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[10.9 Mavericks] mdworker friert Mac ein in Verbindung mit TM


Granny Smith

seit gestern verursacht Spotlight (mdworker) Probleme in Verbindung mit Time Machine. OSX friert ein und Ich muss den Mac abwürgen. Dies passiert nur während eines Time Machine backups ansonsten sind keine Probleme feststellbar. Ich habe schon das Time Machine Volumen gelöscht, neu erstellt, den Benutzer neu angelegt und sogar Heute Mavericks neu installiert. Ohne Erfolg schon beim ersten Versuch vor wenigen Minuten auf dem frisch installieren System wieder das selbe Problem welches sich im Log so äussert:

07.11.13 21:25:13.316 com.apple.backupd[466]: Starting manual backup
07.11.13 21:25:13.343 com.apple.backupd[466]: Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://timemachine@WeggliDS._afpovertcp._tcp.local/TMBackup
07.11.13 21:25:13.000 kernel[0]: ASP_TCP CheckReqQueueSize: increasing req queue from 32 to 128 entries. so 0xffffff803531b410 
07.11.13 21:25:13.845 mds[87]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fb955839000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/TMBackup
07.11.13 21:25:13.868 com.apple.backupd[466]: Mounted network destination at mount point: /Volumes/TMBackup using URL: afp://timemachine@WeggliDS._afpovertcp._tcp.local/TMBackup
07.11.13 21:25:44.536 com.apple.backupd[466]: Creating disk image /Volumes/TMBackup/Mac Pro.sparsebundle
07.11.13 21:25:51.000 kernel[0]: hfs: Initializing the journal (joffset 0xfa0000 sz 0x2800000)...
07.11.13 21:25:51.000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Time Machine-Backups on device disk4s2
07.11.13 21:25:52.000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Time Machine-Backups on device disk4s2
07.11.13 21:25:52.000 kernel[0]: 0xffffff81e0e3bea8, 0x21e05ea  Intel82574L::rxFrame - blocking allocate OK
07.11.13 21:25:54.605 com.apple.backupd[466]: Failed to hide extension on /Volumes/TMBackup/Mac Pro.sparsebundle, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file “Mac Pro.sparsebundle” doesn’t exist." UserInfo=0x7fc82d004430 {NSURL=file:///Volumes/TMBackup/Mac%20Pro.sparsebundle/, NSFilePath=/Volumes/TMBackup/Mac Pro.sparsebundle, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc82d003480 "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory"}.
07.11.13 21:25:57.000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Time Machine-Backups on device disk5s2
07.11.13 21:25:57.876 mds[87]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fb957847200 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:1 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Time Machine-Backups
07.11.13 21:25:58.960 com.apple.backupd[466]: Disk image /Volumes/TMBackup/Mac Pro.sparsebundle mounted at: /Volumes/Time Machine-Backups
07.11.13 21:25:58.963 com.apple.backupd[466]: Backing up to /dev/disk5s2: /Volumes/Time Machine-Backups/Backups.backupdb
07.11.13 21:25:58.965 com.apple.backupd[466]: Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume.  Enabling.
07.11.13 21:26:01.050 com.apple.backupd[466]: Forcing deep traversal on source: "Macintosh HD" (device: /dev/disk0s2 mount: '/' fsUUID: FB5A4602-750C-357E-9B42-C036E49EFDFC eventDBUUID: 5644E067-FCB4-4244-A5AE-D00A75FD17A6)
07.11.13 21:26:41.422 coreservicesd[46]: Received request to reset fmod watch. Latest received id is 526599035790. Latest sent id is 526599035790
07.11.13 21:26:42.564 com.apple.backupd[466]: Total content size: 34.44 GB excluded items size: 3.1 GB for volume Macintosh HD
07.11.13 21:26:42.565 com.apple.backupd[466]: Found 566599 files (31.34 GB) needing backup
07.11.13 21:26:42.565 com.apple.backupd[466]: 37.61 GB required (including padding), 536.08 GB available
07.11.13 21:26:42.580 com.apple.backupd[466]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
07.11.13 21:27:44.208 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[182]: (com.apple.KerberosHelper.LKDCHelper[283]) Exited with code: 1
07.11.13 21:29:51.122 mdworker[600]: multibyte ASN1 identifiers are  not supported.
07.11.13 21:30:30.834 sandboxd[272]: ([607]) mdworker(607) deny file-read-data /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities-CS6.localized/.localized (pre-plugin fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:48200000056 diag:0 isXCode:0 uti:public.folder plugin:internalPlainTextImporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 614891)
07.11.13 21:30:30.838 sandboxd[272]: ([607]) mdworker(607) deny file-read-data /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities-CS6.localized/.localized (pre-plugin fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:48200000056 diag:0 isXCode:0 uti:public.folder plugin:internalPlainTextImporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 614891)
07.11.13 21:30:30.843 sandboxd[272]: ([607]) mdworker(607) deny file-read-data /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities-CS6.localized/.localized (pre-plugin fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:48200000056 diag:0 isXCode:0 uti:public.folder plugin:internalPlainTextImporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 614891)
07.11.13 21:30:30.847 sandboxd[272]: ([607]) mdworker(607) deny file-read-data /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities-CS6.localized/.localized (pre-plugin fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:48200000056 diag:0 isXCode:0 uti:public.folder plugin:internalPlainTextImporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 614891)
07.11.13 21:31:15.405 mdworker[598]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1408 files (wired: 0 resident: 4296 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /Library/Application Support/Apple/Mail/Stationery/Apple/Contents/Resources/Stationery/Contents/Resources/ca.lproj/DisplayName.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:31:16.524 mdworker[607]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1408 files (wired: 0 resident: 37032 swapped: 0 regions: 2077), hit usage threshold importing /Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plist, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:31:18.836 mdworker[606]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1408 files (wired: 0 resident: 4107 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /Library/Audio/MIDI Devices/Generic/Images/Interface1.pdf, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:31:44.111 mdworker[600]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1344 files (wired: 0 resident: 4455 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /Library/Fonts/Malayalam MN.ttc, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:32:59.437 PDApp[650]: CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Times Roman" and got font with PostScript name "Times-Roman". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.
07.11.13 21:32:59.437 PDApp[650]: CoreText performance note: Set a breakpoint on CTFontLogSuboptimalRequest to debug.
