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[Lösung] Akku-Problem


Pomme Miel
Hallo Leute,

also es gibt eine Lösung für das Akku-Problem bei 4.1/4.2.1 und dem Baseband 06.15.

Ich hab nur noch nicht ganz verstanden wie die genau geht^^ob ich jetzt redsnow nur Deactivate anklicken muss und dann weiter oder wie?! (davor ist klar in Cydia SAM und SAMPrefs installieren)


This will allow you to do official activation on an iPhone without a stock SIM

This is pointless on anything but an iPhone

Add http://repo.bingner.com as a repo in Cydia
Install "SAM" and "SAMPrefs"
Follow the steps in Troubleshooting/Hacktivated with redsn0w or PwnageTool
Go to Settings > SAM and click "De-Activate iPhone"
Activate with iTunes
If iTunes says invalid SIM, you will need to manually select the appropriate carrier under one of the methods besides "Automatic" and click on a SIMID.

Hacktivated with redsn0w or PwnageTool:

You will need to revert to a stock lockdownd for SAM to function
Option #1:
- redsn0w for iPhone 3G or 3GS on firmware 4.0 or later
- Download redsn0w 0.9.6b6 or later from http://blog.iphone-dev.org
- Run redsn0w and select the "Deactivate" option
Option #2: my custom stockify program - works on any phone 3.0+
- With SAM and SAMPrefs installed; install openssh and secure shell into your phone. Run "stockify" and it will revert your lockdownd to a stock lockdownd
- Reboot your phone
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