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Macbook Pro 13" (Early 2011) langer Startvorgang


Golden Delicious

Als ich mein Macbook Pro 13" (Early 2011) mit 2,3 Ghz i5 und 8 GB Ram neulich neugestartet habe kam mir der Startvorgang extrem lang vor. Beim nächsten Neustart habe ich mal die Zeit gestoppt, wie lange das Macbook braucht um zu starten und verwendbar ist. Das Ergebnis: 5:40 Minuten vergehen bis Mail geöffnet und nutzbar ist.
Zuerst dachte ich daran, dass zu viele Programme beim Start mitgeladen werden, allerdings verbesserte sich die Zeit kaum.

Nach einiger Recherche im Internet und hier im Forum habe ich diverse Lösungsmöglichkeiten ausprobiert. Zum einen habe ich mich dem Festplatten-Dienstprogramm bedient und die Zugriffsrechte und Volumen überprüft und repariert. Anschliessend habe ich im Verbose-Mode gestartet. Keine Besserung!

Auch das Starten mit dem Admin-Account auf dem Mac ging nicht schneller von statten.

Als Tipp wurde unter anderem im Internet auch gesagt, dass man sich den Startvorgang chronologisch in der Konsole anschauen kann. Leider verstehe ich nicht all zuviel, um hier einen Fehler zu finden.

Mittlerweile weiß ich leider nicht mehr weiter und hoffe darauf, dass einer von euch noch ein Tipps und Kniffe weiß!

Zum Betriebssystem ist vielleicht noch zu sagen, dass eine jungfräuliche Bootcamp-Partition besteht. Diese ist jedoch nicht als Startvolume ausgewählt. Des Weiteren sind alle aktuellen Updates seitens Apple installiert.
Beim Start starten folgende Programme in der Taskleiste:
- Growl
- Little Snitch
- Avira
- unDock now!
- GeekTool
- Cinch
- Dropbox

Wenn ihr mehr Informationen braucht, kann ich die auch gerne nachliefern.


BS ist Snow Leopard, Lion oder Mountain Lion?


Roter Herbstkalvill
Du kannst die Logs auch hier posten. Meistens findet sich jemand, der die Sprache der Konsole beherrscht.

(Am Besten über "Erweitert" zum Editor wechseln und dort die Logs mit dem Code-Tag einrahmen. Einfach zu machen mit dem #-Symbol)


Aargauer Weinapfel
Avira kannst Du schon einmal sauber deinstallieren und dann wieder berichten.


Golden Delicious
BS ist Lion. Aber kein Update auf SL sondern eine saubere Neuinstallation.

Das Problem bestand schon vor Installation von Avira.

Was mir auch aufgefallen ist, zwischen erscheinen des grauen Startbildschirms mit Apfel und Anmeldebildschirm ist für ein paar Sekunden ein nur grauer Bildschirm zu sehen.

Hier der gesamte Code nach dem Start:

