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[AS]- FTP alles aus / auf HDD kopieren

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Hey Leute,

ich frage mich warum mein kleines AppleScript nicht läuft. Es soll lediglich eine FTP Verbindung erstellen (mit Finder einbinden) und dort jede Datei aus dem Verzeichnis / in einen Ordner, mit dem heutigen Datum+1 oder+2, auf meine HDD kopieren.
Er soll 2 Backups pro Tag machen.
So der Fehler am Ganzen heißt so:
„every item of "[URL="ftp://Volumes:[email protected]"]Volumes:[email protected][/URL]"“ kann nicht gelesen werden.
Hier das Script:
set Date_folder to {((characters -1 thru -2 of ((100 + (day of (current date)) as integer) as string)) as string) & ".", ¬
    ((characters -1 thru -2 of ((100 + (month of (current date)) as integer) as string)) as string) & ".", ¬
    (characters -1 thru -2 of ((year of (current date)) as string)) as string, ""} as string

set main_folder to (path to home folder as string) & ("Websites:Eusers:e-users.de")

    tell application "Finder"
        set under_folder to make folder at main_folder with properties {name:Date_folder}
    end tell
end try
set Y to (path to home folder as string) ¬
    & "Websites:Eusers:e-users.de:" & Date_folder

    do shell script "mkdir /Volumes/eusers"
end try
do shell script "mount -t ftp [URL]ftp://USER:[email protected][/URL] /Volumes/eusers/"
set Ordner_Server to "[URL="ftp://Volumes:[email protected]"]Volumes:[email protected][/URL]"
delay 2
list disks

tell application "Finder"
    duplicate disk "[URL="ftp://[email protected]"][email protected][/URL]" to under_folder
end tell

-- Wenn ich das mit Duplicate mache, meint er "under_folder" ist nicht definiert"

set folderlist to (list folder items of Ordner_Server as list)

repeat with X in folderlist
    if X does not start with "." then
        tell application "Finder"
                move document file (Ordner_Server & X as alias) to folder (under_folder as alias)
            end try
        end tell
    end if
end repeat

do shell script "umount /Volumes/[URL="ftp://[email protected]"][email protected][/URL]"
So und in der Version geht es, aber es ist nicht der Ort, wo es hin soll... es soll in:/Users/JaGaller/Sites/Eusers/Backup (ich weiß der Pfad ist anders als oben;))

tell application "Finder"
    set Date_folder to {((characters -1 thru -2 of ((100 + (day of (current date)) as integer) as string)) as string) & ".", ((characters -1 thru -2 of ((100 + (month of (current date)) as integer) as string)) as string) & ".", (characters -1 thru -2 of ((year of (current date)) as string)) as string, ""} as string
    set sites_folder to (path to sites folder) & ("Eusers:Backup")
    set backupFolder to Date_folder
    set backupPath to make folder of (path to sites folder) with properties {name:backupFolder}
    do shell script "mkdir /Volumes/eusers"
    do shell script "mount -t ftp [URL]ftp://eusers:[email protected][/URL] /Volumes/eusers"
    delay 2
    duplicate disk "[EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]" to backupPath
end tell

do shell script "umount /Volumes/eusers"
Und ja, ich habe Onkel G. befragt und die Pfade sind alle richtig!

Wie bekomme ich das zum Laufen?

Liebe Grüße,

Eidt: Es geht:
set commenScript to load script alias ¬
    ((path to library folder from user domain as string) ¬
        & "Scripts folder:Logger.scpt")
tell application "Finder"
        set Date_folder to {((characters -1 thru -2 of ((100 + (day of (current date)) as integer) as string)) as string) & ".", ((characters -1 thru -2 of ((100 + (month of (current date)) as integer) as string)) as string) & ".", (characters -1 thru -2 of ((year of (current date)) as string)) as string, "-1"} as string
        set Backup_folder to ((path to desktop as string) & ("Backup"))
        set backupFolder to Date_folder
        set backupPath to make folder at Backup_folder with properties {name:backupFolder}
        do shell script "mkdir /Volumes/eusers"
        do shell script "mount -t ftp [URL="ftp://eusers:[email protected]"]ftp://eusers:[email protected][/URL] /Volumes/eusers"
        delay 2
        duplicate disk "[EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]" to backupPath
        log_event("Backup erfolgreich durchgeführt") of commenScript
    on error
        log_event("Backup fehlgeschlagen!") of commenScript
    end try
end tell

do shell script "umount /Volumes/eusers"
Jetzt würde ich nur noch gerne ein Script schreiben, in dem ich von einem Backup den Server wiederherstelle... Problem ist da nur der Finder...

Bis jetzt sieht es so aus:
-- Wiederherstellen von einem Backup auf FTP Server
choose folder with prompt "Ordner auswählen, von dem wiederhergestellt werden soll"
set Backup_folder to (result as string)
set server_main to ("[URL="ftp://eusers:[email protected]/"]ftp://eusers:[email protected]/[/URL]" as string)
-- FTP Verbindung herstellen
tell application "Cyberduck"
    connect to server_main
    -- Jede Datei löschen
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in server_main
        set file_item to item i of server_main
        delete file_item
    end repeat
    delay 5
    -- Ordner uploaden
    (upload Backup_folder to server_main) display dialog
end tell
„every item of "[URL]ftp://eusers:[email protected]/[/URL]"“ kann nicht gelesen werden.
Mal gucken ob es geht...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

Mitglied 26876

So habe was gefunden:
set Pizza to ((path to desktop) & ¬
	("Backup:07.08.09-1:[email protected]") as alias)
set theServer to "eusers.eu.funpic.de"
set theUser to "eusers"
set theProtocol to "ftp"
set theUploadFolder to "ftp.eusers.eu.funpic.de"
set added_items to Pizza
set the item_count to the number of items in the added_items
if the item_count is greater than 0 then
	with timeout of 300 seconds
		tell application "Cyberduck"
			set theBrowser to (make new browser)
			tell (theBrowser)
				set encoding to "UTF-8"
				connect to theServer with protocol theProtocol as user theUser with initial folder theUploadFolder
				repeat with theFile in added_items
					upload item theFile
				end repeat
			end tell
		end tell
	end timeout
end if

Aber es geht leider nicht:


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