07.11.13 21:33:00.489 PDApp[650]: objc[650]: Class HTTPHeader is implemented in both /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/CCM/CCMNative.dylib and /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/UWA/UpdaterCore.framework/Versions/A/UpdaterCore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
07.11.13 21:33:00.489 PDApp[650]: objc[650]: Class ProxyManager is implemented in both /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/CCM/CCMNative.dylib and /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/UWA/UpdaterCore.framework/Versions/A/UpdaterCore. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
07.11.13 21:33:06.095 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[182]: (com.adobe.PDApp.70432[650]) Job appears to have crashed: Bus error: 10
07.11.13 21:33:06.306 ReportCrash[656]: Saved crash report for PDApp[650] version ( to /Users/Schoggiweggli/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/PDApp_2013-11-07-213306_Mac-Pro.crash
07.11.13 21:33:29.849 mdworker[633]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 3839 swapped: 0 regions: 2079), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/cs.lproj/TextAttributeView.nib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:33:29.871 mdworker[632]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 4389 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/da.lproj/CustomLabelEditor.nib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:33:34.075 mdworker[639]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 2048 files (wired: 0 resident: 3622 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/Resources/ca.lproj/AppKitErrors.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:33:35.560 mdworker[634]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 3669 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/Resources/cs.lproj/NSNavAdvancedSearchView.nib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:33:45.923 mdworker[668]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2868 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Automator.framework/Versions/A/Resources/sv.lproj/AMQualifiers.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:33:46.923 mdworker[669]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2837 swapped: 0 regions: 2079), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/CalendarStore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:33:46.930 mdworker[672]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2838 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:33:49.766 mdworker[673]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2740 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Collaboration.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Japanese.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:03.036 mdworker[677]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2867 swapped: 0 regions: 2077), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/MapKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/id.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:03.907 mdworker[676]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2801 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Resources/version.plist, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:05.698 mdworker[675]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 6664 swapped: 0 regions: 2069), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/OSAKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/Localizable.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:12.806 mdworker[678]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 3111 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Extras/lib/python/numpy/doc/methods_vs_functions.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:15.383 mdworker[683]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1728 files (wired: 0 resident: 44076 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/distutils/command/upload.pyo, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:15.741 mdworker[684]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 3219 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/distutils/msvccompiler.py, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:17.595 mdworker[686]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1728 files (wired: 0 resident: 3189 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages/Explorer/Web_Browser_Suite.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:23.126 mdworker[689]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1728 files (wired: 0 resident: 3410 swapped: 0 regions: 2071), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/pytz/zoneinfo/Africa/Harare, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:24.335 mdworker[691]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 4286 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/scipy/io/arff/tests, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:25.377 mdworker[690]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3338 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/scipy/misc/doccer.py, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:27.719 mdworker[692]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 26694 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twisted/plugins/twisted_news.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:32.330 mdworker[694]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3443 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/test/decimaltestdata/ddRemainderNear.decTest, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:33.309 mdworker[695]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3425 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/test/test_codecmaps_cn.py, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:34.253 mdworker[696]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1600 files (wired: 0 resident: 45155 swapped: 2 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/test/test_modulefinder.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:38.684 mdworker[697]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3460 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/numpy/linalg/info.py, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:42.796 mdworker[699]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3518 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twisted/names/test/test_rootresolve.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:43.979 mdworker[698]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3360 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twisted/test/test_rebuild.py, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:45.349 mdworker[701]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3360 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/bsddb/test/test_dbshelve.