22.07.12 22:33:49,628 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
22.07.12 22:33:49,683 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
22.07.12 22:33:49,683 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
22.07.12 22:33:50,482 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[253]) Exited with code: 1
22.07.12 22:34:06,059 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
22.07.12 22:34:06,059 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
22.07.12 22:34:06,060 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
22.07.12 22:34:06,060 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
22.07.12 22:34:33,155 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][294]) Exited with code: 1
22.07.12 22:34:35,508 GrowlLauncher: Launching Growl at URL: file://localhost/Applications/Growl.app/Contents/MacOS/Growl
22.07.12 22:34:40,054 GeekTool Helper: GeekTool 3 version 309 running
22.07.12 22:34:48,740 Growl: <GCDAsyncSocket: 0x7fef4be26bb0> now accepting ((null))
22.07.12 22:35:06,487 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
22.07.12 22:35:06,491 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
22.07.12 22:35:11,162 Growl: Setup timer, this should only happen once
22.07.12 22:35:11,163 Growl: Next image check no earlier than 24 hours from 2012-07-21 21:59:00 +0000
22.07.12 22:35:31,999 storeagent: ISSoftwareMap: <TIMEOUT> Returning NULL for updateRequestBodyData
22.07.12 22:36:30,209 backgroundinstruments: In '__CFPasteboardCopyData', file /SourceCache/CF/CF-635.21/AppServices.subproj/CFPasteboard.c, line 2372, during unlock, spin lock 0x1033ba018 has value 0x0, which is not locked.  The memory has been smashed or the lock is being unlocked when not locked.
22.07.12 22:37:21,424 helpd: Failed reading an alias at AnimatedOrtifant-klein.gif -- file://localhost/Applications/AccessMenuBarApps.app/Contents/Resources/: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "Die Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden." UserInfo=0x7fcc15a6e970 {}
22.07.12 22:37:26,255 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
22.07.12 22:37:35,152 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
22.07.12 22:37:41,193 Mail: Using V2 Layout
22.07.12 22:38:09,476 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
22.07.12 22:38:09,476 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
22.07.12 22:43:42,190 DashboardClient: error [1001] setting colorSpace to Color LCD colorspace
22.07.12 22:43:42,190 com.apple.Dock.agent: 2012-07-22 22:43:42.190 DashboardClient[461:403] error [1001] setting colorSpace to Color LCD colorspace
22.07.12 22:43:42,835 DashboardClient: error [1001] setting colorSpace to Color LCD colorspace
22.07.12 22:43:42,835 com.apple.Dock.agent: 2012-07-22 22:43:42.834 DashboardClient[461:403] error [1001] setting colorSpace to Color LCD colorspace
22.07.12 22:43:42,895 DashboardClient: error [1001] setting colorSpace to Color LCD colorspace
22.07.12 22:43:42,895 com.apple.Dock.agent: 2012-07-22 22:43:42.895 DashboardClient[461:403] error [1001] setting colorSpace to Color LCD colorspace
22.07.12 22:43:44,036 DashboardClient: error [1001] setting colorSpace to Color LCD colorspace
22.07.12 22:43:44,037 com.apple.Dock.agent: 2012-07-22 22:43:44.035 DashboardClient[461:403] error [1001] setting colorSpace to Color LCD colorspace
22.07.12 22:43:55,431 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x12012].com.sophos.ui[298]) Exited: Terminated: 15
22.07.12 22:44:23,731 firefox: -_scrollPhase is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -momentumPhase.
22.07.12 22:44:23,732 firefox: -_continuousScroll is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
22.07.12 22:44:23,733 firefox: -deviceDeltaY is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaY.
22.07.12 22:44:23,734 firefox: -deviceDeltaX is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaX.
22.07.12 22:46:54,157 firefox: Could not find image named 'GenericPrinter'.
22.07.12 22:46:59,239 firefox: Could not find image named 'ToolbarArrangeByTemplate'.
22.07.12 22:53:41,168 GeekTool: GTApplicationConnector Connected
22.07.12 22:53:41,174 GeekTool Helper: GTPreferencePaneConnector Connected
22.07.12 22:54:21,625 GeekTool Helper: GTPreferencePaneConnector Connection died !
22.07.12 22:54:21,625 GeekTool Helper: GTPreferencePaneConnector Disconnected
22.07.12 22:54:21,627 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
22.07.12 22:54:32,545 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
22.07.12 22:54:32,545 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
22.07.12 22:55:35,707 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
22.07.12 22:57:08,814 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
22.07.12 22:59:02,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to open pid file: No such file or directory
22.07.12 22:59:02,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: Domain Socket wurde angelegt
22.07.12 22:59:02,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to get ondmd server path
22.07.12 22:59:02,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: no control socket available
22.07.12 22:59:02,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to open pid file: No such file or directory
22.07.12 22:59:02,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to get ondmd server path
22.07.12 22:59:07,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to open pid file: No such file or directory
22.07.12 22:59:07,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to get ondmd server path
22.07.12 22:59:07,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: no control socket available
22.07.12 22:59:07,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to open pid file: No such file or directory
22.07.12 22:59:07,160 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to get ondmd server path
22.07.12 22:59:09,663 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.Dock.agent[262]) Exited abnormally: Hangup: 1
22.07.12 22:59:09,709 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.Dock.agent[1730]) Exited abnormally: Hangup: 1
22.07.12 22:59:09,709 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.Dock.agent) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
22.07.12 22:59:11,651 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
22.07.12 22:59:11,652 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
22.07.12 22:59:11,653 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
22.07.12 22:59:11,654 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
22.07.12 22:59:12,203 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to open pid file: No such file or directory
22.07.12 22:59:12,203 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to get ondmd server path
22.07.12 22:59:12,203 com.avira.antivirus.systray: no control socket available
22.07.12 22:59:12,203 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to open pid file: No such file or directory
22.07.12 22:59:12,203 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to get ondmd server path
22.07.12 22:59:27,856 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
22.07.12 23:00:52,157 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to send message to server /var/avira/avguard/avguard-super-control1699
22.07.12 23:01:18,920 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
22.07.12 23:01:18,921 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
22.07.12 23:01:27,157 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to send message to server /var/avira/avguard/avguard-super-control1933
22.07.12 23:01:43,613 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
22.07.12 23:01:44,067 Little Snitch Configuration: Could not find image named 'ToolbarArrangeByTemplate'.
22.07.12 23:01:59,097 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
22.07.12 23:02:20,306 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
23.07.12 07:34:05,001 SyncServer: [0x108e16ee0] |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
23.07.12 07:39:21,990 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 10:56:04,980 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
23.07.12 10:56:13,888 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: /Applications/Avira.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore is correctly signed.
23.07.12 10:56:14,204 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: /Applications/Avira.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/4/QtGui is correctly signed.
23.07.12 10:56:14,284 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: /Applications/Avira.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore is correctly signed.
23.07.12 10:57:35,839 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to send message to server /var/avira/avguard/avguard-super-control1982
23.07.12 10:59:00,744 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 11:25:16,379 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 11:50:05,267 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 12:03:49,262 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 1
23.07.12 12:04:08,714 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
23.07.12 12:04:08,716 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
23.07.12 12:04:08,717 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
23.07.12 12:04:10,301 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
23.07.12 12:04:33,673 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
23.07.12 12:04:33,674 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
23.07.12 12:04:37,416 [0x0-0x5d05d].com.apple.systempreferences: System Preferences(3664,0x1130ce000) malloc: *** auto malloc[3664]: error: GC operation on unregistered thread. Thread registered implicitly. Break on auto_zone_thread_registration_error() to debug.
23.07.12 12:05:06,596 unDock: Attempting to unmount /Volumes/INTENSO
23.07.12 12:05:06,802 unDock: successfully ejected device.
23.07.12 12:05:06,811 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
23.07.12 12:05:06,811 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
23.07.12 12:11:42,117 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: sd: DN=quick
23.07.12 12:11:42,117 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: sd: DN=quick
