIsStale (2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200, 2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200): 0
08.09.09 23:31:24 Safari[235] Database load time: 0.016 (95 objects)
08.09.09 23:31:27 Safari[235] watchProfile
08.09.09 23:31:33 com.apple.coreservicesd[47] NOTE: Using non-mach-based version of client -> server communication, via direct function calls.


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Eine aktualisierte Version von iStatMenus findest du hier, und bei 1Password solltest du entweder deinen Safari auf 32bit umstellen oder 1Password 3 beta nutzen, lies dazu hier weiter. Es gibt wohl auch das ein oder andere Problem mit CS4.


Tydemans Early Worcester
iStat hatte ich heute schon aktualisiert. 1PW auch, läuft die Beta3. Dann habe ich noch Photoshop Elements drauf.
Safari auf 32bit? Wie und warum denn das?


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Das wäre für 1Password 2 nötig gewesen, da du die Beta nutzt, brauchst du das nicht. Scheint ja alles soweit dann doch wieder zu laufen, oder? Ist die Geschwindigkeit besser?


Tydemans Early Worcester
ja, speed ist besser. wartezeit von grauem Schirm bis Apfel aber immer noch 14 Sek.. Am Anfang ging das mal schneller. Ist nicht sooo wild, da ich selten neu starte, aber nervt halt.

Ich glaube ich werde trotzdem in naher Zukunft mein System mal clean auf SL installieren. Leider finde ich derzeit meine Office-CD nicht, ohne die das nicht geht.

Danke für Eure Tipps. Ich war unter Windows auch mal ein Crack, seit dem Umstieg aber wieder blutiger Anfänger. Gibt es ein gutes Buch über die Konsole? (DOS habe ich damals auch gut gelernt und für Wartungen hat es schon oft geholfen)


Horneburger Pfannkuchenapfel
Ein Buch kenne ich leider nicht… Welchen Zeitraum meinst du mit 14 Sekunden? Kannst du nochmal den kompletten Log ab Einschalten posten?


Tydemans Early Worcester
Wie kann ich den Log so löschen, dass ich weiß, ab wann neu gestartet wurde? Dann kann man das leichter finden.

Ich meine: Das erst das CD-ROM-Säuseln kommt, dann der Bildschirm grau wird, und dann der Apfel erscheint. Vom Geräusch des Laufwerks bis zum Apfel - das ist der Zeitraum, der zu Beginn meines Macs deutlich schneller ging. Ich denke es waren 1-2 sek. oder?


Tydemans Early Worcester
So, hier das Protokoll seit dem Tastendruck NEUSTART:

09.09.09 09:55:31 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] ([0x0-0xe00e].com.apple.mail[215]) Exited: Killed
09.09.09 09:56:00 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] ([0x0-0xd00d].com.apple.Stickies[213]) Exited: Killed
09.09.09 09:56:00 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] ([0x0-0x1d01d].com.apple.Console[325]) Exited: Killed
09.09.09 09:56:00 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] ([0x0-0x28028].com.apple.AddressBook[363]) Exited: Killed
09.09.09 09:56:00 1PasswordAgent[209] unwatchProfile
09.09.09 09:56:00 1PasswordAgent[209] Shutting down 1PasswordAgent 3.0.0.BETA-34 #30034 built Sep 7 2009 20:42:43
09.09.09 09:56:24 com.apple.launchd[1] *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
09.09.09 09:56:27 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for dictionary: cccTaskDict
09.09.09 09:56:27 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for dictionary: cccTimingDict
09.09.09 09:56:27 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for integer: cccVersion
09.09.09 09:56:27 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for boolean: cccRunImmediatelyOnLoad
09.09.09 09:56:27 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for string: cccTaskUUID
09.09.09 09:56:27 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key: cccTaskUUID
09.09.09 09:56:27 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key for string: cccTaskName
09.09.09 09:56:27 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A) Unknown key: cccTaskName
09.09.09 09:56:49 com.apple.backupd-attach[65] Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup - computer is on battery power.
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDD2GC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDD2GC.gc-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDDGC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDDGC.gc-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxHeadless => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxHeadless-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxManage => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxManage-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetAdpCtl => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetAdpCtl-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetDHCP => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetDHCP-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxSVC => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxSVC-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxXPCOMIPCD => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxXPCOMIPCD-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VMMGC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VMMGC.gc-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBoxVM => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBoxVM-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/vboxwebsrv => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/vboxwebsrv-x86
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] Loading VBoxDrv.kext
09.09.09 09:57:03 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] Loading VBoxUSB.kext
09.09.09 09:57:05 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] Loading VBoxNetFlt.kext
09.09.09 09:57:05 com.apple.SystemStarter[16] Loading VBoxNetAdp.kext
09.09.09 09:57:08 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
09.09.09 09:57:08 com.apple.backupd-attach[184] Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup - computer is on battery power.
09.09.09 09:57:10 SystemUIServer[187] MenuCracker 2.0 (/Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu)
See http://sourceforge.net/projects/menucracker
MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menu extras. Ignore the failure message that follows.
09.09.09 09:57:10 SystemUIServer[187] failed to instantiate and get the principal class of bundle: NSBundle </Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu> (loaded)
09.09.09 09:57:10 SystemUIServer[187] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusCPU".
09.09.09 09:57:10 SystemUIServer[187] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusMemory".
09.09.09 09:57:10 SystemUIServer[187] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusNetwork".
09.09.09 09:57:10 SystemUIServer[187] MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusTemps".
09.09.09 09:57:10 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[204]) Exited with exit code: 1
09.09.09 09:57:11 1PasswordAgent[209] Starting 1PasswordAgent 3.0.0.BETA-34 #30034 built Sep 7 2009 20:42:43
09.09.09 09:57:11 1PasswordAgent[209] reloadAllObjects
09.09.09 09:57:11 1PasswordAgent[209] cacheIsStale (2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200, 2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200): 0
09.09.09 09:57:11 1PasswordAgent[209] Database load time: 0.054 (95 objects)
09.09.09 09:57:13 1PasswordAgent[209] watchProfile