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:47.085 mdworker[703]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 28498 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/idlelib/configSectionNameDialog.pyo, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:52.965 mdworker[704]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3435 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/hr.lproj/IKImageEditPanelLocalizable.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:55.831 mdworker[705]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1728 files (wired: 0 resident: 44704 swapped: 2 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuartzFilters.framework/Versions/A/Resources/da.lproj/QFilterPDFXTrapped.nib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:56.587 mdworker[706]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1728 files (wired: 0 resident: 3327 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuartzFilters.framework/Versions/A/Resources/German.lproj/QFilterPDFXTransparency.nib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:34:58.755 mdworker[666]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2729 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PageCurlTopMask 128.png, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:00.867 mdworker[707]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1728 files (wired: 0 resident: 3205 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httprequest.rb, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:05.886 mdworker[711]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2930 swapped: 0 regions: 2071), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/REXML/Attributes/get_attribute_ns-i.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:06.614 mdworker[710]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2886 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/REXML/Functions/namespace_context%3d-c.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:08.838 mdworker[713]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2682 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/RSS/XMLScanListener/on_charref_hex-i.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:12.122 mdworker[709]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2872 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/Test/Unit/UI/Console/TestRunner/finished-i.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:13.835 mdworker[716]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2666 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/XSD/CodeGen/GenSupport, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:19.890 mdworker[717]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 14943 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/package, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:23.729 mdworker[718]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2770 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/BasicObject/equal%3f-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:25.832 mdworker[719]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2775 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/FileUtils/ln_s-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:28.775 mdworker[720]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 8421 swapped: 0 regions: 2071), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/MiniTest/Assertions/assert_same-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:29.505 mdworker[721]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 36513 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/Mutex/owned%3f-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:32.229 mdworker[722]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2632 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/Racc/Parser/_racc_do_parse_rb-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:34.205 mdworker[723]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2630 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/RDoc/Options/generator_descriptions-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:38.347 mdworker[724]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2643 swapped: 0 regions: 2070), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/Shell/Void/each-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:39.601 mdworker[725]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2645 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/Time/xmlschema-c.ri, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:41.044 mdworker[726]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2643 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/XMLRPC/Client, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:41.727 CalendarAgent[221]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.ICS] [ICS Error for file: BEGIN:VTIMEZONE
07.11.13 21:35:41.727 CalendarAgent[221]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.ICS] [ICS: Cal not a ICSCalendar *nil description*]
07.11.13 21:35:43.984 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Killing auth hosts
07.11.13 21:35:43.984 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Session 100014 destroyed
07.11.13 21:35:45.392 mdworker[727]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2822 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityInterface.framework/Versions/A/Resources/German.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:56.368 mdworker[730]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 38071 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/InternetAccounts/Mail.iaplugin/Contents/Resources/no.lproj/MailIAPlugin.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:35:57.943 mdworker[731]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 3163 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/InternetAccounts/Vimeo.iaplugin/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Details.nib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:00.735 mdworker[732]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 3211 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Resources/Spanish.lproj/serviceui.properties, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:03.191 mdworker[737]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1728 files (wired: 0 resident: 4801 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Messages/PlugIns/FaceTime.imservice/Contents/Resources/tr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:10.160 mdworker[739]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 45203 swapped: 0 regions: 2070), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Math/BigInt, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:12.423 mdworker[740]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1600 files (wired: 0 resident: 3489 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/5.16/unicore/lib/Gc/Zs.pl, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:13.898 mdworker[742]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1664 