23.07.12 12:11:42,117 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: sd: DN=quick
23.07.12 12:11:42,117 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: Domain Socket wurde angelegt
23.07.12 12:11:42,117 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: sd: DN=quick
23.07.12 12:11:42,117 [0x0-0x52052].com.avira.controlcenter: sd: DN=quick
23.07.12 12:12:33,163 firefox: -_scrollPhase is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -momentumPhase.
23.07.12 12:12:33,164 firefox: -_continuousScroll is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
23.07.12 12:12:33,164 firefox: -deviceDeltaY is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaY.
23.07.12 12:12:33,165 firefox: -deviceDeltaX is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaX.
23.07.12 12:44:01,266 [0x0-0x73073].com.avira.controlcenter: /Applications/Avira.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore is correctly signed.
23.07.12 12:44:01,570 [0x0-0x73073].com.avira.controlcenter: /Applications/Avira.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/4/QtGui is correctly signed.
23.07.12 12:44:01,645 [0x0-0x73073].com.avira.controlcenter: /Applications/Avira.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/QtCore is correctly signed.
23.07.12 13:13:48,542 Mail: Using V2 Layout
23.07.12 13:42:34,236 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,237 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,237 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,237 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,237 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenDepth: error getting display depth (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,237 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,237 AdobeReader: Bad colorspace number -7211201
23.07.12 13:42:34,238 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,238 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,238 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,238 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,238 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,238 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,239 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,239 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,239 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,239 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,239 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenDepth: error getting display depth (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,239 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,239 AdobeReader: Bad colorspace number -7211201
23.07.12 13:42:34,239 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,240 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,240 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,340 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:42:34,340 AdobeReader: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
23.07.12 13:44:00,742 Finder: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
23.07.12 13:44:00,743 Finder: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
23.07.12 13:44:00,743 Finder: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
23.07.12 13:44:02,695 Finder: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
23.07.12 13:44:02,695 Finder: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
23.07.12 13:44:02,696 Finder: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
23.07.12 14:16:15,659 SubmitDiagInfo: Could not write whitelist! Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “SubmitDiagInfo.domains” in the folder “CrashReporter”." UserInfo=0x7ff8a3e1ee70 {NSFilePath=/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/SubmitDiagInfo.domains, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ff8a3e1f130 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied"}
23.07.12 15:43:25,174 SystemUIServer: -[MDMenuWindow _checkTopRight] the window is off the screen topRight point is {1670, 778}
23.07.12 15:53:51,886 [0x0-0x66066].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 16:17:50,080 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0xa40a4].com.apple.ScreenSaver.Engine[8174]) Exited: Terminated: 15
23.07.12 17:45:44,326 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: current time:  "Mo. Jul 23 17:45:43 2012" 
23.07.12 17:45:45,865 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: transfile found
23.07.12 17:45:47,002 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: set main window
23.07.12 17:45:47,394 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: + Locking Component:  0 
23.07.12 17:45:54,992 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: QWidget::setMinimumSize: (MainWindow/MainWindow) Negative sizes (588,-1) are not possible
23.07.12 17:46:17,106 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: Fehler bei: Virus-Update
23.07.12 17:46:17,106 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: Eine Pr�fung l�uft gerade. Bitte warten Sie, bis die Pr�fung abgeschlossen ist, oder beenden Sie sie.
23.07.12 17:46:17,170 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: + Unlocking Component:  0 
23.07.12 17:46:35,706 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: onUpdateCheckDone called...
23.07.12 17:46:35,883 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: prduct update available..
23.07.12 18:00:48,996 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: current time:  "Mo. Jul 23 18:00:48 2012" 
23.07.12 18:16:18,792 SubmitDiagInfo: Could not write whitelist! Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “SubmitDiagInfo.domains” in the folder “CrashReporter”." UserInfo=0x7fe26b623b10 {NSFilePath=/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/SubmitDiagInfo.domains, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fe26b634170 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied"}
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,345 com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default: There is already an instance of the unix gui running.
23.07.12 18:17:32,347 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.avira.antivirus.odscan.default[10061]) Exited with code: 251
23.07.12 18:29:27,137 com.avira.antivirus.update.default: LastRun  =  update  :  true 
23.07.12 18:35:15,841 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
23.07.12 18:35:15,842 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
23.07.12 18:35:15,843 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
23.07.12 18:42:05,272 [0x0-0x66066].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 18:43:57,780 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
23.07.12 18:43:57,781 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
23.07.12 18:45:13,559 [0x0-0xc80c8].org.videolan.vlc: [0x100228360] main interface error: no suitable interface module
23.07.12 18:45:26,862 [0x0-0xc80c8].org.videolan.vlc: [0x10020a040] main libvlc: VLC wird mit dem Standard-Interface ausgeführt. Benutzen Sie 'cvlc', um VLC ohne Interface zu verwenden.
23.07.12 18:45:27,448 [0x0-0x66066].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 18:45:27,608 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x66066].org.mozilla.firefox[3866]) Exited abnormally: Child exited: 20
23.07.12 18:45:33,839 [0x0-0xc80c8].org.videolan.vlc: [wmv3 @ 0x1020c3e20] Extra data: 8 bits left, value: 0
23.07.12 18:45:38,511 [0x0-0xc80c8].org.videolan.vlc: [0x1028e6a80] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR  is called too late (pts_delay increased to 1000 ms)
23.07.12 18:45:38,511 [0x0-0xc80c8].org.videolan.vlc: [0x1028e6a80] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
23.07.12 18:46:36,190 [0x0-0xc80c8].org.videolan.vlc: [wmv3 @ 0x10385f020] Extra data: 8 bits left, value: 0
23.07.12 18:49:29,808 firefox: -_scrollPhase is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -momentumPhase.
23.07.12 18:49:29,809 firefox: -_continuousScroll is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
23.07.12 18:49:29,809 firefox: -deviceDeltaY is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaY.
23.07.12 18:49:29,810 firefox: -deviceDeltaX is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaX.
23.07.12 19:40:19,914 [0x0-0xcc0cc].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 19:45:33,801 firefox: -_scrollPhase is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -momentumPhase.
23.07.12 19:45:33,801 firefox: -_continuousScroll is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
23.07.12 19:45:33,802 firefox: -deviceDeltaY is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaY.
23.07.12 19:45:33,803 firefox: -deviceDeltaX is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaX.
23.07.12 19:56:49,707 [0x0-0xd90d9].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
23.07.12 22:16:25,695 SubmitDiagInfo: Could not write whitelist! Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “SubmitDiagInfo.domains” in the folder “CrashReporter”." UserInfo=0x7fada1b16f50 {NSFilePath=/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/SubmitDiagInfo.domains, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fada1b17210 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied"}
23.07.12 23:59:33,534 Mail: Error finding an Internet password for [email protected]@mx.freenet.de: -67671
23.07.12 23:59:55,614 Mail: Error finding an Internet password for [email protected]@mx.freenet.de: -67671
24.07.12 02:16:01,678 SubmitDiagInfo: Could not write whitelist! Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “SubmitDiagInfo.domains” in the folder “CrashReporter”." UserInfo=0x7fb204a0bab0 {NSFilePath=/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/SubmitDiagInfo.domains, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb204a0bd10 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied"}
24.07.12 03:44:31,240 Mail: Error finding an Internet password for [email protected]@mx.freenet.de: -67671
24.07.12 03:44:31,241 Mail: Error finding an Internet password for [email protected]@mx.freenet.de: -67671
24.07.12 03:44:31,242 Mail: Error finding an Internet password for [email protected]@mx.freenet.de: -67671