Tydemans Early Worcester
Und hier noch ein anderes:

Sep 9 09:55:31 MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] ([0x0-0xe00e].com.apple.mail[215]): Exited: Killed
Sep 9 09:56:00 MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] ([0x0-0xd00d].com.apple.Stickies[213]): Exited: Killed
Sep 9 09:56:00 MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] ([0x0-0x1d01d].com.apple.Console[325]): Exited: Killed
Sep 9 09:56:00 MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] ([0x0-0x28028].com.apple.AddressBook[363]): Exited: Killed
Sep 9 09:56:00 MacBook-Pro 1PasswordAgent[209]: unwatchProfile
Sep 9 09:56:00 MacBook-Pro 1PasswordAgent[209]: Shutting down 1PasswordAgent 3.0.0.BETA-34 #30034 built Sep 7 2009 20:42:43
Sep 9 09:56:00 MacBook-Pro loginwindow[24]: DEAD_PROCESS: 24 console
Sep 9 09:56:00 MacBook-Pro shutdown[383]: reboot by christian:
Sep 9 09:56:00 MacBook-Pro shutdown[383]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1252482960 953197
Sep 9 09:56:01 MacBook-Pro SystemStarter[16]: VirtualBox Support and USB Drivers (388) did not complete successfully
Sep 9 09:56:01 MacBook-Pro SystemStarter[16]: The following StartupItems failed to stop properly:
Sep 9 09:56:01 MacBook-Pro SystemStarter[16]: /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox
Sep 9 09:56:01 MacBook-Pro SystemStarter[16]: - execution of Startup script failed
Sep 9 09:56:01 MacBook-Pro mDNSResponder[23]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-212.1 (Jul 24 2009 22:34:12) stopping
Sep 9 09:56:44 localhost bootlog[37]: BOOT_TIME: 1252482984 0
Sep 9 09:56:45 localhost blued[38]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
Sep 9 09:56:24 localhost com.apple.launchd[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
Sep 9 09:56:27 localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A): Unknown key for dictionary: cccTaskDict
Sep 9 09:56:27 localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A): Unknown key for dictionary: cccTimingDict
Sep 9 09:56:27 localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A): Unknown key for integer: cccVersion
Sep 9 09:56:27 localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A): Unknown key for boolean: cccRunImmediatelyOnLoad
Sep 9 09:56:27 localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A): Unknown key for string: cccTaskUUID
Sep 9 09:56:27 localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A): Unknown key: cccTaskUUID
Sep 9 09:56:27 localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A): Unknown key for string: cccTaskName
Sep 9 09:56:27 localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.820CAF7B-9B04-477C-85A0-6511F4C7D96A): Unknown key: cccTaskName
Sep 9 09:56:47 localhost mDNSResponder[23]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-212.1 (Jul 24 2009 22:34:12) starting
Sep 9 09:56:47 localhost com.apple.usbmuxd[15]: usbmuxd-167.1 built for iTunesEightTwo on Jul 9 2009 at 14:02:00, running 32 bit
Sep 9 09:56:47 localhost iStatLocalDaemon[42]: Waiting for connections on port 5204.
Sep 9 09:56:48 localhost configd[35]: network configuration changed.
Sep 9 09:56:48 MacBook-Pro configd[35]: setting hostname to "MacBook-Pro.local"
Sep 9 09:56:49 MacBook-Pro com.apple.backupd-attach[65]: Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup - computer is on battery power.
Sep 9 09:56:51 MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow[24]: Login Window Application Started
Sep 9 09:56:52 MacBook-Pro com.apple.kextd[10]: /System/Library/Extensions/IOSerialFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/InternalModemSupport.kext does not declare a kernel dependency; using com.apple.kernel.6.0.
Sep 9 09:56:55: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Sep 9 09:56:55 MacBook-Pro configd[35]: network configuration changed.
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDD2GC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDD2GC.gc-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDDGC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxDDGC.gc-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxHeadless => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxHeadless-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxManage => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxManage-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetAdpCtl => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetAdpCtl-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetDHCP => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxNetDHCP-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxSVC => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxSVC-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxXPCOMIPCD => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VBoxXPCOMIPCD-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VMMGC.gc => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VMMGC.gc-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBoxVM => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualBoxVM-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/vboxwebsrv => /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/vboxwebsrv-x86