files (wired: 0 resident: 3406 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level/auto/Apache2/Response, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:16.377 mdworker[744]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1600 files (wired: 0 resident: 3535 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Net/DNS/RR/MINFO.pm, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:19.798 mdworker[746]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1536 files (wired: 0 resident: 3621 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.16/auto/Inline/M23_usage_alias_used.al, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:22.067 mdworker[747]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1536 files (wired: 0 resident: 3690 swapped: 0 regions: 2077), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.16/DateTime/Locale/se_NO.pm, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:22.902 mdworker[748]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1408 files (wired: 0 resident: 3873 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.16/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Vincennes.pm, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:25.004 mdworker[751]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1408 files (wired: 0 resident: 7543 swapped: 0 regions: 2071), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.16/MooseX/Storage/Deferred.pm, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:38.966 mdworker[752]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1600 files (wired: 0 resident: 3588 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:44.127 mdworker[753]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 3236 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreProfile.framework/Versions/A/Resources/sk.lproj/Access policy bit names.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:45.043 mdworker[754]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 8710 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreServicesInternal.framework, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:46.357 mdworker[755]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 6581 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataDetectors.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Actions.datadetectors/Contents/Resources/he.lproj/Actions.plist, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:36:57.622 mdworker[759]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2844 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GeoServices.framework/5-3-3-asia-southwest-shields-extralarge-6.shieldpack, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:01.396 mdworker[761]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 44579 swapped: 1 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resources/hu.lproj/Errors.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:02.004 mdworker[760]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2692 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ru.lproj/IFRequirement.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:07.660 mdworker[762]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2928 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/sk.lproj/InfoPlist.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:11.908 mdworker[765]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 44295 swapped: 2 regions: 2070), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/NSProCreateLayoutDialog.nib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:18.868 mdworker[766]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 36702 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ScreenReader.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ms.lproj/SCROutput.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:19.659 mdworker[767]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 32313 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ScreenReader.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ru.lproj/ExceptionsDatabases/SCRVoiceOverExceptions.plist, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:23.350 mdworker[773]: Messages Importer couldn't import file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SetupAssistantSupport.framework/Versions/A/Resources/AppleConnect.chat
07.11.13 21:37:23.356 mdworker[771]: Messages Importer couldn't import file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SetupAssistantSupport.framework/Versions/A/Resources/AppleDebug.chat
07.11.13 21:37:29.113 mdworker[769]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2772 swapped: 0 regions: 2081), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Slideshows.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Content/Styles/PhotoMobile.mrbStyle/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeSignature, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:34.746 mdworker[771]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 3063 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpeechObjects.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictationServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/tr.lproj/SOUserLicensePanel.nib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:38.913 mdworker[772]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2926 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SystemMigration.framework/Versions/A/Resources/pt.lproj/SelectSourceItemView.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:41.129 mdworker[712]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2735 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/VectorKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/cityDot-medium.png, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:44.017 mdworker[773]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 3040 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WirelessDiagnosticsSupport.framework/Versions/A/Resources/it.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:37:48.309 mdworker[775]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 4355 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/ScreenReader/BrailleDrivers/VarioPro.brailledriver/Contents/Resources/ar.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:38:32.648 mdworker[780]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2984 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/SyncServices/Schemas/Notes.syncschema/Contents/Resources/tr.lproj/Schema.strings, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:38:36.375 mdworker[783]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 3025 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Tcl/8.5/Img1.4/libtkimgsgi1.4.dylib, exiting to clean up now.
07.11.13 21:38:51.108 mdworker32[803]: CGSConnectionByID: 0 is not a valid connection ID.
07.11.13 21:38:51.108 mdworker32[803]: CGSGetSpaceManagementMode: No connection with id 0x       0