24.07.12 06:15:58,293 SubmitDiagInfo: Could not write whitelist! Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “SubmitDiagInfo.domains” in the folder “CrashReporter”." UserInfo=0x7f9ee8e0f110 {NSFilePath=/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/SubmitDiagInfo.domains, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f9ee8e0f3a0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied"}
24.07.12 07:21:37,614 Mail: Error deleting the Internet password for [email protected]@mx.freenet.de: -67671
24.07.12 07:22:27,915 com.avira.antivirus.systray: failed to send message to server /var/avira/avguard/avguard-super-control2436
24.07.12 07:24:45,886 [0x0-0x73073].com.avira.controlcenter: sd: DN=quick
24.07.12 07:24:45,886 [0x0-0x73073].com.avira.controlcenter: sd: DN=quick
24.07.12 07:24:45,886 [0x0-0x73073].com.avira.controlcenter: sd: DN=quick
24.07.12 07:24:45,886 [0x0-0x73073].com.avira.controlcenter: Domain Socket wurde angelegt
24.07.12 07:26:53,423 firefox: Could not find image named 'ToolbarArrangeByTemplate'.
24.07.12 07:28:50,187 [0x0-0xd90d9].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
24.07.12 07:35:25,127 [0x0-0xd90d9].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
24.07.12 07:39:12,175 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x18018].com.apple.iTunesHelper[307]) Exited: Killed: 9
24.07.12 07:39:12,178 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.dt.instruments.backgroundinstruments[278]) Exited: Killed: 9
24.07.12 07:39:12,178 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x25025].com.apple.AppleSpell[375]) Exited: Killed: 9
24.07.12 07:39:12,179 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.quicklook[25254]) Exited: Killed: 9
24.07.12 07:39:12,181 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x17017].com.brother.utility.USBserver[306]) Exited: Terminated: 15
24.07.12 09:09:34,701 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.mdworker.pool.0) Throttling respawn: Will start in 4 seconds
24.07.12 09:13:51,705 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
24.07.12 09:13:51,708 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
24.07.12 09:13:51,708 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
24.07.12 09:13:52,246 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[281]) Exited with code: 1
24.07.12 09:14:01,483 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
24.07.12 09:14:01,486 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
24.07.12 09:14:01,487 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
24.07.12 09:14:01,487 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
24.07.12 09:14:01,903 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][324]) Exited with code: 1
24.07.12 09:14:05,989 GeekTool Helper: GeekTool 3 version 309 running
24.07.12 09:14:10,944 GrowlLauncher: Launching Growl at URL: file://localhost/Applications/Growl.app/Contents/MacOS/Growl
24.07.12 09:14:11,804 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
24.07.12 09:14:11,807 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
24.07.12 09:14:18,799 Growl: <GCDAsyncSocket: 0x7fb728c38fc0> now accepting ((null))
24.07.12 09:14:21,207 iCal Helper: Lock Contention on CalendarStore Initialization
24.07.12 09:14:21,329 Growl: Setup timer, this should only happen once
24.07.12 09:14:21,332 Growl: Next image check no earlier than 24 hours from 2012-07-23 21:59:00 +0000
24.07.12 09:15:20,371 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 09:15:39,002 firefox: -_scrollPhase is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -momentumPhase.
24.07.12 09:15:39,003 firefox: -_continuousScroll is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
24.07.12 09:15:39,004 firefox: -deviceDeltaY is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaY.
24.07.12 09:15:39,005 firefox: -deviceDeltaX is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaX.
24.07.12 09:17:08,407 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
24.07.12 09:17:08,408 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
24.07.12 09:24:29,560 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
24.07.12 09:24:30,047 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
24.07.12 09:25:27,074 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 09:26:00,199 [0x0-0x22022].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
24.07.12 09:26:34,521 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 09:28:31,027 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
24.07.12 09:28:31,027 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
24.07.12 09:28:35,810 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 09:39:06,828 Little Snitch Configuration: Could not find image named 'ToolbarArrangeByTemplate'.
24.07.12 09:39:15,279 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 09:48:30,834 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
24.07.12 09:48:30,835 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
24.07.12 09:48:30,836 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
24.07.12 09:48:31,531 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 09:48:41,828 [0x0-0x44044].com.apple.systempreferences: System Preferences(921,0x1071c1000) malloc: *** auto malloc[921]: error: GC operation on unregistered thread. Thread registered implicitly. Break on auto_zone_thread_registration_error() to debug.
24.07.12 09:48:42,152 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 11:28:07,953 loginwindow: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:07,969 loginwindow: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,021 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,021 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,021 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,022 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,022 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,022 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,022 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,023 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,023 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,023 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,023 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,023 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,024 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,024 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,024 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,024 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,024 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,024 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,025 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,025 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,028 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,028 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,028 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,030 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,030 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,031 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,031 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,031 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,032 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,032 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,032 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,033 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,033 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,035 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,035 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,035 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,035 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,036 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,036 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,038 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,042 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,042 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,042 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,048 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,048 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,049 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,049 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,049 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,050 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,050 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,050 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,050 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,051 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,051 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,051 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,052 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,052 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,052 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,053 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,053 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,096 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,096 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,097 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,097 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,097 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,097 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,097 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,097 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,097 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,098 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,098 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,098 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,098 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,099 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,099 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,099 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,099 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,100 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,100 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,100 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,126 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,126 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,126 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,126 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,127 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,127 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,127 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,127 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,127 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,128 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,128 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,128 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,128 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,128 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,129 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,129 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,129 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,129 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,129 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,130 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,145 SystemUIServer: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,146 SystemUIServer: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,148 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,149 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,149 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,149 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,150 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,150 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,150 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,150 iCal Helper: Lock Contention on CalendarStore Initialization
