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Ableton Live + Mixer!?



ich wollte mal wissen wie man einen Mixer am PC anschließen muss, um mit dem Mixer die Knöpfe im Ableton Live bewegen kann. Haben schon viel probiert, aber irgendwie funtzt das nicht... braucht man da nen speziellen Anschluss oder ist das ganz Simpel?!

Hoffe auf Antwort!



Doppelter Melonenapfel
Englisches Manual ab Seite 330.

To liberate the musician from the mouse, most of Live's controls can be remote-controlled
with an external MIDI controller and the computer keyboard. This chapter describes the
details of mapping to the following specic types of controls in Live's user interface:
1. Session View slots Note that MIDI and computer key assignments are bound
to the slots, not to the clips they contain.
2. Switches and buttons among them the Track and Device Activator switches,
the Control Bar's tap tempo, metronome and transport controls.
3. Radio buttons A radio button selects from among a number of options. One
instance of a radio button is the crossfader assignment section in each track,
which offers three options: The track is assigned to the crossfader's A position,
the track is unaffected by the crossfader, or the track is affected by the crossfader's
B position.
4. Continuous controls like the mixer's volume, pan and sends.
5. The crossfader, the behavior of which is described in detail in the respective
section of the Mixing chapter.
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