Ich habe schon im Internet danach gesucht und versucht Spotlight ganz auszuschalten oder den Index neu aufzubauen aber ohne Erfolg der Log sieht immer etwa gleich aus. In den Safe-Mode booten löst das Problem auch nicht. Einzige Lösung bis jetzt, Time Machine nicht mehr verwenden.

Hat jemand ne Idee was Ich noch machen kann ? hab jetzt den ganzen Tag damit zugebracht inkl. Neuinstallation und bin am Ende :-c



Galloway Pepping
Als erstes fällt mir auf, dass Time Machine auf Disk 4s2 sichern will, aber es dort kein sparesbundle gibt, dann sucht es sich Disk 5s2.
Worauf sicherst du?
Lade dir mal das kostenlose Programm EtreCheck runter und poste die Ergebnisse hier. Bitte auch im Code posten.
Dann verschluckt es sich bei CS6 und dann, soweit ich das mit meinem laienhaften Wissen sehe, reichen die Resourcen nicht.
Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass Spotlight abzuschalten die Sache eher schlimmer, als besser macht.


Granny Smith
Ich sichere via Time Machine Service auf ein Synology NAS wie schon seit Jahren und bis gestern auch ohne grössere Probleme.

Hier der Etre-log:
   [B]Hardware Information:[/B]
     Mac Pro (Mid 2010)
     Mac Pro - model: MacPro5,1
     1 3.33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon CPU: 6 cores
     16 GB RAM

 [B]Video Information:[/B]
     ATI Radeon HD 5870 - VRAM: 1024 MB

 [B]Audio Plug-ins:[/B]
     BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0
     AirPlay: Version: 1.9
     AppleAVBAudio: Version: 2.0.0
     iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3

 [B]System Software:[/B]
     OS X 10.9 (13A603) - Uptime: 0 days 1:26:11

 [B]Disk Information:[/B]
     HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GH61N  

     HL-DT-ST BD-RE  BH08LS20  

     C300-CTFDDAC256MAG disk0 : (256.06 GB)
         EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB 
         Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 255.2 GB (221.14 GB free)
         Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB 

     WDC WD2001FASS-00W2B0 disk1 : (2 TB)
         EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB 
         HD 1 (disk1s2) /Volumes/HD 1: 1.68 TB (375.74 GB free)
         BOOTCAMP (disk1s3) /Volumes/BOOTCAMP: 324 GB (276.92 GB free)

     WDC WD2001FASS-00W2B0 disk3 : (2 TB)
         EFI (disk3s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB 
         HD 2 (disk3s2) /Volumes/HD 2: 2 TB (1.06 TB free)

     WDC WD2001FASS-00W2B0 disk2 : (2 TB)
         EFI (disk2s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB 
         HD 3 (disk2s2) /Volumes/HD 3: 2 TB (802.75 GB free)

 [B]USB Information:[/B]

     Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub 
         Apple, Inc Apple Keyboard 

     Apple Inc. Display iSight 

     Apple Inc. Apple LED Cinema Display 

     Apple Inc. Display Audio 

     Apple Inc. Display iSight 

     Apple Inc. Apple LED Cinema Display 

     Apple Inc. Display Audio 

     TerraTec   Cinergy 400  

     Samson Technologies       Samson C01U               

     ©Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows 

     GFEC ASSP DigiHug USB Audio 

     Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub 
         Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller 





 [B]FireWire Information:[/B]

 [B]Thunderbolt Information:[/B]

 [B]Kernel Extensions:[/B]
     at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch    (4052)

 [B]Problem System Launch Daemons:[/B]

 [B]Problem System Launch Agents:[/B]

 [B]Launch Daemons:[/B]
     [loaded]    at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist
     [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
     [loaded]    com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
     [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist

 [B]Launch Agents:[/B]
     [loaded]    at.obdev.LittleSnitchUIAgent.plist
     [not loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
     [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist
     [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist

 [B]User Launch Agents:[/B]
     [loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
     [loaded]    uk.co.markallan.clamxav.freshclam.plist

 [B]User Login Items:[/B]

 [B]3rd Party Preference Panes:[/B]
     Flash Player

 [B]Internet Plug-ins:[/B]
     Default Browser.plugin
     Flash Player.plugin
     QuickTime Plugin.plugin

 [B]User Internet Plug-ins:[/B]

 [B]Bad Fonts:[/B]

 [B]Time Machine:[/B]
     Skip System Files: NO
     Mobile backups: OFF
     Auto backup: NO
     Volumes being backed up:
         Macintosh HD: Disk size: 255.2 GB Disk used: 34.06 GB
         TMBackup [Network] (Last used)
         Total size: Zero KB 
         Total number of backups: (null) 
         Size of backup disk: Too small
             Backup size Zero KB < (Disk used 34.06 GB X 3)

 [B]Top Processes by CPU:[/B]
          2%    firefox
          2%    plugin-container
          2%    WindowServer
          1%    fontd
          1%    EtreCheck
          0%    PeakHour
          0%    Little Snitch Network Monitor
          0%    SystemUIServer
          0%    ClamXavSentry
          0%    Radium

 [B]Top Processes by Memory:[/B]
     492 MB       firefox
     229 MB       clamd
     197 MB       thunderbird
     180 MB       mds_stores
     147 MB       com.apple.IconServicesAgent
     131 MB       plugin-container
     98 MB        Radium
     82 MB        WindowServer
     82 MB        Console
     82 MB        ClearDayHelper

 [B]Virtual Memory Statistics:[/B]
     11.06 GB     Free RAM
     3.16 GB      Active RAM
     791 MB       Inactive RAM
     1019 MB      Wired RAM
     674 MB       Page-ins
     0 B          Page-outs

Ein Sparesbundle gibt es nicht da ich das Volume auf dem NAS formatiert habe und eines erstellen kann Ich auch nicht da sich Time Machine bei etwa 40-50% aufhängt bzw. das ganze System. Es lief auch alles normal unter Mavericks seit ende Oktober bis jetzt.



Golden Noble
Ziehe doch die Backupplatte in die Privatsphäre (Systemeinstellungen /Spotlight). Dann wird sie von Spotlight nicht indiziert. Das könnte das Problem beheben.
Gratulation du hast einen ziemlich sauberen Mac ohne diese 3rd Party Spielereien. Reparaturbedürftiges sehe ich nicht im Protokoll.
Warum du ClamXav immer starten lässt, ist mir nicht ganz klar. Es wird doch ohnehin nix gefunden, zahlt sich doch nicht aus, das Tool immer im Hintergrund rennen zu lassen. Ich mach das nur, wenn wieder eine Hammelherde brüllt "Hilfeeee Virus", dann denke ich an meine Porzellankiste. Gefunden wird dennoch nichts.


