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Port für Azureus bei Airport Express - Netcologne - HILFE!!!


So stellt man den Port für Azureus bei Airport ein!!!

viele kennen sicher das problem mit einem aiport, azureus und nat, ich habe stunden damit verbracht und dabei ist die lösung so extrem simpel.

so gehts wunderbar:

Apple's "NAT Port Mapping Protocol" (NAT-PMP) is an alternative to "Universal Plug and Play" (UPnP) and is supported by their Airport 4.2, Airport Extreme and Airport Express base stations. When enabled this allows Azureus to automatically open the required ports in the router to achieve optimal Azureus performance.
Unfortunately the base stations have this capability disabled by default so you will need to turn it on. Run the Airport Admin Utility and follow any advice it may give you regarding firmware upgrades. Now go to the AirPort tab and click the "Base Station Options..." button. Go to the "Ethernet Port Security" tab and select the "Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol" checkbox.
Support for this is currently experimental, if you have any problems then please report them and use manual port mappings in the meantime.

Note that Azureus currently treats NAT-PMP as a type of UPnP device so you need to enable UPnP for this to work.
Retrieved from "NATPMP - AzureusWiki"
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