24.07.12 11:28:08,150 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,151 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,151 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,151 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,151 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,151 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,151 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,152 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,152 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,152 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,152 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,153 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,153 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,160 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,161 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,161 SystemUIServer: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,161 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,161 SystemUIServer: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,161 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,161 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,161 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,162 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,162 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,162 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,162 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,162 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,163 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,163 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,163 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,163 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,164 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,164 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,164 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,164 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,164 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,250 Growl: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,250 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,250 Growl: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,250 unDock: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,250 Cinch: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,250 Growl: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 unDock: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 Cinch: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 unDock: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 Cinch: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 unDock: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 Cinch: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 Growl: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 Growl: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,251 GeekTool Helper: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,252 GeekTool Helper: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,252 GeekTool Helper: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,252 GeekTool Helper: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,253 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,254 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,254 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,255 Little Snitch Network Monitor: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,274 Little Snitch Network Monitor: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,275 Little Snitch Network Monitor: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,275 Little Snitch Network Monitor: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,414 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,414 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,415 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,415 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,415 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,415 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,416 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,416 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,416 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,416 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,417 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,417 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,417 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,418 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,418 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,418 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,418 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,419 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,419 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,419 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,438 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,438 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,438 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,438 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,438 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,439 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,440 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,440 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,440 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,440 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,440 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,440 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,484 AV_Systray: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,485 AV_Systray: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,485 AV_Systray: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,485 AV_Systray: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,709 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,710 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,710 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,710 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,710 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,710 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,711 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,711 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,711 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,711 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,711 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,711 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,711 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,712 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,712 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,712 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,712 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,712 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,712 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:28:08,712 firefox: _NXGetScreenRect: error getting display bounds (1001)
24.07.12 11:31:10,060 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 1
24.07.12 11:31:28,892 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
24.07.12 12:38:54,893 Mail: Using V2 Layout
24.07.12 12:53:36,103 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 12:56:23,233 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 13:18:33,761 GeekTool Helper: Geeklet 82162836-A8CA-4385-8BE6-4F4FC33D2048. Task already running (date '+%A, %e. %B %…)
24.07.12 13:18:33,762 GeekTool Helper: Geeklet A1027233-D507-4522-AB54-41D7A58C9A7A. Task already running (/usr/local/bin/ical…)
24.07.12 13:59:13,012 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x10d542f30 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 13:59:17,225 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 54 (Connection reset by peer).
24.07.12 13:59:17,226 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=54 "Connection reset by peer" UserInfo=0x7fb72a120570 {NSLocalizedDescription=Connection reset by peer, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:00:52,770 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x10d5163b0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 14:00:56,981 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 32 (Broken pipe).
24.07.12 14:00:56,981 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=32 "Broken pipe" UserInfo=0x7fb72a0cd670 {NSLocalizedDescription=Broken pipe, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:02:02,788 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x10a39ed90 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 14:02:06,999 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 54 (Connection reset by peer).