Galloway Pepping
Time Machine im Zusammenspiel mit einer NAS bin ich nicht bewandert. Was mir auffällt ist der Eintrag von EtreCheck
Size of backup disk: Too small
             Backup size Zero KB < (Disk used 34.06 GB X
Inwiefern diese Aussage richtig ist sei mal dahingestellt.
Ich hoffe es gibt hier noch ein paar erhellende Infos von anderen Usern! Vor allem zu dem Resourcenverbrauch von mdworker.


Golden Noble
Da gabs mal einen Thread, in dem der pti'Luc geschrieben hat, dass EtreChek mit externen Platten Schwierigkeiten hat. Genau erinnere ich mich aber nicht.
Jedenfalls würde das Script kürzlich aktualisiert. Hast du die neueste Version.
Zu Spotlight: probeweise alles Externe in die Privatsphäre ziehen, wie schon gesagt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Granny Smith
Time Machine im Zusammenspiel mit einer NAS bin ich nicht bewandert. Was mir auffällt ist der Eintrag von EtreCheck
Size of backup disk: Too small
             Backup size Zero KB < (Disk used 34.06 GB X
Inwiefern diese Aussage richtig ist sei mal dahingestellt.

Das TM Volume hat ein Kontingent von 500GB welches wohl nicht sichtbar ist da Ich es zu diesem Zeitpunkt wieder entfernt hatte.

Da gabs mal einen Thread, in dem der pti'Luc geschrieben hat, dass EtreChek mit externen platten Schwierigkeiten hat. Genau erinnere ich mich aber nicht.
Jedenfalls würde das Script kürzlich aktualisiert. Hast du die neueste Version.
Zu Spotlight: probeweise alles Externe in die Privatsphäre ziehen, wie schon gesagt.

EtreCheck ist V. 1.8.3, das Problem mit Spotlight und den Externen (es handelt sich um Netzwerk Laufwerke) ist das sie nach einem Neustart aus der Privat Liste wieder verschwinden da diese ja nicht automatisch beim Start gemountet werden und somint nicht existieren.

Beim Time Machine volume noch ein wenig schwieriger da es gar nicht auf dem Mac angezeigt wird während eines backups. Es wird nur angezeigt wenn man Time Machine zum wiederherstellen öffnet dann wird das TM Laufwerk gemountet und lässt sich in die Privat Liste einfügen aber wie bei allen Netzwerk Laufweken ist auch dieses beim Neustart wieder weg.

Ich habe es jetzt noch mit einem anderen NAS eines anderen Herstellers versucht ebenfalls mit dem gleichen Resultat dass mdworker komplett durchdreht und das System einfriert bis man den "Stecker zieht".

Im moment läuft ein Time Machine backup meines MacBooks ebenfalls mit 10.9 welches in ca. 1 Stunde beendet ist falls mdworker dort nicht auch total ausrastet.


EDIT: Keine Probleme mit mdworker auf meinem Macbook Pro. Ich kann mir nicht erklären warum der frisch aufgesetzte Mac Pro solche Probleme hat... nur wegen CS6 ? das fehlt nämlich auf dem Macbook ansonsten ist die installierte Software identisch. Ich werde den Mac Pro jetzt nochmal neu aufsetzen und auch die Bootcamp Partiotion löschen. Man hat ja sonst nichts zu tun...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Granny Smith
So komplett neu aufgesetzt vor 5min fertig. Reines System, kein einziges Programm installiert, keine TM eingerichtet, nichts.

OSX bootet... einloggen... Spotlight erstellt den Index zum ersten mal... Konsole öffnen und siehe da:

08.11.13 14:48:25.494 mdworker[560]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 3550 swapped: 0 regions: 2082), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecording.framework/Versions/A/Resources/pl.lproj/OSErrors.strings, exiting to clean up now.08.11.13 14:48:25.506 mdworker[559]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 3387 swapped: 0 regions: 2086), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecording.framework/Versions/A/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:25.674 mdworker[557]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1728 files (wired: 0 resident: 3640 swapped: 0 regions: 2084), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecording.framework/Versions/A/Resources/zh_CN.lproj/OSErrors.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:25.742 mdworker[558]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 42724 swapped: 2 regions: 2080), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecording.framework/Versions/A/Resources/zh_TW.lproj/ExceptionInfo.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:30.625 mdworker[572]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 23853 swapped: 0 regions: 2077), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FinderKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Dutch.lproj/BottomBar.nib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:30.644 mdworker[571]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 25655 swapped: 0 regions: 2080), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FinderKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/el.lproj/ImportFinderView.nib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:31.268 mdworker[573]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 17821 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FinderKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/German.lproj/DateColumnView.nib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:31.271 mdworker[570]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 19834 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FinderKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/German.lproj/GroupNameField.nib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:36.322 mdworker[574]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 13682 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/pt.lproj/MMMobileDocumentsRow.nib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:36.984 mdworker[575]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 23505 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ko.lproj/MMModalDialog.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:37.006 mdworker[576]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 15468 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/pt_PT.lproj/InfoPlist.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:37.636 mdworker[577]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 19545 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/tr.lproj/MMJSDialog.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:41.977 mdworker[578]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 13505 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/DBIx/Class/Carp.pm, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:42.007 mdworker[580]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 15411 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks/OracleJoins.pm, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:42.674 mdworker[579]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 11620 swapped: 0 regions: 2079), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/DateTime/Locale/en_PH.pm, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:43.352 mdworker[581]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 7680 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/DateTime/Locale/tr_TR.pm, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:46.966 mdworker[583]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 24177 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/sv.lproj/TextEncodingNames.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:47.001 mdworker[582]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 9189 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:47.665 mdworker[584]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 11064 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/InternetAccounts/iCloud.iaplugin/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/iCloudSetupTopLevel.nib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:47.698 mdworker[585]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 9199 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/InternetAccounts/iCloud.iaplugin/Contents/Resources/no.lproj/IACastleLockedView.nib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:53.662 mdworker[567]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 27751 swapped: 0 regions: 2080), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/GameKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/[email protected], exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:55.631 mdworker[586]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 16657 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/uk.lproj/Titles.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:55.645 mdworker[588]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 33273 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HeimODAdmin.framework/Versions/A/Resources, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:56.283 mdworker[587]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 20382 swapped: 0 regions: 2077), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FTClientServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/version.plist, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:48:56.944 mdworker[589]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 20369 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/cs.lproj/IMCoreLocalizable.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:03.576 mdworker[592]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 16863 swapped: 0 regions: 2079), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MonitorPanel.framework/Versions/A/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:03.604 mdworker[591]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 12984 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/zh_CN.lproj/Dialogs.nib/objects.xib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:04.557 mdworker[593]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2910 swapped: 0 regions: 2070), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SetupAssistantSupport.framework/Versions/A/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:05.190 mdworker[594]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 7432 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/InternetAccounts/Notes.iaplugin/Contents/Resources/fr.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:10.188 mdworker[598]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 16882 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ShareKit.framework/Versions/A/PlugIns/Facebook.sharingservice/Contents/Resources/hr.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:10.805 mdworker[597]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 18752 swapped: 0 regions: 2078), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ShareKit.framework/Versions/A/PlugIns/Mail.sharingservice/Contents/Resources/fr.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:11.481 mdworker[599]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 13082 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ShareKit.framework/Versions/A/PlugIns/TencentWeibo.sharingservice/Contents/Resources/sk.lproj, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:12.298 mdworker[600]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 3293 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ShareKit.framework/Versions/A/PlugIns/Video.sharingservice/Contents/Resources/sv.lproj/ShareTudou.nib, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:17.390 mdworker[602]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 7435 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebInspectorUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Images/Function.pdf, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:18.123 mdworker[603]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 7447 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WhitePages.framework/Versions/A/Resources/he.lproj/InfoPlist.strings, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:18.151 mdworker[604]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 3655 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WiFiCloudSyncEngine.framework/Versions/A/_CodeSignature/CodeResources, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:18.743 mdworker[590]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 22446 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/WidgetResources/AppleClasses/Images/[email protected], exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:19.756 mdworker[605]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2644 swapped: 0 regions: 2071), hit usage threshold importing /Library/WebServer/share/httpd/manual/mod/mod_authn_default.html.ko.euc-kr, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:24.308 mdworker[606]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 2850 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /usr/share/terminfo/72/rxvt-256color, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:24.942 mdworker[608]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 2855 swapped: 0 regions: 2079), hit usage threshold importing /usr/share/terminfo/74/ti928-8, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:24.942 mdworker[607]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1792 files (wired: 0 