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Adobe stellt Creative Suite 4 am 23. September 2008 vor.


Roter Delicious

Clear the calendar! Adobe will officially announce (announce, not ship) Adobe Creative Suite 4 on September 23, 2008! Woohoo! I got an email today with the following:

Obviously, Illustrator CS4 is a part of that announcement. Want to know what's in Illustrator CS4? I can't tell you -- YET anyway. But you can be sure that on the 23rd, I'll have all the info you'll want... and maybe even some more... (oh I love to tease)...

In any case, be sure to clear that day, because we're going to have LOTS to talk about -- you and I -- oh yes. OH YES!

By the way, you can head over to Adobe.com and register for their online event.

Quelle : http://rwillustrator.blogspot.com/2008/09/reserve-date-september-23-2008.html

Man darf gespannt sein.

Registrieren zum verfolgen des Events kann man sich hier : http://adobe.istreamplanet.com/


Wöbers Rambur
Vielleicht passt Adobe dann auch mal die Preise in D (im Vergleich zu USA) an. Allein bei Lightroom ist das .....