24.07.12 14:02:06,999 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=54 "Connection reset by peer" UserInfo=0x7fb72a4289a0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Connection reset by peer, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:04:22,761 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x1150188e0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 14:04:26,974 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 32 (Broken pipe).
24.07.12 14:04:26,975 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=32 "Broken pipe" UserInfo=0x7fb72a06bd90 {NSLocalizedDescription=Broken pipe, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:05:52,759 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x10d593ea0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 14:05:56,973 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 32 (Broken pipe).
24.07.12 14:05:56,974 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=32 "Broken pipe" UserInfo=0x7fb72a0d5b90 {NSLocalizedDescription=Broken pipe, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:06:02,759 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x1067f9fe0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 14:06:06,972 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 54 (Connection reset by peer).
24.07.12 14:06:06,972 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=54 "Connection reset by peer" UserInfo=0x7fb72a0a88e0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Connection reset by peer, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:09:47,750 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x10b03d4f0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 14:09:51,965 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 54 (Connection reset by peer).
24.07.12 14:09:51,965 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=54 "Connection reset by peer" UserInfo=0x7fb72a424470 {NSLocalizedDescription=Connection reset by peer, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:10:22,754 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x10d57bad0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 14:10:26,968 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 32 (Broken pipe).
24.07.12 14:10:26,968 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=32 "Broken pipe" UserInfo=0x7fb72a121090 {NSLocalizedDescription=Broken pipe, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:14:56,986 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 14:16:02,742 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x1152cd4d0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
24.07.12 14:16:06,955 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 32 (Broken pipe).
24.07.12 14:16:06,955 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=32 "Broken pipe" UserInfo=0x7fb72a44fa50 {NSLocalizedDescription=Broken pipe, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
24.07.12 14:18:12,656 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 17:37:06,569 GeekTool Helper: Geeklet A1027233-D507-4522-AB54-41D7A58C9A7A. Task already running (/usr/local/bin/ical…)
24.07.12 17:39:42,948 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: Parent: Error or timeout on select
24.07.12 17:39:42,949 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: Child with pid 1972 exited normally
24.07.12 17:39:42,949 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: ATHostConnectionDestroy 0x7fd066a36170
24.07.12 17:43:24,301 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 17:43:27,136 AppleMobileBackup: WARNING: Backing up ed1f0bae0cdf9ba4fadb4bd3c98cfac6953d13ee
24.07.12 17:43:27,136 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: 2012-07-24 17:43:27.135 AppleMobileBackup[2008:703] WARNING: Backing up ed1f0bae0cdf9ba4fadb4bd3c98cfac6953d13ee
24.07.12 17:53:10,232 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
24.07.12 17:57:27,943 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: Parent: Error or timeout on select
24.07.12 17:57:27,944 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: Child with pid 1996 exited normally
24.07.12 17:57:27,944 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: Child with pid 1996 exited normally
24.07.12 17:57:27,944 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: ATHostConnectionDestroy 0x7fd064c4b520
25.07.12 17:15:50,002 SyncServer: [0x102f16e50] |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
25.07.12 17:22:05,469 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x1020d6b20 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
25.07.12 17:22:09,681 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 32 (Broken pipe).
25.07.12 17:22:09,681 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=32 "Broken pipe" UserInfo=0x7fb72a12b0c0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Broken pipe, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
25.07.12 17:33:37,411 SubmitDiagInfo: Could not write whitelist! Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “SubmitDiagInfo.domains” in the folder “CrashReporter”." UserInfo=0x7f8331a2aaf0 {NSFilePath=/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/SubmitDiagInfo.domains, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f8331a270a0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied"}
25.07.12 19:02:20,335 MenuTab Pro for Facebook: Got disconnected: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=4 "Read operation timed out" UserInfo=0x10209a270 {NSLocalizedDescription=Read operation timed out}
25.07.12 19:02:24,549 Growl: Error occurred: Error domain NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code 54 (Connection reset by peer).
25.07.12 19:02:24,549 Growl: Failed reading with error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=54 "Connection reset by peer" UserInfo=0x7fb72a129660 {NSLocalizedDescription=Connection reset by peer, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in write() function}
25.07.12 19:32:23,852 [0x0-0x22022].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
25.07.12 19:37:23,282 [0x0-0x22022].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
25.07.12 19:41:35,142 [0x0-0x22022].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
25.07.12 19:56:58,864 SystemUIServer: It does not make sense to draw an image when [NSGraphicsContext currentContext] is nil.  This is a programming error. Break on _NSWarnForDrawingImageWithNoCurrentContext to debug.  This will be logged only once.  This may break in the future.
26.07.12 08:29:44,913 [0x0-0x22022].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
26.07.12 08:29:50,680 [0x0-0x83083].com.apple.iTunes: Version from driver for Certificates 1
26.07.12 08:29:55,604 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x60060].com.apple.systemevents[1310]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 08:29:55,621 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.talagent[290]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 08:29:55,645 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x15015].com.apple.iTunesHelper[332]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 08:29:55,651 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.dt.instruments.backgroundinstruments[306]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 08:29:55,651 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x1c01c].com.apple.AppleSpell[347]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 08:29:55,656 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.mdworker.pool.0[1191]) Exited: Terminated: 15
26.07.12 08:29:55,656 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x16016].com.brother.utility.USBserver[333]) Exited: Terminated: 15
26.07.12 08:29:55,668 com.avira.antivirus.systray: Domain Socket wurde angelegt
26.07.12 16:57:45,589 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
26.07.12 16:57:45,624 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
26.07.12 16:57:45,624 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
26.07.12 16:57:49,306 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[263]) Exited with code: 1
26.07.12 16:57:51,290 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
26.07.12 16:57:51,291 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
26.07.12 16:57:51,291 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
26.07.12 16:57:51,292 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
26.07.12 16:58:02,062 GeekTool Helper: GeekTool 3 version 309 running
26.07.12 16:58:02,546 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][309]) Exited with code: 1
26.07.12 16:58:03,501 GrowlLauncher: Launching Growl at URL: file://localhost/Applications/Growl.app/Contents/MacOS/Growl
26.07.12 16:58:15,874 Growl: <GCDAsyncSocket: 0x7fe0720150d0> now accepting ((null))
26.07.12 16:58:15,876 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 16:58:15,880 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 16:58:21,311 Growl: Setup timer, this should only happen once
26.07.12 16:58:21,312 Growl: Next image check no earlier than 24 hours from 2012-07-25 21:59:00 +0000
26.07.12 16:59:19,553 Mail: Using V2 Layout
26.07.12 17:01:16,534 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 17:01:17,264 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 17:01:48,452 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
26.07.12 17:01:48,452 helpd: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
26.07.12 17:01:54,201 firefox: -_scrollPhase is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -momentumPhase.
26.07.12 17:01:54,201 firefox: -_continuousScroll is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
26.07.12 17:01:54,201 firefox: -deviceDeltaY is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaY.
26.07.12 17:01:54,202 firefox: -deviceDeltaX is deprecated for NSScrollWheel. Please use -scrollingDeltaX.
26.07.12 17:02:25,482 System Preferences: /usr/sbin/nvram boot-args (exit status 1)
26.07.12 17:02:25,536 System Preferences: /usr/sbin/nvram boot-args (exit status 1)
26.07.12 17:02:25,988 System Preferences: currentBootDevice: being checked by DiskManagement
26.07.12 17:02:26,053 System Preferences:     currentBootDevice: DONE checking by DM copyDiskForBootPreference, err = -69794
26.07.12 17:02:26,118 System Preferences: currentBootDevice: (null)
26.07.12 17:02:26,270 System Preferences: Netboot rescan time interval set to 180 seconds
26.07.12 17:02:26,311 System Preferences: 

