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Dashcode Beta erschienen!


Welscher Taubenapfel
Nun ist die erste Beta Version von Dashcode für jedermann verfügbar! :-D
Einfach auf http://developer.apple.com einloggen (bzw. registrieren; ist kostenlos und dauert noch nicht einmal 5 Minuten). Dort geht ihr nun in die Downloads-Section, dort findet ihr dann den Dashcode Download:

Dashcode Developer Beta

This is a developer beta release of Dashcode, a new application for creating powerful Dashboard widgets coming in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). This beta release has been scaled back to be compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) in order to get feedback from a broad range of users. Dashcode will only be released officially as part of Mac OS X 10.5. This beta release will cease to function on July 15, 2007.
Den direkten Download-Link kann ich hier nicht posten, da diese anscheinend dynamisch generiert werden (über IP o.ä.)



Neuer Berner Rosenapfel

ich hab schon mal ein Bisschen rumgespielt. :-D
Seht es euch an.

Viele Grüße


Edit: Und noch eins. Das macht richtig Spaß!;)

Die Widgets können auch auf "timo.schusser.com" heruntergeladen werden.
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Reaktionen: marcozingel


Friedberger Bohnapfel
Vielen Dank auch von mir für den Hinweis.
Nun möchte ich aber ein Widget erstellen, das eine Website zeigt und immer aktualisiert.
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie das geht?


Kaiser Wilhelm
einfach auf leopard warten - das widget heisst imho "web-navigator" o.ä. :innocent:




Friedberger Bohnapfel
Ich weiß, haben die ja in der Keynote vorgestellt.
Das wäre aber sooo praktisch :p
Vielleicht hat ja jemand eine Idee.


Roter Eiserapfel
Vielen Dank auch von mir für den Hinweis.
Nun möchte ich aber ein Widget erstellen, das eine Website zeigt und immer aktualisiert.
Kann mir jemand sagen, wie das geht?

Meinst du das Beispiel aus der Keynote, bei dem man quasi Ausschnitte einer Webseite als Widget erstellen kann, das sich ständig aktualisiert?


Friedberger Bohnapfel
Ja, das ist ja wirklich praktisch, z.B. für Emails checken, Witz (o.ä.) des Tages etc.


Gelbe Schleswiger Reinette
Und bitte an die neue Version denken,die gerade erschienen ist.

Weder auf der Developer noch im ReadMe Dokument sind nähere Angaben zu den Änderungen angegeben.

Version 0.9beta (76)

Das ist dieselbe, über die es schon zu Beginn dieses Threads ging. Habe ich Dich falsch verstanden?



deaktivierter Benutzer
Ich habe die "neue Version" herunter geladen,die alte Version entsorgt und diese wurde halt installiert.
Die ReadMe Dateien geben auch nichts her.
Apple schweigt sich dazu aus.

Die Meldung selbst habe ich von Macgadget übernommen.


Dashcode Public Beta Release Notes
This is a public beta release of Dashcode, a new application for creating powerful Dashboard widgets coming in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). This beta release has been scaled back to be compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) in order to get feedback from a broad range of users. We appreciate your participation in this beta program and welcome your feedback about bugs fixes and enhancements that would make developing Dashboard widgets even more fun and productive.
Dashcode will only be released officially as part of Mac OS X 10.5. This beta release is not a finished product and will cease to function on July 15, 2007.
For updates on Dashcode and the public beta program, please visit the Dashcode ADC home page:
To submit comments to the Dashcode development team, send email to:
[email protected]
ADC manages a developer mailing list for general discussion about development for Mac OS X Dashboard. You can subscribe to this list at:
NOTE: The version of Dashcode you are using is a beta quality product. While Dashcode has been tested and is suitable for creating widgets, there are a number of known issues that you should aware of when using Dashcode. As a general reminder, you are encouraged to backup your widget project often when using Dashcode.

Known Issues
This section provides a listing of known issues with this release of Dashcode. If you plan on using Dashcode for widget creation, take these issues into account.
Default Image regeneration

When you click on the Regenerate button in the default image preview, you need to click to another view in the navigator and back to the default image preview to see the result of the regeneration.

Default image preview undo support

While you can undo many operations when using the default image preview, some operations, such as placing artwork, may not undo properly.

Breakpoints on blank lines are not respected

Setting a breakpoint on a blank line doesn’t pause a widget. To pause your widget at a certain point, make sure to add the breakpoint to the actual line of code that you want to pause at.

Renaming a file doesn’t change references to it

When you rename a file within your widget, you should change its name in all references to it. Files are usually referred to in a widget’s Info.plist and its HTML file.

iPhoto Library requires iPhoto 6

The iPhoto library, part of the Library window, requires iPhoto 6 to function properly.

Autoresize edge cases may not work properly

Various combinations of autoresize behaviors, as set in the Metrics inspector, may not behave as intended.

No notice when a file is replaced; folder replacement fails

When you replace a file in the Files list with another of the same name, the replacement happens without any confirmation.
When you try to replace a folder in the Files list by dragging another file with a same name into the list, the replacement fails and the original folder is left in place. To workaround this, remove the old file first (select the file and select Move to Trash) and then add the new file.

Arrange menu items available to items selected via the canvas

The items in the arrange menu only apply to elements that are selected on the canvas, not in the navigator.

Deploying a widget to Dashboard doesn’t refresh a running widget

If you already have a version of a widget running on Dashboard when you deploy another version of it to Dashboard, the original version runs until you either close or refresh it.

Inspecting multiple items

The inspector doesn’t let you select multiple items and change common properties via the Inspector window.

Importing a widget may alter existing Apple Button instances

If you import a widget that uses a <div> element for an Apple Button or Apple Glass Button instance, an extra <div> element is added inside the existing element.

Erroneous visibility CSS attribute on some Button parts

Some button parts, such as the lozenge button, may seem to disappear from the canvas after saving a project. To show the button, remove the visibility: hidden; attribute from the button’s CSS property in your widget’s HTML file.

Widget HTML files with missing <html> tags

Widgets with HTML files that lack an initial <html> don’t open or import properly in Dashcode.

Photocast Template: Photo display background color

The background color of the photobox element, used to display photos, cannot be changed via the Fill & Stroke inspector. To change this element’s background color, edit the photobox element’s background-color attribute in the widget’s CSS file.

Podcast Template: Redirected Audio File URLs

If a podcast publishes URLs for its audio files that redirect using HTTP 302 responses, the audio does not load.

Daily Feed Template: Articles with links

If an article contains a link, the link isn’t retargeted to a browser.