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AppleScript für die neuen Sortierfelder


Zuccalmaglios Renette
Ich hab auch schon eins geschrieben - aber noch nicht veröffentlicht. hat aber bestimmt noch fehler und ist verbesserungsfähig (Nachfragen etc. bei z. B. "Mann, Manfred & the Earthband" - oder so ähnlich). Ich habe auch alle anderen "tollen" "Künsler" wie z. B. "Michael Jackson" unter "Jackson, Michael" als Artist einsortiert.


Changes artist "Beatles, The" to "The Beatles"
AND put "Beatles, The" as sort artist, so that he Beatles will be sortet by "B"

The Artist-Tag must have no leading and trailing blanks.

-- reportin progress every ... tracks
property progress_factor : 50

tell application "iTunes"
	if selection is {} then
		display dialog "Please select some tracks."
		set this_selection to selection
		set totalTracks to (count this_selection's items)
		display dialog (totalTracks as string) & " tracks to change Names."
		-- for progress report
		set all_checked_tracks to 0
		-- no idea what this is for
		set oldfi to fixed indexing
		set fixed indexing to true
		-- loop over all tracks in playlist
		-- backwards, count of tracks of the playlist is decreasing
		repeat with t from totalTracks to 1 by -1
			-- read track
			set this_track to item t of this_selection
			-- read it's comment
			set artist_name to artist of this_track
			-- test, if track must be changed
			if artist_name contains "," then
				-- old artist_name becomes new_sort_artist_name
				set sort artist of this_track to artist_name
				-- change name before and behind ","
				set komma_found to false
				set i to 1
				repeat until komma_found
					if text i of artist_name is equal to "," then
						set komma_found to true
						set i to i + 1
					end if
				end repeat
				-- name behind "," & then before ","
				set artist of this_track to (text (i + 2) thru -1 of artist_name) & " " & (text 1 thru (i - 1) of artist_name)
			end if
			set all_checked_tracks to all_checked_tracks + 1
			-- reporting progress
			if frontmost then
				if (progress_factor is not 0) and (all_checked_tracks mod progress_factor) is 0 then
					if frontmost is true then display dialog (all_checked_tracks as string) & " tracks checked..." buttons {«data utxt266B»} giving up after 1
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
		-- no idea what this is for
		set fixed indexing to oldfi
		-- reporting success
		display dialog "finished name changing"
	end if
end tell
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Pomme d'or
Naja... Dann bräuchte ich meins ja nicht zu posten ;-/
"Set Sort Tag" for iTunes
written by Skeeve adapted from a Script by Doug Adams
-- based on the "Replace Text..." AppleScripts provided
-- by Apple
-- http://www.apple.com/applescript/itunes/index.html"

property tags : {"Sort Album", "Sort Artist", "Sort Album Artist", "Sort Name", "Sort Composer", "Sort Show"}
property tag_text : ""

tell application "iTunes"
   set this_playlist to view of front browser window
   set this_playlist_name to name of this_playlist
   set these_tracks to {}
   set dd_tracks to "all tracks in \"" & this_playlist_name & "\""
   with timeout of 30000 seconds
      if selection of front browser window is not {} then
         set these_tracks to selection of front browser window
         set dd_tracks to "the selected tracks in \"" & this_playlist_name & "\""
      end if
   end timeout
   -- which tag?
   set my_choice to choose from list tags with prompt "Choose the tag to set in " & dd_tracks & "..." without empty selection allowed
   if my_choice is false then return
   set my_choice to first item of my_choice
   -- get tag_text string -- blank not okay
      set tag_text to text returned of (display dialog ("Set the " & my_choice & " tag of " & dd_tracks & " for text:") default answer tag_text)
      if tag_text is not "" then exit repeat
   end repeat
   -- make life easier: faster access via a ref to
   set these_tracks_ref to a reference to these_tracks
   set fixed indexing to true
   with timeout of 30000 seconds
      if my_choice is "Sort Album" then
         repeat with i from 1 to count of these_tracks_ref
               set sort album of item i of these_tracks_ref to tag_text
            end try
         end repeat
      end if
      if my_choice is "Sort Artist" then
         repeat with i from 1 to count of these_tracks_ref
               set sort artist of item i of these_tracks_ref to tag_text
            end try
         end repeat
      end if
      if my_choice is "Sort Album artist" then
         repeat with i from 1 to count of these_tracks_ref
               set sort album artist of item i of these_tracks_ref to tag_text
            end try
         end repeat
      end if
      if my_choice is "Sort Name" then
         repeat with i from 1 to count of these_tracks_ref
               set sort name of item i of these_tracks_ref to tag_text
            end try
         end repeat
      end if
      if my_choice is "Sort Composer" then
         repeat with i from 1 to count of these_tracks_ref
               set sort composer of item i of these_tracks_ref to tag_text
            end try
         end repeat
      end if
      if my_choice is "Sort Show" then
         repeat with i from 1 to count of these_tracks_ref
               set sort show of item i of these_tracks_ref to tag_text
            end try
         end repeat
      end if
   end timeout
   set fixed indexing to false
end tell