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35 $ Rabatt auf Forklift


Zur Zeit bekommen die ersten 99 98 Besteller 35$ Rabatt auf Forklift , wenn man folgenden Code eingibt: CPN4664357658


November 13, 2008
Accidentally cheap
Filed under: Forklift — csaba @ 4:38 pm
I was idly browsing the admin pages of our webshop, powered by eSellerate, just checking sales data and stuff like that, fooling around in the menus.
This is how I found this function under the heading Coupons, which lets you create a discount for the first n buyers in your webshop. I haven’t noticed this option before, so I went ahead and created Coupon CPN4664357658, which will give a $35 discount on a ForkLift license to the first 99 buyers.
If I’m right, this means ForkLift is now just 10 bucks if you’re quick enough.
This is what happens when you just click away idly on a live system

ForkLift ist ein File-Manager und SFTP/FTP client für Mac OS X.