resident: 2940 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /usr/share/terminfo/74/tek4115, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:25.720 mdworker[610]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2707 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /usr/lib/sasl2/libcrammd5.2.so, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:28.804 mdworker[612]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2507 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/ENV/values-c.ri, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:29.441 mdworker[613]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2498 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/Enumerator/Lazy/slice_before-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:30.123 mdworker[614]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2585 swapped: 0 regions: 2077), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/File/cdesc-File.ri, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:30.817 mdworker[615]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2553 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/Gem/Commands/HelpCommand/cdesc-HelpCommand.ri, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:33.613 mdworker[616]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 25902 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/RDoc/Store/load_page-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:34.266 mdworker[617]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 29622 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/REXML/Child/parent-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:35.250 mdworker[618]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 24183 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/REXML/Functions/starts_with-c.ri, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:36.017 mdworker[619]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 27927 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/share/ri/2.0.0/system/RSS/BaseModel/boolean_writer-i.ri, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:39.279 mdworker[620]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 22316 swapped: 0 regions: 2077), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/ERB/Compiler/cdesc-Compiler.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:39.298 mdworker[622]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 18414 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/Enumerable/minmax-i.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:40.074 mdworker[623]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 24183 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/Generators/XMLGenerator/for-c.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:40.688 mdworker[624]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 16701 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/IRB/ExtendCommand/PushWorkspace/cdesc-PushWorkspace.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:43.523 mdworker[625]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 31671 swapped: 0 regions: 2077), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/Sync_m/sync_shared%3f-i.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:43.530 mdworker[626]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 27677 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/SystemStackError/cdesc-SystemStackError.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:44.346 mdworker[627]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 24183 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/URI/Generic/set_query-i.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:45.036 mdworker[628]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 26055 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/share/ri/1.8/system/WEBrick/HTTPResponse/content_type-i.yaml, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:48.083 mdworker[629]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2514 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twisted/internet/_dumbwin32proc.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:48.692 mdworker[630]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2589 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twisted/internet/iocpreactor/reactor.py, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:49.496 mdworker[631]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2583 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twisted/python/test/modules_helpers.py, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:50.109 mdworker[632]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2523 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/twisted/scripts/twistd.py, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:53.249 mdworker[634]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2567 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /usr/bin/snmptest, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:53.872 mdworker[635]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2555 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /usr/share/snmp/mib2c.scalar.conf, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:54.240 mdworker[636]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2577 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /usr/share/man/man1/perlthanks5.16.1, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:54.914 mdworker[637]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 2572 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Extras/lib/python/PyObjC/AppKit/_nsfont.so, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:57.830 mdworker[638]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 16857 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/encodings/utf_7.pyo, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:58.506 mdworker[639]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 18830 swapped: 0 regions: 2080), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/idlelib/rpc.pyo, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:59.319 mdworker[640]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 13094 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/plat-mac/Carbon/AppleHelp.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:49:59.933 mdworker[641]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 22592 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/plat-mac/Carbon/Sndihooks.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:02.717 mdworker[642]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 24437 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/types.pyo, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:03.398 mdworker[643]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 28193 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/HTMLParser.pyo, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:04.245 mdworker[644]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 14970 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/glob.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:04.982 mdworker[645]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 13146 swapped: 0 regions: 2074), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/python2.3/macpath.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:07.664 mdworker[646]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 24421 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Extras/lib/python/scipy/weave/blitz/blitz/vecwhere.h, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:08.403 mdworker[647]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 16859 swapped: 0 regions: 2075), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/matplotlib/fontconfig_pattern.py, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:09.273 mdworker[648]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 30083 swapped: 0 regions: 2076), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/numpy/f2py/auxfuncs.pyc, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:10.009 mdworker[649]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1984 files (wired: 0 resident: 24413 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/numpy/testing/nosetester.py, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:12.616 mdworker[650]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2674 swapped: 0 regions: 2071), hit usage threshold importing /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/tcp_fd_handler, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:12.628 mdworker[651]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 37551 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/tcp_sess, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:14.941 mdworker[652]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1920 files (wired: 0 resident: 2757 swapped: 0 regions: 2073), hit usage threshold importing /Library/Scripts/Mail Scripts/Get Source of Selected Message.scpt, exiting to clean up now.
08.11.13 14:50:15.604 mdworker[653]: (Normal) Import: Using too many resources after 1856 files (wired: 0 resident: 37679 swapped: 0 regions: 2072), hit usage threshold importing /Library/Application Support/Apple/Mail/Stationery/Apple/Contents/Resources/Photos/Contents/Resources/fr.lproj/DisplayName.strings, exiting to clean up now.

Mein Mac spinnt also auch ganz frisch und ohne was daran gemacht zu haben. Jetzt bin ich wirklich komplett ratlos.


Golden Noble
Hast du das System jetzt aus dem Internet neu aufgespielt oder vom Backup / oder einem Stick. Das wäre nicht gut.
Ich kenne mich in den Systeminnereien gar nicht aus, aber es scheint irgendwas mit den Sprachfiles (lproj)nicht in Ordnung zu sein.
Was da gereinigt wird in der Python Bibliothek kann ich auch nicht sagen.

Aber hier scheint einer ein ähnliches (wenn nicht das gleiche) Problem zu haben.
Er hat es gelöst.

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Reaktionen: larkmiller