         -[SDController(VolumeEvents) _volumeAppeared:]: DADiskRef 0x40031ec80  disk0s2
26.07.12 17:02:26,314 System Preferences:          mountable disk appeared: /
26.07.12 17:02:26,316 System Preferences:          -> So far so good, passing disk to System Searcher.
26.07.12 17:02:26,318 System Preferences:          OSXCheck: Found /System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
26.07.12 17:02:26,318 System Preferences:          OSXCheck: No /System/Library/CoreServices/mach_kernel
26.07.12 17:02:26,319 System Preferences:          OSXCheck: Found //mach_kernel
26.07.12 17:02:26,320 System Preferences:      OSXCheck: disk appears to be a valid OS X disk Volume Name: Macintosh HD. Kind: DADiskRef disk0s2. 
 ContextualData: {
    ProductBuildVersion = 11E53;
    ProductCopyright = "1983-2012 Apple Inc.";
    ProductName = "Mac OS X";
    ProductVersion = "10.7.4";
    SystemFolderPath = "/System/Library/CoreServices";
    SystemVersionMajor = 10;
    kSDSelectDiskOnAddIfValid = 0;
26.07.12 17:02:26,321 System Preferences: 

         -[SDController(VolumeEvents) _volumeAppeared:]: DADiskRef 0x400254da0  disk0s3
26.07.12 17:02:26,326 System Preferences:          No mount point (Apple_Boot)
26.07.12 17:02:26,326 System Preferences: 