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: Loading VBoxDrv.kext
Sep 9 09:57:03 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: Loading VBoxUSB.kext
Sep 9 09:57:04 MacBook-Pro EyeConnect[156]: 3891612: (CGSLookupServerRootPort) Untrusted apps are not allowed to connect to or launch Window Server before login.
Sep 9 09:57:04 MacBook-Pro EyeConnect[156]: kCGErrorRangeCheck: On-demand launch of the Window Server is allowed for root user only.
Sep 9 09:57:04 MacBook-Pro EyeConnect[156]: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
Sep 9 09:57:04 MacBook-Pro /Library/Application Support/EyeConnect/EyeConnect.app/Contents/MacOS/EyeConnect[156]: _RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
Sep 9 09:57:05 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: Loading VBoxNetFlt.kext
Sep 9 09:57:05 MacBook-Pro com.apple.SystemStarter[16]: Loading VBoxNetAdp.kext
Sep 9 09:57:07 MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[45]: FindBestLSSession(), SessionGetInfo() returned error -50 for sessionID=0 or 0 uid=88 euid=0; cf <rdar://problem/5123589>
Sep 9 09:57:07 MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[45]: ���^A^A
Sep 9 09:57:07: --- last message repeated 6 times ---
Sep 9 09:57:07 MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[45]: ���^A^A
Sep 9 09:57:07 MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[45]: 0W�^A^A
Sep 9 09:57:07 MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[45]: 0��^A^A
Sep 9 09:57:07 MacBook-Pro /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd[45]: ^Pm�^A^A
Sep 9 09:57:08 MacBook-Pro loginwindow[24]: Login Window Started Security Agent
Sep 9 09:57:08 MacBook-Pro loginwindow[24]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
Sep 9 09:57:08 MacBook-Pro loginwindow[24]: USER_PROCESS: 24 console
Sep 9 09:57:08 MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] (com.apple.ReportCrash): Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
Sep 9 09:57:08 MacBook-Pro com.apple.backupd-attach[184]: Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup - computer is on battery power.
Sep 9 09:57:10 MacBook-Pro SystemUIServer[187]: MenuCracker 2.0 (/Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu)\n See http://sourceforge.net/projects/menucracker\n MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menu extras. Ignore the failure message that follows.
Sep 9 09:57:10 MacBook-Pro SystemUIServer[187]: failed to instantiate and get the principal class of bundle: NSBundle </Library/Application Support/iStat local/extras/MenuCracker.menu> (loaded)
Sep 9 09:57:10 MacBook-Pro SystemUIServer[187]: MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusCPU".
Sep 9 09:57:10 MacBook-Pro SystemUIServer[187]: MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusMemory".
Sep 9 09:57:10 MacBook-Pro SystemUIServer[187]: MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusNetwork".
Sep 9 09:57:10 MacBook-Pro SystemUIServer[187]: MenuCracker: Allowing "iStatMenusTemps".
Sep 9 09:57:10 MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[181] (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[204]): Exited with exit code: 1
Sep 9 09:57:11 MacBook-Pro 1PasswordAgent[209]: Starting 1PasswordAgent 3.0.0.BETA-34 #30034 built Sep 7 2009 20:42:43
Sep 9 09:57:11 MacBook-Pro 1PasswordAgent[209]: reloadAllObjects
Sep 9 09:57:11 MacBook-Pro 1PasswordAgent[209]: cacheIsStale (2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200, 2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200): 0
Sep 9 09:57:11 MacBook-Pro 1PasswordAgent[209]: Database load time: 0.054 (95 objects)
Sep 9 09:57:13 MacBook-Pro 1PasswordAgent[209]: watchProfile
Sep 9 09:57:21 MacBook-Pro warmd[14]: [fetcher_open_file:936] open("/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64") => -1 (errno: 2)
Sep 9 09:57:21 MacBook-Pro warmd[14]: [fetcher_open_file:936] open("/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_i386") => -1 (errno: 2)
Sep 9 09:58:06 MacBook-Pro 1PasswordAgent[209]: (Information) Activating Safari extension
Sep 9 09:58:07 MacBook-Pro Safari[239]: Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:\n /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
Sep 9 09:58:07 MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x19019].com.apple.Safari[239]: Safari: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
Sep 9 09:58:09 MacBook-Pro Safari[239]: reloadAllObjects
Sep 9 09:58:09 MacBook-Pro Safari[239]: cacheIsStale (2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200, 2009-09-08 21:03:51 +0200): 0
Sep 9 09:58:09 MacBook-Pro Safari[239]: Database load time: 0.018 (95 objects)
Sep 9 09:58:11 MacBook-Pro com.apple.WebKit.PluginAgent[245]: Debugger() was called!
Sep 9 09:58:12 MacBook-Pro WindowServer[56]: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
Sep 9 09:58:12 MacBook-Pro com.apple.WindowServer[56]: Wed Sep 9 09:58:12 MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[56] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
Sep 9 09:58:12 MacBook-Pro Safari[239]: watchProfile