         -[SDController(VolumeEvents) _volumeAppeared:]: DADiskRef 0x400379760  disk0s4
26.07.12 17:02:26,329 System Preferences:          mountable disk appeared: /Volumes/BOOTCAMP
26.07.12 17:02:26,331 System Preferences:          -> So far so good, passing disk to System Searcher.
26.07.12 17:02:26,333 System Preferences:          OSXCheck: No boot.efi in System Folder or volume root.
26.07.12 17:02:26,972 System Preferences:      WinCheck: disk appears to be a valid windows disk Volume Name: BOOTCAMP. Kind: DADiskRef disk0s4. 
 ContextualData: {
    ProductName = Windows;
    SystemFolderPath = "/Volumes/BOOTCAMP/Windows";
    SystemVersionMajor = 95;
    kSDSelectDiskOnAddIfValid = 0;
26.07.12 17:02:26,998 System Preferences: currentBootDevice: being checked by DiskManagement
26.07.12 17:02:27,063 System Preferences:     currentBootDevice: DONE checking by DM copyDiskForBootPreference, err = -69794
26.07.12 17:02:27,063 System Preferences: currentBootDevice: (null)
26.07.12 17:02:27,063 System Preferences: dCBDMSF doesn't know boot-dev yet to check /System/Library/CoreServices
26.07.12 17:02:27,173 System Preferences: currentBootDevice: being checked by DiskManagement
26.07.12 17:02:27,238 System Preferences:     currentBootDevice: DONE checking by DM copyDiskForBootPreference, err = -69794
26.07.12 17:02:27,238 System Preferences: currentBootDevice: (null)
26.07.12 17:02:27,238 System Preferences: dCBDMSF doesn't know boot-dev yet to check /Volumes/BOOTCAMP/Windows
26.07.12 17:02:38,265 System Preferences: Saving cache: (
26.07.12 17:02:40,052 System Preferences: Setting Startup Disk: Volume Name: Macintosh HD. Kind: DADiskRef disk0s2. 
 ContextualData: {
    ProductBuildVersion = 11E53;
    ProductCopyright = "1983-2012 Apple Inc.";
    ProductName = "Mac OS X";
    ProductVersion = "10.7.4";
    SystemFolderPath = "/System/Library/CoreServices";
    SystemVersionMajor = 10;
    kSDDiskIdentifierKey = disk0s2;
    kSDLogicalVolumeUUIDKey = "";
    kSDMountPointKey = "/";
    kSDSelectDiskOnAddIfValid = 0;
    kSDSystemFolderPathKey = "/System/Library/CoreServices";
    kSDVolumeGroupUUIDKey = "";
    kSDVolumeNameKey = "Macintosh HD";
    kSDVolumeUUIDKey = "88383BAB-A496-32F2-BA02-2A2123396A55";
26.07.12 17:02:40,052 System Preferences: ***************************** Setting Startup Disk *****************************
26.07.12 17:02:40,052 System Preferences: ******         Volume: Macintosh HD
26.07.12 17:02:40,052 System Preferences: ******  System Folder: /System/Library/CoreServices
26.07.12 17:02:40,052 System Preferences: ****** System Version: 10
26.07.12 17:02:40,053 System Preferences: ****** OF Device Path: IODeviceTree:/PCI0@0/SATA@1F,2/PRT0@0/PMP@0
26.07.12 17:02:40,120 System Preferences: willDeauthenticate: (null)
26.07.12 17:02:44,579 [0x0-0x2c02c].com.apple.systempreferences: System Preferences(609,0x106887000) malloc: *** auto malloc[609]: error: GC operation on unregistered thread. Thread registered implicitly. Break on auto_zone_thread_registration_error() to debug.
26.07.12 17:02:51,495 System Preferences: Saving cache: (
26.07.12 17:09:02,378 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
26.07.12 17:12:11,098 Console: Could not find image named 'BackArrow'.
26.07.12 17:12:11,099 Console: Could not find image named 'ForwardArrow'.
26.07.12 17:14:29,678 Software Update: Layout still needs update after calling -[WebHTMLView layout].  WebHTMLView or one of its superclasses may have overridden -layout without calling super. Or, something may have dirtied layout in the middle of updating it.  Both are programming errors in Cocoa Autolayout.  The former is pretty likely to arise if some pre-Cocoa Autolayout class had a method called layout, but it should be fixed.
26.07.12 17:16:03,734 Console: Could not find image named 'BackArrow'.
26.07.12 17:16:03,735 Console: Could not find image named 'ForwardArrow'.
26.07.12 17:16:21,098 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: Entered INJECT_pthread_entry
26.07.12 17:16:21,098 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: Installing event loop timer
26.07.12 17:16:21,098 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: proc: 0x102521e5b
26.07.12 17:16:21,098 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: upp: 0x102521e5b
26.07.12 17:16:21,098 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: InstallEventLoopTimer: 0x7fff949c823a
26.07.12 17:16:21,098 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: GetMainEventLoop: 0x7fff9498995d
26.07.12 17:16:21,098 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: Loading /Library/DropboxHelperTools/Dropbox_u501/DropboxBundle.bundle/Contents/MacOS/DropboxBundle
26.07.12 17:16:21,098 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: timer installed!
26.07.12 17:16:21,099 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: dlopen returned: 0x7fb664d45a10
26.07.12 17:16:21,099 com.apple.Finder: module initializer in main thread?: 1
26.07.12 17:18:13,739 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 17:18:15,728 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 17:20:14,236 Software Update: Layout still needs update after calling -[WebHTMLView layout].  WebHTMLView or one of its superclasses may have overridden -layout without calling super. Or, something may have dirtied layout in the middle of updating it.  Both are programming errors in Cocoa Autolayout.  The former is pretty likely to arise if some pre-Cocoa Autolayout class had a method called layout, but it should be fixed.
26.07.12 17:20:16,415 Software Update: Could not find image named 'package'.
26.07.12 17:23:16,774 com.apple.mdworker.isolation.0: Incorrect start/end range ordering; fixing.
26.07.12 17:23:18,172 [0x0-0x45045].com.apple.Preview: ImageIO: <ERROR>  CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex image source parameter is nil
26.07.12 17:23:18,643 Preview: Error creating PVIVImage: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 "Die Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden, da sie nicht das korrekte Format hat."
26.07.12 17:23:28,760 Preview: NSTrackPersistentURLs: LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL() failed at inserting URL file://localhost/Users/Jan/Library/Containers/com.apple.Preview/Data/Downloads/309355_10150969777532005_291125832_n.jpg (/Users/Jan/Library/Containers/com.apple.Preview/Data/Downloads/309355_10150969777532005_291125832_n.jpg)
26.07.12 17:23:28,985 Cinch: Error gathering children
26.07.12 17:24:01,561 AlertAll: Looking for applications at 
26.07.12 17:24:01,563 AlertAll: --(null)
26.07.12 17:24:01,570 AlertAll: img:1
26.07.12 17:24:01,572 AlertAll: >> timerMethod
26.07.12 17:24:01,572 AlertAll: >> updateTable
26.07.12 17:24:01,690 AlertAll: >> applicationShouldTerminate
26.07.12 17:24:01,700 AlertAll: >> applicationWillTerminate
26.07.12 17:24:33,586 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 17:24:33,873 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 17:27:46,488 com.apple.mdworker.isolation.0: Incorrect start/end range ordering; fixing.
26.07.12 17:29:43,868 [0x0-0x21021].org.mozilla.firefox: NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down
26.07.12 17:47:28,307 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
26.07.12 17:47:28,309 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
26.07.12 17:47:28,310 System Preferences: **** ERROR: *** -[ESGraphicsOptionsController _coreGetGraphicsStateForSelector:]: AGCGetMuxState() failed
26.07.12 17:47:28,754 Cinch: Error getting parent from element, bailing
26.07.12 17:47:49,499 [0x0-0x59059].com.apple.systempreferences: System Preferences(1608,0x1128e0000) malloc: *** auto malloc[1608]: error: GC operation on unregistered thread. Thread registered implicitly. Break on auto_zone_thread_registration_error() to debug.
26.07.12 21:49:03,803 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x45045].com.apple.Preview[1054]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 21:49:03,852 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x50050].com.apple.systemevents[1475]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 21:49:03,913 com.avira.antivirus.systray: Domain Socket wurde angelegt
26.07.12 21:49:03,922 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x16016].com.apple.iTunesHelper[317]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 21:49:03,924 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.dt.instruments.backgroundinstruments[291]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 21:49:03,925 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x24024].com.apple.AppleSpell[354]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 21:49:03,925 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x3b03b].com.apple.ImageCaptureExtension2[744]) Exited: Killed: 9
26.07.12 21:49:03,928 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.mdworker.pool.0[1499]) Exited: Terminated: 15
26.07.12 21:49:03,928 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([0x0-0x1b01b].com.brother.utility.USBserver[325]) Exited: Terminated: 15
26.07.12 21:52:30,543 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
26.07.12 21:52:30,546 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
26.07.12 21:52:30,546 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
26.07.12 21:52:33,001 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
26.07.12 21:52:33,002 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
26.07.12 21:52:33,002 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
26.07.12 21:52:33,003 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
26.07.12 21:52:37,985 GeekTool Helper: GeekTool 3 version 309 running
26.07.12 21:52:40,065 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 21:52:40,067 unDock: Updated attached disk count to 0
26.07.12 21:52:41,249 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][307]) Exited with code: 1
26.07.12 21:52:44,201 CS5ServiceManager: In '__CFPasteboardCopyData', file /SourceCache/CF/CF-635.21/AppServices.subproj/CFPasteboard.c, line 2372, during unlock, spin lock 0x3fc6938 has value 0x0, which is not locked.  The memory has been smashed or the lock is being unlocked when not locked.
26.07.12 21:53:11,841 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: Entered INJECT_pthread_entry
26.07.12 21:53:11,841 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: Installing event loop timer
26.07.12 21:53:11,841 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: proc: 0x10d109e5b
26.07.12 21:53:11,841 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: upp: 0x10d109e5b
26.07.12 21:53:11,841 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: InstallEventLoopTimer: 0x7fff949c823a
26.07.12 21:53:11,841 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: GetMainEventLoop: 0x7fff9498995d
26.07.12 21:53:11,842 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: Loading /Library/DropboxHelperTools/Dropbox_u501/DropboxBundle.bundle/Contents/MacOS/DropboxBundle
26.07.12 21:53:11,842 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: timer installed!
26.07.12 21:53:11,842 com.apple.Finder: Dropbox: dlopen returned: 0x7f85b953a650
26.07.12 21:53:11,843 com.apple.Finder: module initializer in main thread?: 1
26.07.12 21:53:16,970 Console: Could not find image named 'BackArrow'.
26.07.12 21:53:16,970 Console: Could not find image named 'ForwardArrow'.
26.07.12 21:53:27,108 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[266]) Exited with code: 1
26.07.12 21:53:27,557 GrowlLauncher: Launching Growl at URL: file://localhost/Applications/Growl.app/Contents/MacOS/Growl
26.07.12 21:53:27,836 Growl: <GCDAsyncSocket: 0x7f9b9243b630> now accepting ((null))
26.07.12 21:53:28,101 Growl: Setup timer, this should only happen once
26.07.12 21:53:28,102 Growl: Next image check no earlier than 24 hours from 2012-07-25 21:59:00 +0000


Golden Delicious
Ich habe gestern Abend nochmal einen AHT gemacht und als Fehler spuckte er das aus: 4HDD/11/4000000:SATA(0,0). Auch der erweiterte AHT brachte das Ergebnis. Gehe ich richtig in der Annahme das die Festplatte defekt ist? Ich sollte jedenfalls Apple Care kontaktieren, glücklicherweise habe ich noch Garantie auf dem Gerät.


Aargauer Weinapfel
Ja das ist korrekt, der Fehler weist auf Probleme mit dem internen Controller der Festplatte hin.
Ich würde Dir raten einen Apple Store oder authorisierten Serviceprovider aufzusuchen.